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Last active December 21, 2017 17:31
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rough, primitive proof-of-concept for automated random unit testing in Julia
using Base.Test
using MacroTools
Given an argument of the form `x::DType` extracts the argument name (`x`) and
data type (`DType`) as a tuple.
function argnametype(arg::Expr)
if @capture(arg, x_::T_)
return x, T
throw(ArgumentError("Malformed argument $arg"))
Generates an expression creating a random instance of the type `dtype`.
**TODO** Would have to implement `rand` for every possible argument type.
randex(dtype::Union{Symbol, <:Type}) = :(rand($dtype))
gentest(fname::Symbol, args::Vector)
Generate an expression for testing the function of name `fname` on argument expressions.
function gentest(fname::Symbol, types::Vector{Symbol})
ex = :(@test ($fname($(randex.(types)...)); true))
Expr(:quote, ex)
gentest(fname::Symbol, args::Vector) = gentest(fname, Symbol[x[2] for x ∈ argnametype.(args)])
@gentest function f(x::DT1, y::DT2, z::DT3)
# body
end tests
Declares the function provided and appends an expression with a random unit tests to the container
macro gentest(func, tests)
@capture(func, function f_(args__) body_ end)
push!($tests, $(gentest(f, args)))
runtests(expr::Expr, N::Integer)
Runs test given in the expression `expr` `N` times. This is for cases in which
`expr` contains calls to an RNG so that the tests are different each time.
function runtests(expr::Expr, N::Integer)
for i ∈ 1:N
Here we have an example of our very simple proof-of-concept for automated random unit
testing. We declare a function `f` and test that it executes without errors 5 times.
Distinct random inputs are generated on each test run.
tests = Vector{Expr}()
@gentest function f(x::Float64, y::Int64)
x + y
end tests
@testset begin
runtests.(tests, 5)
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