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Created November 5, 2022 06:00
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Pretty Printing Markdown

The goal of this gist is to create a workflow for parsing Markdown (github-flavored + KaTeX) to pdfs.


  • pandoc
  • latex
  • python: Specifically, Python 3.11.
  • grid-table-py: Install via pip install grid-table-py. This is why Python 3.11 is needed; I will try to adjust compatibility to suit a wider range of python when I have free time.

Why is this needed?

Pandoc is capable of generating very nice files from Markdown. The main issue is that the tables it generates from the gfm (Github-Flavored Markdown) Pipe Table syntax are not ideal; it has no way of knowing where to insert line breaks in table entries, so unwieldy tables are rendered poorly.

Adapted from

Element Number Valence Electrons/shell Melting Point (°C) Boling Point (°C) Density at STP (g/cm3)
Oxygen 8 2, 6 -219 -183 0.00143
Sulfur 16 2, 8, 6 120 445 2.07
Selenium 34 2, 8, 18, 6 221 685 4.3
Tellurium 52 2, 8, 18, 18, 6 450 988 6.24
Polonium 84 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 6 254 962 9.2
Livermorium 116 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 6 (predicted) 220 (predicted) 800 (predicted) 14 (predicted)
| Element     | Number | Valence Electrons/shell               | Melting Point (°C) | Boling Point (°C) | Density at STP (g/cm<sup>3</sup>) |
| ----------- | ------ | ------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ----------------- | --------------------------------- |
| Oxygen      | 8      | 2, 6                                  | -219               | -183              | 0.00143                           |
| Sulfur      | 16     | 2, 8, 6                               | 120                | 445               | 2.07                              |
| Selenium    | 34     | 2, 8, 18, 6                           | 221                | 685               | 4.3                               |
| Tellurium   | 52     | 2, 8, 18, 18, 6                       | 450                | 988               | 6.24                              |
| Polonium    | 84     | 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 6                   | 254                | 962               | 9.2                               |
| Livermorium | 116    | 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 6 _(predicted)_ | 220 _(predicted)_  | 800 _(predicted)_ | 14 _(predicted)_                  |

Table with column overlap

The issue here is that the table columns overlap with each other. Another issue with even more unwieldy tables and alternate templates is that the table will continue printing off the visible page.


  1. Use grid_table_py to replace pipe table syntax with grid table syntax
  2. Use pandoc to generate the pdf. I prefer using the Eisvogel template. For example: pandoc -o out.pdf --tempalte eisvogel

Example bash file:

pandoc -o out.pdf --template eisvogel

Example of corrected tables:

The above table becomes

| Element    | Number   | Valence Electr | Melting   | Boling    | Density at  |
|            |          | ons/shell      | Point     | Point     | STP (g/cm<s |
|            |          |                | (°C)      | (°C)      | up>3</sup>  |
| Oxygen     | 8        | 2, 6           | -219      | -183      | 0.00143     |
| Sulfur     | 16       | 2, 8, 6        | 120       | 445       | 2.07        |
| Selenium   | 34       | 2, 8, 18, 6    | 221       | 685       | 4.3         |
| Tellurium  | 52       | 2, 8, 18, 18,  | 450       | 988       | 6.24        |
|            |          | 6              |           |           |             |
| Polonium   | 84       | 2, 8, 18, 32,  | 254       | 962       | 9.2         |
|            |          | 18, 6          |           |           |             |
| Livermoriu | 116      | 2, 8, 18, 32,  | 220 _(pre | 800 _(pre | 14 _(predic |
| m          |          | 32, 18, 6      | dicted)_  | dicted)_  | ted)_       |
|            |          | _(predicted)_  |           |           |             |

Corrected Image

Remaining issues:

  • The python textwrap doesn't know how to word wrap well where columns are too thin (notice that sometimes "(predicted)" is printed choppy.
  • grid_table_py requires more testing for edge cases; it may not work for all compliant markdown files yet.
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