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Created January 4, 2017 15:55
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var CurrentLayout = Ext.ComponentMgr.types['modx-layout'];
MODx.Layout.AdminTools = function(config,getStore) {
config = config || {};
return this;
Ext.extend(MODx.Layout.AdminTools, CurrentLayout, {
getWest: function(config) {
var tabs = [];
if (MODx.perm.resource_tree) {
title: _('resources')
,xtype: 'modx-tree-resource'
,id: 'modx-resource-tree'
config.showTree = true;
if (MODx.perm.element_tree) {
title: _('elements')
,xtype: 'modx-tree-element'
,id: 'modx-tree-element'
config.showTree = true;
if (MODx.perm.file_tree) {
title: _('files')
,xtype: 'modx-panel-filetree'
,id: 'modx-file-tree'
config.showTree = true;
var activeTab = 0,
region = sideBarRegion || 'west';
return {
region: region
,applyTo: 'modx-leftbar'
,id: 'modx-leftbar-tabs'
,split: true
,width: 310
,minSize: 288
,maxSize: 800
,autoScroll: true
,unstyled: true
,collapseMode: 'mini'
,useSplitTips: true
,monitorResize: true
,layout: 'anchor'
,items: [{
xtype: 'modx-tabs'
,plain: true
,defaults: {
autoScroll: true
,fitToFrame: true
,id: 'modx-leftbar-tabpanel'
,border: false
,anchor: '100%'
,activeTab: activeTab
,stateful: true
//,stateId: 'modx-leftbar-tabs'
,stateEvents: ['tabchange']
,getState:function() {
return {
activeTab: this.items.indexOf(this.getActiveTab())
,items: tabs
,getState: function() {
// The region's attributes we want to save/restore
return {
collapsed: this.collapsed
,width: this.width
beforestatesave: this.onBeforeSaveState
,scope: this
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