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Created June 29, 2015 00:04
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Класс выборки товаров
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/resources/getdata.class.php';
class modWebCatalogProductsGetdataProcessor extends modWebResourcesGetdataProcessor{
public function initialize(){
'hot' => false, // Получать новинки
"sort" => "sm_price",
"dir" => "ASC",
$query = $this->getProperty('query', null);
if(mb_strlen($query, 'utf-8') < 3){
return "Укажите минимум 3 символа";
"base_currency_id" => (int)$this->modx->getOption("shopmodx.default_currency"), // ID базовой валюты магазина
return parent::initialize();
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) {
# print '<pre>';
# print_r($this->properties);
# print '</pre>';
$c = parent::prepareQueryBeforeCount($c);
$alias = $c->getAlias();
$c->innerJoin('ShopmodxProduct', 'Product');
$base_currency_id = (int)$this->getProperty('base_currency_id');
// Курс валюты
$c->leftJoin('modResource', "base_currency_doc", " = {$base_currency_id}");
$c->leftJoin('modResource', "currency_doc", " = Product.sm_currency");
$c->leftJoin('modTemplateVarResource', "course_tv", "course_tv.contentid = Product.sm_currency");
$columns = explode(",", $this->modx->getSelectColumns('ShopmodxProduct', "Product", null, array(
), true));
$columns = array_merge($columns, array(
" as `product_id`",
# " as category_id",
# "Parent.uri as category_uri",
# "Parent.pagetitle as category_title",
"course_tv.value as course",
# "if({$base_currency_id} != Product.sm_currency && course_tv.value, round(Product.sm_price * course_tv.value, 2), Product.sm_price) as a_sm_price",
"if({$base_currency_id} != Product.sm_currency && course_tv.value, round(Product.sm_price * course_tv.value, 2), Product.sm_price) as sm_price",
"if({$base_currency_id} != Product.sm_currency && course_tv.value, {$base_currency_id}, Product.sm_currency) as sm_currency",
"if({$base_currency_id} != Product.sm_currency && course_tv.value, base_currency_doc.pagetitle, currency_doc.pagetitle) as currency_code",
# print $base_currency_id;
# exit;
$where = array();
$c->innerJoin('modTemplateVarResource', 'hot', "hot.contentid = {$this->classKey}.id AND hot.tmplvarid = 8 AND hot.value='1'");
// Производитель
$c->leftJoin('modTemplateVarResource', 'tv_brand', "tv_brand.contentid = {$this->classKey}.id AND tv_brand.tmplvarid = 50");
$c->leftJoin('modResource', 'Brand', "Brand.deleted = 0 AND tv_brand.value =");
if($brand = $this->getProperty('brand')){
$brand = array_map('intval', explode(',', $brand));
if(count($brand) > 1){
$where[''] = $brand;
$where[''] = (int)current($brand);
# print_r($brand);
# exit;
Диапазон цен
# if(
# $prices = $this->getProperty('prices')
# AND $prices = explode(",", $prices)
# AND count($prices) == 2
# ){
# $c->where(array(
# "sm_price between {$prices[0]} AND {$prices[1]}",
# ));
# # $c->prepare();
# # print $c->toSQL();
# # exit;
# }
# $this->modx->log(1, print_r($this->properties, 1));
# $c->prepare();
# print $c->toSQL();
# exit;
// Поиск товаров в категории и подкатегориях
if($category_id = (int)$this->getProperty('category_id')){
$categories = array($category_id);
$this->getCategories($category_id, $categories);
"parent:IN" => $categories,
return $c;
protected function getCount(xPDOQuery & $c){
if(!$sortKey = $this->getProperty('sort')){
$sortClassKey = $this->getSortClassKey();
$sortKey = $this->modx->getSelectColumns($sortClassKey,$this->getProperty('sortAlias',$sortClassKey),'',array($this->getProperty('sort')));
$c = $this->prepareCountQuery($c);
$cc = clone $c;
$alias = $cc->getAlias();
"{$alias}.id as object_id",
# $c->groupby('sm_price');
$sql = "SELECT count(distinct object_id) FROM ({$cc->toSQL()}) as t ";
$prices = $this->getProperty('prices')
AND $prices = explode(",", $prices)
AND count($prices) == 2
# $c->where(array(
# "a_sm_price between {$prices[0]} AND {$prices[1]}",
# ));
$sql .= " WHERE sm_price between {$prices[0]} AND {$prices[1]}";
# print $c->toSQL();
# exit;
# $s = $c->prepare();
# print $sql;
$s = $this->modx->prepare($sql);
# print $c->toSQL();
if($s->errorCode() !== "00000"){
$this->modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, __CLASS__);
$this->modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, print_r($s->errorInfo(), true));
$this->modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $sql);
# print_r($s->errorInfo());
# exit;
# if(!$this->total = $this->countTotal($this->classKey,$c)){
# return false;
# }
if(!$this->total = current($s->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM))){
return false;
# print $this->total;
# exit;
$cc = $this->prepareQueryAfterCount($cc);
# if($sortKey){
# $c->sortby($sortKey,$this->getProperty('dir'));
# }
$query = clone $cc;
$sql = "SELECT distinct object_id as id FROM ({$query->toSQL()}) as t ";
$prices = $this->getProperty('prices')
AND $prices = explode(",", $prices)
AND count($prices) == 2
# $c->where(array(
# "a_sm_price between {$prices[0]} AND {$prices[1]}",
# ));
$sql .= " WHERE sm_price between {$prices[0]} AND {$prices[1]}";
# print $c->toSQL();
# exit;
# print $cc->toSQL();
# print $sql;
# exit;
$dir = $this->getProperty('dir', "ASC");
$sql .= " ORDER BY {$sortKey} {$dir}";
$limit = intval($this->getProperty('limit'));
$start = intval($this->getProperty('start'));
if ($limit || $start) {
# $query->limit($limit,$start);
$sql .= " LIMIT {$start}, {$limit}";
# $query = $this->prepareUniqObjectsQuery($query);
if($stmt = $this->modx->prepare($sql) AND $stmt->execute() AND $rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$IDs = array();
foreach($rows as $row){
$IDs[] = $row['id'];
if ($this->flushWhere && isset($c->query['where'])) $c->query['where'] = array();
"{$this->classKey}.id:IN" => $IDs,
if($stmt AND $stmt->errorCode() !== "00000"){
$this->modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, __CLASS__);
$this->modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, print_r($stmt->errorInfo(), true));
$this->modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $sql);
return false;
return $c;
protected function prepareCountQuery(xPDOQuery & $query){
$query = parent::prepareCountQuery($query);
$where = array();
if($word = $this->getProperty('query')){
"pagetitle:like" => "%{$word}%",
"OR:longtitle:like" => "%{$word}%",
"OR:content:like" => "%{$word}%",
return $query;
protected function setSelection(xPDOQuery $c) {
$c = parent::setSelection($c);
$c->leftJoin('modResource', "Parent");
// Курс валюты
$c->leftJoin('modResource', "course_doc", " = Product.sm_currency");
$c->leftJoin('modContextSetting', "setting", "setting.context_key = 'web' AND setting.key = course_doc.pagetitle");
$c->leftJoin('docGallery', "gallery", "gallery.resource_id = {$this->classKey}.id");
# "Product.*",
# " as `product_id`",
" as category_id",
"Parent.uri as category_uri",
"Parent.pagetitle as category_title",
"if(setting.value, setting.value, course_tv.value) as course",
"gallery.src as image_src",
" as brand_id",
"Brand.pagetitle as brand_pagetitle",
"Brand.uri as brand_uri",
// "setting.value as setting_currency_value",
/*print '</pre>';
print $c->toSQL();
return $c;
public function afterIteration(array $list){
$list = parent::afterIteration($list);
foreach($list as & $l){
AND $course = (float)$l['course']
$course = 1;
$l['old_price'] = null;
// Новая цена
$price_action_till = '';
$price_action_till = strtotime($l['tvs']['price_action_till']['value']);
if(!$price_action_till OR $price_action_till > time()){
$l['old_price'] = $l['sm_price'];
$l['sm_price'] = round($l['tvs']['new_price']['value'] * $course);
$l['price_action_till'] = $price_action_till;
# if(
# !empty($l['course'])
# AND $course = (float)$l['course']
# ){
# $l['sm_price'] = round($l['sm_price'] * $course, 0);
# $l['old_price'] = round($l['old_price'] * $course, 0);
# }
# else{
# $course = 1;
# }
$l['variables'] = array();
$variables = array_map('trim', explode(",", $l['tvs']['variables']['value']));
$l['variables'] = $variables;
$l['prices'] = array();
// Допцены из Migx
AND $prices = json_decode($l['tvs']['prices']['value'], true)
foreach($prices as $price){
$l['prices'][$price['MIGX_id']] = array(
"price" => $course ? round($price['price'] * $course, 2) : round($price['price'], 2),
"param" => $price['param'],
return $list;
protected function getCategories($parent, array & $categories){
$q = $this->modx->newQuery('modResource', array(
'deleted' => 0,
'published' => 1,
'hidemenu' => 0,
'isfolder' => 1,
'parent' => $parent,
if($s = $q->prepare() AND $s->execute()){
while($row = $s->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$categories[] = $row['id'];
$this->getCategories($row['id'], $categories);
return $categories;
return 'modWebCatalogProductsGetdataProcessor';
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