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Created May 2, 2013 16:54
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Stripe highlighting plugin for Sublime Text
This simple and "dirty" plugin highlights specified columns visually by
splitting the buffer into columns which can be colored according to `sections`.
To enable this "stripe highlighting" create a keymapping for the
"toggle_stripe_highlight" command.
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
# Modify these values!
splits = [4, 10, 20, 22]
# splits = [76, 112, 556, 562]
sections = ["", "string"]
# DON'T EDIT BELOW HERE (if you don't know what you're doing)
SETTINGS_KEY = "stripe_highlight"
# validate splits (as in, this is optional but needed for the code)
if splits[0] != 0:
splits.insert(0, 0)
if splits[-1] != -1:
######### Parts from sublime_lib.view ###########
def rowcount(view):
return view.rowcol(view.size())[0] + 1
def rowwidth(view, row):
return view.rowcol(view.line(view.text_point(row, 0)).end())[1] + 1
def relative_point(view, row=0, col=0, p=None):
if p is not None:
if len(p) != 2:
raise TypeError("Coordinates have 2 dimensions, not %d" % len(p))
(row, col) = p
# shortcut
if row == -1 and col == -1:
return view.size()
# calc absolute coords and check if coords are in the bounds
rowc = rowcount(view)
if row < 0:
row = max(rowc + row, 0)
row = min(row, rowc - 1)
roww = rowwidth(view, row)
if col < 0:
col = max(roww + col, 0)
col = min(col, roww - 1)
return view.text_point(row, col)
def coorded_region(view, reg1=None, reg2=None, rel=None):
reg1 = reg1 or (0, 0)
if rel:
reg2 = (reg1[0] + rel[0], reg1[1] + rel[1])
reg2 = reg2 or (-1, -1)
p1 = relative_point(view, p=reg1)
p2 = relative_point(view, p=reg2)
return sublime.Region(p1, p2)
######### Actual stuff ################
class SplitSectionsListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_modified_async(self, view):
enabled = view.settings().get(SETTINGS_KEY, False)
if not enabled:
if view.get_regions(REGIONS_NAME % sections[0]):
for sel in sections:
view.erase_regions(REGIONS_NAME % sel)
regions = dict()
for sel in sections:
regions[sel] = []
for i in range(rowcount(view)):
l = rowwidth(view, i)
for j, p in enumerate(splits):
# Don't cycle the first
if not j:
sel = sections[(j - 1) % len(sections)]
# print(i, j, sel, p)
regions[sel].append(coorded_region(view, (i, splits[j - 1]), (i, p)))
# Do not iterate another time if this one already exceeded the line length
if (p + 1) > l:
for k, v in regions.items():
view.add_regions(REGIONS_NAME % k, v, k)
def on_modified(self, view):
# Run async manually with ST2
if int(sublime.version()) < 3000:
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: self.on_modified_async(view), 0)
class ToggleStripeHighlightCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
s = self.view.settings()
s.set(SETTINGS_KEY, not s.get(SETTINGS_KEY, False))
# TODO: run command
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