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Created February 14, 2019 19:48
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A small bash function, which checks, whether the given host runs a job in the grid. (hostname is just host on some systems!)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This function takes a hostname as an argument and returns
# 0 when the given host has at least 1 job running 0 if it has
# no job (or future).
function hasHostActiveJobs(){
qhostout=$(qhost -j -xml -l hostname=$hostname) # Option seems to be called host on other systems
#echo $qhostout
filterstring="name='job_state'>r" # Just remove the r for any job
[[ $qhostout == *$filterstring* ]]
return $?
if hasHostActiveJobs $(hostname); then
echo "I have a job!"
echo "No job for me."
# Test with
# echo sleep 3 | qsub -l hostname=$(hostname) && watch -n1 bash
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