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Last active October 3, 2015 18:28
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PHP Daemon Class
file: app/lib/daemon.php
desc: daemon class
class mod_daemon {
private $jobs = array();
private $threads = array();
private $dbfunc;
private $threadfunc;
private $maxthreads;
private $threadtime;
private $dbupdate;
private $lock;
private $stopthreads;
public function __construct( $dbfunc, $threadfunc, $maxthreads = 10, $threadtime = 60, $dbupdate = 300, $lock = '', $stopthreads = 0 ) {
//basic data
$this->dbfunc = $dbfunc;
$this->threadfunc = $threadfunc;
$this->maxthreads = $maxthreads;
$this->threadtime = $threadtime;
$this->dbupdate = $dbupdate;
//lock file
if( empty( $lock ) )
$this->lock = 'tmp/' . $threadfunc . '.lock';
$this->lock = 'tmp/' . $lock . '.lock';
//max threads before stopping daemon
$this->stopthreads = $stopthreads;
//run daemon
public function start() {
global $argv;
$arg = count( $argv ) - 1;
//check for lock file
if( file_exists( $this->lock ) and filemtime( $this->lock ) > time() - 60 and ( !isset( $argv[$arg] ) or $argv[$arg] != 'force' ) ):
echo $this->threadfunc . ' lock file in place, daemon exiting' . PHP_EOL;
elseif( file_exists( $this->lock ) and isset( $argv[$arg] ) and $argv[$arg] == 'force' ):
posix_kill( file_get_contents( $this->lock ), SIGKILL );
unlink( $this->lock );
echo 'dead previous daemon killed ' . PHP_EOL;
//create lock file
file_put_contents( $this->lock, posix_getpid() );
echo 'lock file created' . PHP_EOL;
//threads array & counter
$threadcount = 0;
//db update time
$dbtime = $this->dbupdate;
//loop time
while( true and ( $this->stopthreads == 0 or $threadcount < $this->stopthreads ) ):
//get new jobs (if current queue less than maxthreads, and threads less than max, and db time)
if( count( $this->jobs ) < $this->maxthreads and count( $this->threads ) < $this->maxthreads and $dbtime >= $this->dbupdate ):
//get jobs
$j = call_user_func( $this->dbfunc );
echo 'daemon has ' . count( $j ) . ' jobs' . PHP_EOL;
foreach( $j as $job ):
$this->jobs[] = $job;
//reset db timer
$dbtime = 0;
elseif( count( $this->jobs ) <= 0 and count( $this->threads ) <= 0 ):
echo 'waiting for dbtimer... ' . ( $this->dbupdate - $dbtime ) . PHP_EOL;
//add threads until max reached
while( count( $this->threads ) < $this->maxthreads and count( $this->jobs ) > 0 ):
//get our job
reset( $this->jobs );
$key = key( $this->jobs );
//create thread
$this->threads[$threadcount] = array(
'thread' => new Thread( $this->threadfunc ),
'time' => 0,
'job' => $key
//start thread
$this->threads[$threadcount]['thread']->start( $this->jobs[$key] );
echo 'new thread spawned: #' . $threadcount . PHP_EOL;
//remove from job queue
unset( $this->jobs[$key] );
//check for threads
//end, sleep, update timers
sleep( 1 );
//touch our lock file
touch( $this->lock );
//we're here? stopthreads must be set
while( count( $this->threads ) > 0 ):
//check for threads
sleep( 1 );
//and we're done, remove the lock file
unlink( $this->lock );
echo 'daemon run over: ' . $this->lock . ' freed' . PHP_EOL;
exit( 0 );
//check threads
public function checkThreads() {
//loop all current threads, check if dead
foreach( $this->threads as $key => $thread ):
//update thread timer
//thread dead?
if( !$thread['thread']->isAlive() ):
unset( $this->threads[$key] );
echo 'thread stopped: #' . $key . PHP_EOL;
//thread over times timer?
if( $thread['time'] > $this->threadtime ):
unset( $this->threads[$key] );
echo 'thread force-stopped: #' . $key . PHP_EOL;
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