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Last active May 4, 2021 21:35
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check_mk local quota check - extended version
#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName='FileServerResourceManager'; ModuleVersion='2.0' }
Check_MK Plugin to monitor Quotas
Check_MK Plugin to monitor Quotas with FSRM Module.
PS C:\> ./local_check_quota.ps1
0 FSRM-Abteilung-C - Usage:0 MB/200 MB Share:\\\\FSSRV01.test.local\\Abteilung-C Path:C:\\Share\\Abt_C
0 FSRM-Abteilung-B - Usage:0 MB/100 MB Share:\\\\FSSRV01.test.local\\Abteilung-B Path:C:\\Share\\Abt_B
0 FSRM-Abteilung-A - Usage:0 MB/100 MB Share:\\\\FSSRV01.test.local\\Abteilung-A Path:C:\\Share\\Abt_A
normaly this Script is located at the local plugin folder from check_mk
original check by Christopher Pope (Mokkujin), at
(see blogpost at
This is not the original. Extended version by Florian Heigl
* Powershell 3/4 compatible
* only monitors Quotas on active shares
* adds processing performance data
* default data unit changed to GB
* service names modified (ever so slightly)
* graph autoscaling
# Change your Levels here - default is $WarningAt = 0.85 and $CriticalAt = 0.90
[float]$script:WarningAt = 0.90
[float]$script:CriticalAt = 0.99
function script:Get-Rounded
Get-Rounded round a value
Get-Rounded round a value to a defind unit, the Input must be in Byte
.Parameter RoundTo
The Target Unit to Round .. possible Values are TB/GB/MB/KB default is MB
.Parameter Value
The Value to be calculate
PS C:\> Get-Rounded -Value 123123123
Round the value to Megabyte
PS C:\> Get-Rounded -Value 123123123 -RoundTo GB
Round the value to Gigabyte
Param (
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Round to TB / GB / MB / KB ?')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Value to round - Input is in Byte')]
switch ($RoundTo)
$Value = ([math]::Round($Value / 1024))
$Value = ([math]::Round(($Value / 1024) / 1024))
$Value = ([math]::Round((($Value / 1024) / 1024 ) / 1024))
$Value = ([math]::Round(((($Value / 1024) / 1024 ) / 1024 ) / 1024))
$RoundTo = 'GB'
$Value = ([math]::Round((($Value / 1024) / 1024 ) / 1024))
# Unit nicht mehr angeben, sonst kann Perfdata nicht verarbeitet werden.
#[string]$Value = ("$Value {0}" -f $RoundTo)
# Output
function script:Test-Quota
Test-Quota test with FSRM and SMB
Test-Quota test a quota set on the localserver and try to get the sbmshare name for the checkmk message
The Path to the configured quota
The maximum size of the quota
actual usage of the quota
PS C:\> Test-Quota -Path $Path -Size $Size -Usage $Usage
Round the value to Megabyte
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Path to Share')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Size of Share')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Usage of Share')]
[int64]$Warning = ([math]::ceiling($script:WarningAt * $Size))
[int64]$Critical = ([math]::ceiling($script:CriticalAt * $Size))
[string]$ShareName = (Get-SmbShare | Where-Object { $_.Path -eq $Path } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
$PathMessage = ($Path.Replace("\","/"))
$PathMessage = ($PathMessage.Replace(" ","_"))
$PathMessage = ($PathMessage.Replace("$","@"))
If (-not $ShareName)
#[string]$ShareName = $script:LocalQuotas
# option 1: das hier ist fuer uniqueness, aber ein name muss auch sein, damit der servicename benutzbar ist
# option 2: wir koennen den namen ein wenig anpassen
#[string]$p =
#[string]$ShareName = Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf
#[string]$ShareNameFull = ('Path:{0}' -f $PathMessage)
# option 3: oder wir ueberspringend fuer den moment erstmal alle quotas ohne share drauf
[string]$ShareNameFull = ('Share: \\{0}\{1} Path: {2}' -f $ServerName, $Sharename, $PathMessage)
# Unit: GB
# crit == voll
[int64]$perf_value = (script:Get-Rounded -Value $Usage)
[int64]$perf_warn = (script:Get-Rounded -Value ($Size * $script:WarningAt))
[int64]$perf_crit = (script:Get-Rounded -Value ($Size * $script:CriticalAt))
[int64]$perf_min = 0
[int64]$m = (( $perf_value, $perf_crit, $Size | Measure -Max).Maximum * 1.33 )
$perf_max = (script:Get-Rounded -Value $m)
#TODO: build string here, use later.
# ( ";".join([ perf_alle ] )
switch ($Usage)
( { ($_ -lt $Warning) } )
Write-Output ('0 "Quota_{0}" usage_gb={1};{2};{3};0;{4} OK - quota sufficient. {5}' -f $PathMessage, $perf_value, $perf_warn, $perf_crit, $perf_max, $ShareNameFull)
( { ($_ -ge $Warning) -and ($_ -lt $Critical) } )
Write-Output ('1 "Quota_{0}" usage_gb={1};{2};{3};0;{4} WARN - quota almost reached. {5}' -f $PathMessage, $perf_value, $perf_warn, $perf_crit, $perf_max, $ShareNameFull)
( { ($_ -ge $Critical) } )
Write-Output ('2 "Quota_{0}" usage_gb={1};{2};{3};0;{4} CRIT - quota exceeded. {5}' -f $PathMessage, $perf_value, $perf_warn, $perf_crit, $perf_max, $ShareNameFull)
Write-Output ('3 "Quota_{0}" - Unknown Error')
[string]$ServerName = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName(($env:computerName)) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty HostName)
$AllSharesWithQuotas = (Get-FSRMQuota)
$CheckMKOutput = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
[int64]$script:LocalQuotas = 0
foreach ($Share in $AllSharesWithQuotas)
[int64]$Max = $Share.Size
[int64]$Usage = $Share.Usage
$Path = $Share.Path
$result = (script:Test-Quota -Path $Path -Size $Max -Usage $Usage)
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