This is the third edition of Arch monthly!
Andrew Crerar applied to become a Trusted User and was accepted! Congratulations! His intentions is to move firefox-develop from the AUR to [community]
-----BEGIN TSS2 PRIVATE KEY----- | |
DHKRKjEQTrNo/J+DDkh6CmSo/P2M50Qeqq39uASBgAB+ACBGZOTqU+eBlg9E+j0M | |
ju0iRxisXIqHbl5yEjFelZTCgwAQCQZxQAIjU16jzk1+SvyQt8FlFuhAR556LcjW | |
afHnwcj5zLZ0UPlrblUxmflN6UAczm9bOps0qH8oj4rRxLZ2ikcVSk6S8HKxrhnl | |
/6yCnWO15m9i4bYzdpyk | |
-----END TSS2 PRIVATE KEY----- |
Modules: | |
- git module (clone etc) | |
- nginx module (make config for site, restart etc) | |
- file module (execute file, download file etc) | |
- user module (get information about vps user etc) | |
- server module (launch custom bash commands from files) | |
Auth system: | |
- Specify admins in config file | |
- Add new users with priviliges in sqlite file |
By hylang core devs: | |
Defining Function Arguments in Hy | | | |
Hy a Lisp on Python | | | |
Programming Can Be Fun with Hy | | |
λ fzf » export CGO_LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now" | |
λ fzf » export CGO_CPPFLAGS="-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" | |
λ fzf » export GOFLAGS="-trimpath -ldflags=-linkmode=external" | |
λ fzf » CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -buildmode=pie -o fzf | |
^ - No File! | |
# |
Lightning talk on PyCon 2013: | | | |
Boston Python Meetup (January 2013) | | | |
PyCon Canada 2013 | | | |
PyCon France 2013 |
#Python2 | |
import sys | |
f = lambda x: map(lambda i: sys.stdout.write(([str(i)+'\n',"Fizz\n"],["Buzz\n","FizzBuzz\n"])[not i % 3][not i % 5]), range(0,x)) and None | |
## Python3 | |
f = lambda x: list(map(lambda i: print(([str(i),"Fizz"],["Buzz","FizzBuzz"])[not i % 3][not i % 5]), range(0,x))) and None |
# F=(9/5) * C +32 | |
def convert(): | |
c = int(raw_input('Enter celcius to convert: ')) | |
convertedC = (9/5.0) * c + 32 | |
print convertedC | |
while True: |
# Copy the following and place it a file called Leiningen.sublime-build in the Sublime user packages folder (~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/User on Linux). | |
# Select this as the build system for the project using Tools/Build System/Leiningen. | |
# You can then bring up the Sublime Command Palette (ctrl+shift+P on Windows/Linux) and issue any of the commands # (build, documentation, clean, run, test, etc). By default, build is bound to ctrl+b and run to ctrl+shift+b. | |
{ | |
"cmd": ["lein", "compile", ":all"], | |
"working_dir": "$file", | |
"variants": [ | |
{ "cmd": ["lein", "marg", "-m", "-d", "docs"], |
from flask import Flask | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |
import urllib | |
app = Flask(__name__) | |
def bs4_slice(web_source): | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(web_source) | |
soup.body.find(id="header").decompose() | |
soup.body.find(id="footer").decompose() |