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Created November 28, 2021 08:49
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A iOS flashlight like button in SwiftUI.
// LongPressButton.swift
// Pachino
// Created by Frad LEE on 6/28/21.
import SwiftUI
// MARK: - LongPressButton
/// A iOS flashlight like button.
/// # References
/// - [Building Fluid Interfaces. How to create natural gestures and…](
/// - [Composing SwiftUI Gestures](
struct LongPressButton<Label: View>: View {
// MARK: Lifecycle
public init(@ViewBuilder label: () -> Label, action: @escaping () -> Void) {
self.action = action
self.label = label()
// MARK: Internal
@State var viewState: Bool = false
var action: () -> Void
var label: Label
// var alertMessage: String
// var alertDestructiveButton: String
var body: some View {
let minimumLongPressDuration = 0.3
let longPress =
minimumDuration: minimumLongPressDuration
before: DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
.updating($pressState) { value, state, _ in
switch value {
case .first:
state = .activated
case .second:
state = .confirmed
.onEnded { value in
guard case .second = value else { return }
self.showingAlert = true
Button(action: {}, label: {
.scaleEffect(pressState.isPressing ? 1.4 : 1)
.animation(.easeOut(duration: minimumLongPressDuration),
value: pressState.isPressing)
// .alert(alertMessage, isPresented: $showingAlert) {
// Button("Cancel", role: .cancel) {}
// Button(alertDestructiveButton, role: .destructive) {}
// }
// MARK: Private
@GestureState private var pressState = PressState.idle
@State private var showingAlert = false
// MARK: - PressState
private enum PressState {
/// **Default state**.
/// The button is ready to be activiated.
case idle
/// The button with enough duration long pressing.
case activated
/// The button has recently switched on/off.
case confirmed
// MARK: Internal
var isPressing: Bool {
switch self {
case .activated:
return true
case .confirmed, .idle:
return false
// MARK: - LongPressButton_Previews
struct LongPressButton_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
LongPressButton(label: {
Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 64))
}, action: {})
.frame(width: 64, height: 64, alignment: .center)
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