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Created March 11, 2016 08:35
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(ns layered-example.application-service-test
(:require [ :as test-helpers]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[layered-example.application-service :as app-svc]
[layered-example.domain.cargo.cargo-repository :as cargo-repository]
[ :as mysql-cargo-repository]))
(def db-spec (test-helpers/default-db-spec))
(def the-cargo-repo (mysql-cargo-repository/new-cargo-repository db-spec))
(use-fixtures :each (fn [f]
(test-helpers/set-db-spec! db-spec)
(cargo-repository/set-implementation! the-cargo-repo)
(deftest create-a-cargo
(let [{:keys [cargo-id]} (app-svc/create-new-cargo! :size 44)]
(is cargo-id "cargo should be returned")
(let [cargo (cargo-repository/find cargo-id)]
(is cargo "cargo should be found in repository"))))
(deftest book-cargo-onto-voyage
(let [cargo (app-svc/create-new-cargo! :size 44)
cargo-id (:cargo-id cargo)]
(do (app-svc/book-onto-voyage! cargo-id :voyage-id 13)
(let [{updated-cargo :cargo} (cargo-repository/find cargo-id)]
(is (= 13 (:voyage-id updated-cargo)) "voyage-id should be set")))))
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