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Freemoth / silentScream.txt
Created January 13, 2017 02:55
Silent Scream
# Silent Scream, 24Sep2016, sonic(K)
use_debug false
use_bpm 77
with_sample_pack "D:/SonicPi/my-samples/" do
load_sample :toScreamVox2
noties = [43, 93, 64, 54, nil]
Freemoth / cloud_nigh.txt
Created January 13, 2017 02:51
Cloud Nigh
# cloud_nigh.txt ## May 7, 2016
# sonic(K) ## SP v. 2.7
use_bpm 10
live_loop :drops do
with_fx :ring_mod, freq: rrand(25, 32), mix: rrand(0.3, 0.5), \
amp: 0.5, mod_amp: 0.5 do
sample :ambi_piano, rate: rrand(1, 1.5), amp: rrand(0.5, 1), \
pan: [-0.5, 0.5, 0.1, -0.2].choose if one_in(3)
Freemoth / windChimes2.txt
Created January 13, 2017 02:47
Spring Chimes
# windChimes2.txt
# coded by sonic(K) 09Jan2016
# changed pitches 20Mar2016
use_bpm 20
use_debug false
x, y = 0, 0
notes1 = [ 87, 90.5, 92, 94 ]
notes2 = [ 85, 87, 90, 92.5 ]
notes3 = [ 87.5, 92, 96 ]
Freemoth / boomBoomBoom.txt
Created January 13, 2017 02:44
Boom Boom Boom
# boomBoomBoom.txt
# sonic(K) New Year's Day 2016
use_bpm 130
use_debug false
x, z = 0, 0
live_loop :melody, delay: 32 do
while z <= 16
z = z + x # fourth value of x is added to z
Freemoth / chung.txt
Created January 13, 2017 02:41
Hint of Blue Mario
# fragments/chung.txt 11Dec2015
# audio recording no. 1 and 2 12Dec2015
# Hint of Blue Mario
use_debug false
x, y, z = 0, 0, 90
3.times do
with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.25 do
Freemoth / randPiano-no.2.txt
Created January 13, 2017 02:37
Random Piano No. 2
# randPiano-no.2.txt
# sonic(K) December 5, 2015
use_debug false
use_bpm 88
live_loop :pianoHigh do
a ={ rand(36..100) }
puts "#{a}"
Freemoth / summonedChance.txt
Created January 13, 2017 02:31
Summoned Chance and Tweeting
# Summoned Chance and Tweeting
# summonedChance.txt 07Nov2015
# coded by sonic(K)
live_loop :syn do
use_bpm [100, 120].choose
puts "bpm = #{current_bpm}"
with_synth :fm do
a=rrand_i(51, 60)+12
Freemoth / LaLaLaLaLaLa.modular-rev.txt
Created January 13, 2017 03:08
Staring at the Wood Stove Thinking of Satie
# LaLaLaLaLaLa.modular-rev.txt 20Nov2015
# redefined using modular functions
# coded by sonic(K)
use_bpm 96
cymCount = 0
cymCountReset = 0
define :phrase1 do
# Gooderham Creek Collage No.5, 22Apr2017
# Sonic K
load_sample "D:/SonicPi/my-samples/CreekAtCamleyCottageHaliburton2.wav"
load_sample "D:/SonicPi/my-samples/CreekAtCamleyCottageHaliburton.wav"
wait 2
water = "D:/SonicPi/my-samples/CreekAtCamleyCottageHaliburton2.wav"
waterb = "D:/SonicPi/my-samples/CreekAtCamleyCottageHaliburton.wav"
# A Renewed Eleven, coded by sonic(K)
# 20May2017; tweaked 26November2017
use_bpm 120
use_debug false
notes = [50, 55, 60, [65, 120].choose, 70, 75, 80]
x = 0
live_loop :a do