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Freemoth / randPiano-no.2.txt
Created January 13, 2017 02:37
Random Piano No. 2
# randPiano-no.2.txt
# sonic(K) December 5, 2015
use_debug false
use_bpm 88
live_loop :pianoHigh do
a ={ rand(36..100) }
puts "#{a}"
Freemoth / summonedChance.txt
Created January 13, 2017 02:31
Summoned Chance and Tweeting
# Summoned Chance and Tweeting
# summonedChance.txt 07Nov2015
# coded by sonic(K)
live_loop :syn do
use_bpm [100, 120].choose
puts "bpm = #{current_bpm}"
with_synth :fm do
a=rrand_i(51, 60)+12