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Last active May 21, 2019 10:45
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Window Set Iterator
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; ATTENTION: requires Autohotkey_L
; TODO: changing currentWindowSet via hotkey
; ======================================
; Code
; ======================================
#WinActivateForce ; prevent flashing of taskbar buttons
windowSets := {}
currentWindowSet := 1
indexOf(array, item) {
for index, value in array {
if(value == item)
return index
return 0
insertIntoWindowSet(set, winId) {
; find duplicates
index := indexOf(set, winId)
if( index != 0) {
removeFromWindowSet(set, winId) {
; find it
index := indexOf(set, winId)
if( index != 0) {
getOrCreateSet(setIndex) {
global windowSets
set := windowSets[setIndex]
if( !set ) {
set := []
windowSets[setIndex] := set
return set
showWindow(winID) {
WinActivate, ahk_id %winID%
nextWindowInSet(set, currWinID) {
if( set.MaxIndex() == 0) {
index := indexOf(set, currWinID)
if ( index == 0 || index + 1 > set.MaxIndex())
showWindow(set[index + 1])
previousWindowInSet(set, currWinID) {
if( set.MaxIndex() == 0) {
index := indexOf(set, currWinID)
if ( index == 0 || index - 1 < 1)
; ======================================
; Hotkeys
; ======================================
WinGet, activeWindowID, ID, A
set := getOrCreateSet(currentWindowSet)
insertIntoWindowSet(set, activeWindowID)
WinGet, activeWindowID, ID, A
set := getOrCreateSet(currentWindowSet)
removeFromWindowSet(set, activeWindowID)
WinGet, activeWindowID, ID, A
set := getOrCreateSet(currentWindowSet)
nextWindowInSet(set, activeWindowID)
WinGet, activeWindowID, ID, A
set := getOrCreateSet(currentWindowSet)
nextWindowInSet(set, activeWindowID)
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There is still a bug, when you close a window that has been added to the list. This will prevent cycling. Gonna fix that soon.

Also: It was build in a way, that multiple window sets are possible. Any ideas, how window set switching should work? Cycling through window sets or having a hotkey for each set?

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hi, i created a version with close a window bug fix
also changed the key combination to alt+shift from ctrl+super

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