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Last active March 25, 2024 08:26
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Activate BabelEdit temporarily / Unlimited trial
As others have mentioned:
This workaround only works for versions 2.*
In other words: It's outdated and doesn't work anymore
Scroll down for community posts!
Original gist:
Obviously for educative purposes only.
Furthermore, this DOESN'T activate BabelEdit permanently.
If you like the software, buy it, the devs deserve it.
Since I have no money to buy it, I discovered a workaround for unlimited trials.
It's quite a annoying workaround, but ... it works!
Firstly go to "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\" and open the "hosts" file in Notepad/Notepad++/VSCode/Sublime/Atom/whatever as admin (if you don't open it as admin, it won't let you save it).
Add this line at the end of the file:
Now save and close it. Reboot your computer for it to apply the DNS changes that we've just done.
If you've already used your trial, open up REGEDIT (Windows+R, type regedit, Enter)
Delete this entire key:
Now open up BabelEdit, click "Try BabelEdit". It will try to activate over the internet and fail (because it's being redirected to your own machine now).
Two boxes will appear. On the second one, paste following:
And press "Activate". BabelEdit will open.
It's a annoying workaround because to use BabelEdit you'll need to enter this key above *every time*. But if you don't have money, the trouble's worth it.
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Laurantines95 commented Mar 16, 2021

It works on Ubuntu! Just change the path: ~/.config/ rm BabelEdit.conf
Thanks!!!!! :)

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It works on Ubuntu! Just change the path: ~/.config/ rm BabelEdit.conf
Thanks!!!!! :)

With translation?

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Thanks! It works!

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Quorthon13 commented Jun 17, 2021

Thank you!
I've made an improvement to the pasted text here.
Now you only have to paste it once.

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any way to remove the 10,000 character limit?

Thank you!
I've made an improvement to the pasted text here.
Now you only have to paste it once.

I don't think you can.
What you can do, instead, is delete the registry and activate it again once you reach the limit.

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Waiting to remove character limit :(

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ARHAEEM commented Aug 22, 2021


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douira commented Aug 23, 2021

you'll probably have to re-do the license entry (or even request a new trial)

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I have the pro version with this string ;)

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ARHAEEM commented Sep 25, 2021

just to confirm guys, does the translation API not working in this method right ?


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same issue

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Just to remind all of you: This doesn't activate BabelEdit, as this wouldn't even be legal to post here.
Basically, you're using a "longer" trial. If the option wasn't available in the trial, it also isnt't in the "longer" trial.

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DoooReyn commented Jun 7, 2022

v3.0.0 on Windows, try to modify key in Registry Editor:


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I have the pro version with this string ;) 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

Thanks a lot, that worked for the latest version

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nian88 commented Jun 20, 2022


in my case cannot save file in laravel

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can not save project

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sdudnic commented Aug 10, 2022


@Fusseldieb could you please specify the (latest?) version it does activate.

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Not working anymore...any other solutions

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after doing this, it is not saving the edited file. on which version did u done this?

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after doing this, it is not saving the edited file. on which version did u done this?

me to

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Fusseldieb commented Sep 26, 2022


@Fusseldieb could you please specify the (latest?) version it does activate.

Ouh, I don't quite remember. The last version I used was the one in which I did this workaround. You can get the BabelEdit version by looking at this Gist upload date. With the upload date you can maybe look it up on, their Changelog or similar.

EDIT: Looking at their changelog and at my upload date, the likely version that I used was BabelEdit 2.1.0

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mariusvn commented Jun 21, 2023

seems there is problems with saving in new versions

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This crack only works for versions 2.*.*

After trying to make it work with v4, didn't succeeded. Looks like they have a better protection with liscence key signature

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xsdream commented Jun 28, 2023

This crack only works for versions 2..

After trying to make it work with v4, didn't succeeded. Looks like they have a better protection with liscence key signature

Somewhat disappointed, my project was originally using the v4 version of babelEdit, I don't want to go back to the old version, are there any other good workarounds

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Do not waste time, use visual code JSON auto translate plugin

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I got a new solution if you are linux user but babel is change is dir after some research with find command i found this :

  • /home/abou/.var/app/com.codeandweb.babeledit
  • /home/abou/.cache/gnome-software/odrs/com.codeandweb.babeledit.json
  • cd /home/abou/.var/app/com.codeandweb.babeledit/config/ && rm BabelEdit.conf
  • Now youn can just a crontab to your to do this !
    Thanks !

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nerun commented Nov 14, 2023





Change expire date:


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Jasco07122021 commented Dec 7, 2023

in Mac:
1 - Go to "etc/hosts" file, then add ( )
2- Open folder => ~/Library/Preferences
3 - Open file => de.code-and-web.BabelEdit.plist
4 - Change ( licensing.trialExpired => NO ) ( => 2050-01-01 ) , then Save file
5 - Reopen BabelEdit

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in Mac: 1 - Go to "etc/hosts" file, then add ( ) 2- Open folder => ~/Library/Preferences 3 - Open file => de.code-and-web.BabelEdit.plist 4 - Change ( licensing.trialExpired => NO ) ( => 2050-01-01 ) , then Save file 5 - Reopen BabelEdit

For me, these values are all encoded, like^recentFileList_^P^^P^_NSMenuShouldUpdateSettingsTitle_^P^OignoredWarnings^showInfoOnSave_^P^^P"sourceCodeReferencesVisibleVisible_^P^UsimilarPhrasesVisible_^P^

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And what about simply buying a license? After all it's a perpetual license - no subscription.

We are 2 developers and for us it's a struggle to make a living from our software.

If you really can't afford BabelEdit, contact me (support at we can surely find a better than just stealing the software from us.

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Fusseldieb commented Jan 22, 2024

@CodeAndWeb Thanks for chiming in! Hopefully more people see your comment.
Also, if you want me to take this gist down, just say so! (It doesn't work anymore, but that shouldn't really matter)

For others, as I said in the original post: If you like the software, buy it, the devs deserve it.

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