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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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namespace ppl
namespace deteil
template<size_t ...Idxs>
struct List{};
template<size_t N>
struct make_List
static const size_t half = N / 2;
template<size_t...T, size_t ...U>
static auto trans(List<T...>, List<U...>)
->List<T..., (T + half)..., U...>;
using X = typename std::conditional<(N % 2) == 0, List<>, List<N - 1>>::type;
using type = decltype(trans(typename make_List<half>::type{}, X{}));
struct make_List<0>
using type = List<>;
template<size_t N>
struct make_List_e
template<size_t ...Idxs>
static auto trans(List<Idxs...>)
->std::tuple<std::integral_constant<size_t, Idxs>...>;
using type = decltype(trans(typename make_List<N>::type{}));
namespace deteil
template<class, class Func>
class drop_impl{};
template<size_t...Idxs, class Func>
struct drop_impl<deteil::List<Idxs...>, Func>
template<size_t N>
struct Ignore
template<class C>
template<class ...T>
static auto drop(Func&&func_,Ignore<Idxs>..., T&&...args)
->typename std::result_of<Func(T...)>::type
return func_(std::forward<T>(args)...);
template<size_t N ,class Func>
class drop_functor
using Impl = deteil::drop_impl<typename deteil::make_List<N>::type, Func&>;
Func func_;
template<class F>
auto operator()(T&&...args)
->decltype(Impl::drop(func_, std::forward<T>(args)...))
return Impl::drop(func_, std::forward<T>(args)...);
template<size_t N,class Func>
auto make_drop(Func&&func)
->drop_functor<N, Func>
return{ std::forward<Func>(func) };
namespace deteil
struct val_at_impl
template<class T, class...R>
T&&operator()(T&&a, R&&...)
return std::forward<T>(a);
template<size_t N,class ...T>
auto value_at(T&&...args)
-> typename std::result_of<drop_functor<N, deteil::val_at_impl>(T...)>::type
return make_drop<N>(deteil::val_at_impl{})(std::forward<T>(args)...);
namespace deteil
template<class T>
struct wrap
using type = T;
template<size_t N,class ...T>
struct type_at
using type = decltype(value_at<N>(deteil::wrap<T>{}...));
namespace deteil
template< class C>
struct take_impl
static_assert(sizeof(C) &&1, "NOO");
template< class...T>
struct take_impl<std::tuple<T...>>
template<class Func, class ...R>
static auto take(Func&&func, T&&...args, R&&...)
->typename std::result_of<Func(T...)>::type
return std::forward<Func>(func)(std::forward<T>(args)...);
template<class N, class >
struct Tl_at{};
template<class N, class...T >
struct Tl_at<N, std::tuple<T...>>
using R = decltype(value_at<N::value>(deteil::wrap<T>{}...));
using type = typename typename std::remove_reference<R>::type::type;
template<size_t N, class...T>
struct take_tuple
using Tuple = std::tuple<T...>;
static auto trans(std::tuple<Idx...>)
->std::tuple<typename Tl_at<Idx, Tuple>::type ...>;
using type = decltype(trans(std::declval<typename deteil::make_List_e<N>::type>()));
template<size_t N, class Func>
struct take_functor
Func func_;
template<class F>
template<class ...T>
auto operator()(T&&...args)
->int//decltype(deteil::take_impl<typename deteil::take_tuple<N, T...>::type>::take(std::declval<Func&>(), std::declval<T>()...))
return deteil::take_impl<typename deteil::take_tuple<N, T...>::type>::take(func_, std::forward<T>(args)...);
template<size_t N, class Func>
take_functor<N, Func> make_take(Func&&func)
return{ std::forward<Func>(func) };
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