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Last active August 10, 2017 17:37
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import Data.SBV
fruits :: SInteger -> SInteger -> SInteger -> SBool
fruits a b c = equation &&& positive
x = sFromIntegral a :: SReal
y = sFromIntegral b :: SReal
z = sFromIntegral c :: SReal
equation = x / (y + z) + y / (x + z) + z / (x + y) .== 4
positive = a .> 0 &&& b .> 0 &&& c .> 0
main :: IO ()
main = sat fruits >>= print
$ ghci Fruits.hs
GHCi, version 8.2.1: :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Fruits.hs, interpreted )
Ok, 1 module loaded.
*Main> sat fruits
Reason: smt tactic failed to show goal to be sat/unsat (incomplete (theory arithmetic))
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