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Last active March 13, 2018 12:45
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Environment
(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
(|>) = flip ($)
mapWhile :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapWhile _ [] = []
mapWhile f (x:xs) =
case f x of
Just y -> y : mapWhile f xs
Nothing -> []
compose :: [a -> a] -> a -> a
compose = flip (foldl (flip id))
maximumOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe a
maximumOn _ [] = Nothing
maximumOn f xs = Just $ maximumBy (compare `on` f) xs
minimumOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe a
minimumOn _ [] = Nothing
minimumOn f xs = Just $ minimumBy (compare `on` f) xs
data Color
= Black
| White
deriving (Show, Eq)
other :: Color -> Color
other Black = White
other White = Black
prettyColor :: Color -> String
prettyColor Black = "X"
prettyColor White = "O"
prettyTile :: Maybe Color -> String
prettyTile = maybe "." prettyColor
data Board
= Board (Array ColRow (Maybe Color))
deriving Eq
instance Show Board where
show = prettyBoard
prettyBoard :: Board -> String
prettyBoard (Board b) = concatMap prettyRow is
(_, (n, m)) = bounds b
is = range (1, n)
js = range (1, m)
prettyRow i = unwords (map (prettyCol i) js) ++ "\n\n"
prettyCol i j = prettyTile (b ! (i, j))
type ColRow = (Int, Int)
type BoardSize = (Int, Int)
boardOf :: BoardSize -> [Maybe Color] -> Board
boardOf size = Board . listArray ((1, 1), size)
emptyBoard :: BoardSize -> Board
emptyBoard size = boardOf size (repeat Nothing)
isEmpty :: Board -> ColRow -> Bool
isEmpty (Board b) ij = isNothing (b ! ij)
standardBoard :: Board
standardBoard =
emptyBoard (8, 8)
`placing` Piece (4, 4) White
`placing` Piece (4, 5) Black
`placing` Piece (5, 4) Black
`placing` Piece (5, 5) White
score :: Board -> (Int, Int)
score (Board b) = foldl count (0, 0) b
count (x, y) (Just Black) = (x + 1, y)
count (x, y) (Just White) = (x, y + 1)
count (x, y) _ = (x, y)
relScoreFor :: Color -> Board -> Int
relScoreFor Black board = let (x, y) = score board in x - y
relScoreFor White board = let (x, y) = score board in y - x
data Piece
= Piece ColRow Color
deriving (Show, Eq)
place :: Piece -> Board -> Board
place (Piece ij color) (Board b) = Board (b // [(ij, Just color)])
placing = flip place
swap :: Piece -> Piece
swap (Piece ij color) = Piece ij (other color)
capture :: [Piece] -> Board -> Board
capture pieces = compose $ fmap (place . swap) pieces
isColor :: Piece -> Color -> Bool
Piece _ x `isColor` y = x == y
at :: Board -> ColRow -> Maybe (Maybe Piece)
Board b `at` ij
| inRange (bounds b) ij = Just $ fmap (Piece ij) (b ! ij)
| otherwise = Nothing
data Direction
= DirN
| DirNE
| DirE
| DirSE
| DirS
| DirSW
| DirW
| DirNW
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
directions :: [Direction]
directions = enumFrom (toEnum 0)
stepTowards :: Direction -> ColRow -> ColRow
stepTowards DirN (i, j) = (i - 1, j)
stepTowards DirNE (i, j) = (i - 1, j + 1)
stepTowards DirE (i, j) = (i, j + 1)
stepTowards DirSE (i, j) = (i + 1, j + 1)
stepTowards DirS (i, j) = (i + 1, j)
stepTowards DirSW (i, j) = (i + 1, j - 1)
stepTowards DirW (i, j) = (i, j - 1)
stepTowards DirNW (i, j) = (i - 1, j - 1)
walkTowards :: Direction -> ColRow -> [ColRow]
walkTowards dir start = tail (iterate (stepTowards dir) start)
longestCaptureFor :: Color -> [Piece] -> [Piece]
longestCaptureFor me pieces =
let (capture, rest) = break (`isColor` me) pieces
in if null rest then [] else capture
untilBounds :: Board -> [ColRow] -> [Maybe Piece]
untilBounds board = mapWhile (board `at`)
takeString :: [Maybe Piece] -> [Piece]
takeString = mapWhile id
capturesAt :: Board -> Color -> ColRow -> [Piece]
capturesAt board me (i, j) = do
dir <- directions
walkTowards dir (i, j)
|> untilBounds board
|> takeString
|> longestCaptureFor me
capturesAt' board me ij = (ij, capturesAt board me ij)
positions :: Board -> [ColRow]
positions (Board b) = indices b
freePositions :: Board -> [ColRow]
freePositions board = filter (isEmpty board) (positions board)
validPositions :: Color -> Board -> [(ColRow, [Piece])]
validPositions me board =
freePositions board
|> fmap (capturesAt' board me)
|> filter (not . null . snd)
validMoves :: Color -> Board -> [Board]
validMoves me board =
validPositions me board
|> fmap (\(ij, ps) -> capture ps board `placing` Piece ij me)
data Reversi
= Reversi
{ reversiPlayer :: Color
, reversiBoard :: Board
reversiInit :: Reversi
reversiInit = Reversi Black standardBoard
reversiScore = score . reversiBoard
reversiValidPositions rev = validPositions (reversiPlayer rev) (reversiBoard rev)
reversiMove :: ColRow -> Reversi -> Reversi
reversiMove ij rev =
Reversi (other me)
(capture (capturesAt board me ij) board `placing` Piece ij me)
me = reversiPlayer rev
board = reversiBoard rev
reversiNullMove :: Reversi -> Reversi
reversiNullMove rev = Reversi (other $ reversiPlayer rev) (reversiBoard rev)
instance Show Reversi where
show = prettyBoard . reversiBoard
class Game g where
type AgentTag g :: *
gameScore :: g -> AgentTag g -> Int
gameMoves :: g -> [g]
gameNullMove :: g -> g
instance Game Reversi where
type AgentTag Reversi = Color
gameScore rev me = relScoreFor me (reversiBoard rev)
gameMoves rev =
validMoves (reversiPlayer rev) (reversiBoard rev)
|> fmap (Reversi $ other $ reversiPlayer rev)
gameNullMove = reversiNullMove
type Agent g = AgentTag g -> g -> IO (Maybe g)
greedyAI :: Game g => Agent g
greedyAI me game = pure $
gameMoves game
|> maximumOn greedy
greedy g = gameScore g me - gameScore game me
type Alpha = Int
type Beta = Int
type Depth = Int
type Score = Int
minimaxPruneAI :: forall g. Game g => Int -> Agent g
minimaxPruneAI maxDepth me game = pure $
gameMoves game
|> maximumOn (minPlay minBound maxBound maxDepth)
maxPlay, minPlay :: Alpha -> Beta -> Depth -> g -> Score
maxPlay alpha beta depth game
| depth <= 0 = gameScore game me
| null (gameMoves game) = minPlay alpha beta (depth-1) (gameNullMove game)
| otherwise = go minBound alpha (gameMoves game)
go value alpha [] = value
go value alpha (g:gs) =
if value' >= beta
then value'
else go value' alpha' gs
value' = max value (minPlay alpha beta (depth-1) g)
alpha' = max alpha value'
minPlay alpha beta depth game
| depth <= 0 = gameScore game me
| null (gameMoves game) = maxPlay alpha beta (depth-1) (gameNullMove game)
| otherwise = go maxBound beta (gameMoves game)
go value beta [] = value
go value beta (g:gs) =
if value' <= alpha
then value'
else go value' beta' gs
value' = min value (maxPlay alpha beta (depth-1) g)
beta' = min beta value'
human :: Agent Reversi
human me game = do
putStrLn ("You are: " ++ show me)
ij <- readMove
pure $ Just $ reversiMove ij game
readMove = do
putStr ("Enter a move: ")
[i, j] <- map read . words <$> getLine
if (i, j) `elem` fmap fst (reversiValidPositions game)
then pure (i, j)
else do
putStrLn ("Invalid move.")
reversi :: Agent Reversi -> Agent Reversi -> IO ()
reversi p1 p2 = go False (cycle [p1, p2]) reversiInit
go skip (p:ps) game = do
print game
print (reversiScore game)
putStrLn ""
maybeGame' <- p (reversiPlayer game) game
case maybeGame' of
Just game' -> go False ps game'
Nothing ->
if skip then pure ()
else go True ps (reversiNullMove game)
reversiMinimaxFight d1 d2 = reversi (minimaxPruneAI d1) (minimaxPruneAI d2)
manual = reversi human human
main :: IO ()
main = do
[d1, d2] <- map read <$> getArgs
reversiMinimaxFight d1 d2
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