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Created July 5, 2012 13:38
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Spree 0.60 Vulnerability Fix
From 6e07361e1dc08ace0fd38d39067d0d7e3da11e9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ryan Bigg <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 11:10:01 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] Explicitly define scopes as being searchable This stops
people using class methods or scopes that shouldn't be used
for searching.
Props to joernchen from Phenoelit for informing us about this!
Remove conditions_any scope and use ARel query building instead
core/app/models/product.rb | 35 ++++++++--
core/app/models/product_group.rb | 2 +-
core/lib/product_filters.rb | 26 +++++--
core/lib/scopes/product.rb | 143 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
4 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)
diff --git a/core/app/models/product.rb b/core/app/models/product.rb
index cdb906f..808d8ce 100644
--- a/core/app/models/product.rb
+++ b/core/app/models/product.rb
@@ -67,18 +67,34 @@ class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
alias :options :product_option_types
+ cattr_accessor :search_scopes do
+ []
+ end
+ def self.add_search_scope(name, &block)
+ define_singleton_method name.intern, &block
+ search_scopes << name.intern
+ end
include ::Scopes::Product
#RAILS3 TODO - scopes are duplicated here and in scopres/product.rb - can we DRY it up?
# default product scope only lists available and non-deleted products
- scope :not_deleted, where("products.deleted_at is NULL")
+ add_search_scope :not_deleted do
+ where("products.deleted_at is NULL")
+ end
- scope :available, lambda { |*on| where("products.available_on <= ?", on.first || ) }
+ add_search_scope :available do |*on|
+ where("products.available_on <= ?", on.first ||
+ end
- #RAILS 3 TODO - this scope doesn't match the original 2.3.x version, needs attention (but it works)
- scope :active, lambda{ not_deleted.available }
+ add_search_scope :active do
+ not_deleted.available
+ end
- scope :on_hand, where("products.count_on_hand > 0")
+ add_search_scope :on_hand do
+ where("products.count_on_hand > 0")
+ end
if (ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name == 'PostgreSQL')
if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.include?("products")
@@ -87,11 +103,16 @@ class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :group_by_products_id, { :group => "" }
+ search_scopes << :group_by_products_id
search_methods :group_by_products_id
- scope :id_equals, lambda { |input_id| where(" = ?", input_id) }
+ add_search_scope :id_equals do |input_id|
+ where(" = ?", input_id)
+ end
- scope :taxons_name_eq, lambda { |name| joins(:taxons).where(" = ?", name) }
+ add_search_scope :taxons_name_eq do |name|
+ joins(:taxons).where(" = ?", name)
+ end
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/core/app/models/product_group.rb b/core/app/models/product_group.rb
index 3127d07..bf537d0 100644
--- a/core/app/models/product_group.rb
+++ b/core/app/models/product_group.rb
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class ProductGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
def add_scope(scope_name, arguments=[])
- if scope_name.to_s !~ /eval|send|system|[^a-z0-9_!?]/
+ if Product.search_scopes.include?(scope_name)
self.product_scopes <<{
:name => scope_name.to_s,
:arguments => [*arguments]
diff --git a/core/lib/product_filters.rb b/core/lib/product_filters.rb
index 047b231..5641f44 100644
--- a/core/lib/product_filters.rb
+++ b/core/lib/product_filters.rb
@@ -50,15 +50,20 @@ module ProductFilters
Product.scope :price_range_any,
lambda {|*opts|
conds = {|o| ProductFilters.price_filter[:conds][o]}.reject {|c| c.nil?}
- Product.scoped(:joins => :master).conditions_any(conds)
+ scope = conds.shift
+ conds.each do |new_scope|
+ scope = scope.or(new_scope)
+ end
+ Product.scoped(:joins => :master).where(scope)
def ProductFilters.price_filter
- conds = [ [ "Under $10", "price <= 10" ],
- [ "$10 - $15", "price between 10 and 15" ],
- [ "$15 - $18", "price between 15 and 18" ],
- [ "$18 - $20", "price between 18 and 20" ],
- [ "$20 or over", "price >= 20" ] ]
+ v = Spree::Variant.arel_table
+ conds = [ [ I18n.t(:under_price, :price => format_price(10)) , v[:price].lteq(10)],
+ [ "#{format_price(10)} - #{format_price(15)}" , v[:price].in(10..15)],
+ [ "#{format_price(15)} - #{format_price(18)}" , v[:price].in(15..18)],
+ [ "#{format_price(18)} - #{format_price(20)}" , v[:price].in(18..20)],
+ [ I18n.t(:or_over_price, :price => format_price(20)) , v[:price].gteq(20)]]
{ :name => "Price Range",
:scope => :price_range_any,
:conds => Hash[*conds.flatten],
@@ -84,12 +89,17 @@ module ProductFilters
Product.scope :brand_any,
lambda {|*opts|
conds = {|o| ProductFilters.brand_filter[:conds][o]}.reject {|c| c.nil?}
- Product.with_property("brand").conditions_any(conds)
+ scope = conds.shift
+ conds.each do |new_scope|
+ scope = scope.or(new_scope)
+ end
+ Product.with_property("brand").where(scope)
def ProductFilters.brand_filter
brands = ProductProperty.where(:property_id => @@brand_property).map(&:value).compact.uniq
- conds = Hash[* {|b| [b, "product_properties.value = '#{b}'"]}.flatten]
+ pp = Spree::ProductProperty.arel_table
+ conds = Hash[* {|b| [b, pp.value.eq(b)]}.flatten]
{ :name => "Brands",
:scope => :brand_any,
:conds => conds,
diff --git a/core/lib/scopes/product.rb b/core/lib/scopes/product.rb
index 5717f92..89681bb 100644
--- a/core/lib/scopes/product.rb
+++ b/core/lib/scopes/product.rb
@@ -48,11 +48,16 @@ module Scopes::Product
order_text << ((r[1] == 'ascend') ? "asc" : "desc")
Product.send(:scope, name.to_s, Product.send(:relation).order(order_text) )
+ Product.search_scopes << name.intern
- ::Product.scope :ascend_by_master_price, Product.joins(:variants_with_only_master).order('variants.price asc')
+ ::Product.add_search_scope :ascend_by_master_price do
+ joins(:variants_with_only_master).order('variants.price asc')
+ end
- ::Product.scope :descend_by_master_price, Product.joins(:variants_with_only_master).order('variants.price desc')
+ ::Product.add_search_scope :descend_by_master_price do
+ joins(:variants_with_only_master).order('variants.price desc')
+ end
:with_ids => :product_picker_field
@@ -60,30 +65,33 @@ module Scopes::Product
# Ryan Bates -
# general merging of conditions, names following the searchlogic pattern
- ::Product.scope :conditions, lambda { |*args| {:conditions => args}}
+ ::Product.add_search_scope :conditions do |*args|
+ where(args)
+ end
- # conditions_all is a more descriptively named enhancement of the above
- ::Product.scope :conditions_all, lambda { |*args| {:conditions => [args].flatten}}
+ ::Product.add_search_scope :conditions_all do |*args|
+ where([args].flatten)
+ end
# forming the disjunction of a list of conditions (as strings)
- ::Product.scope :conditions_any, lambda { |*args|
+ ::Product.add_search_scope :conditions_any do |*args|
args = [args].flatten
raise "non-strings in conditions_any" unless args.all? {|s| s.is_a? String}
- {:conditions => {|c| "(#{c})"}.join(" OR ")}
- }
+ where( {|c| "(#{c})"}.join(" OR "))
+ end
- ::Product.scope :price_between, lambda { |low, high|
- { :joins => :master, :conditions => ["variants.price BETWEEN ? AND ?", low, high] }
- }
+ ::Product.add_search_scope :price_between do |low, high|
+ joins(:master).where("variants.price" => (low.to_f)..(high.to_f))
+ end
- ::Product.scope :master_price_lte, lambda { |price|
- { :joins => :master, :conditions => ["variants.price <= ?", price] }
- }
+ ::Product.add_search_scope :master_price_lte do |price|
+ joins(:master).where("variants.price <= ?", price)
+ end
- ::Product.scope :master_price_gte, lambda { |price|
- { :joins => :master, :conditions => ["variants.price >= ?", price] }
- }
+ ::Product.add_search_scope :master_price_gte do |price|
+ joins(:master).where("variants.price >= ?", price)
+ end
# This scope selects products in taxon AND all its descendants
@@ -91,74 +99,66 @@ module Scopes::Product
# Product.taxons_id_eq(x)
- ::Product.scope :in_taxon, lambda {|taxon|
- { :joins => :taxons, :conditions => [" IN (?) ",]}
- }
+ ::Product.add_search_scope :in_taxon do |taxon|
+ joins(:taxons).where("" =>
+ end
# This scope selects products in all taxons AND all its descendants
# If you need products only within one taxon use
# Product.taxons_id_eq([x,y])
- Product.scope :in_taxons, lambda {|*taxons|
+ ::Product.add_search_scope :in_taxons do |*taxons|
taxons = get_taxons(taxons)
- taxons.first ? prepare_taxon_conditions(taxons) : {}
- }
+ taxons.first ? prepare_taxon_conditions(taxons) : scoped
+ end
# for quick access to products in a group, WITHOUT using the association mechanism
- Product.scope :in_cached_group, lambda {|product_group|
- { :joins => "JOIN product_groups_products ON = product_groups_products.product_id",
- :conditions => ["product_groups_products.product_group_id = ?", product_group]
- }
- }
+ Product.add_search_scope :in_cached_group do |product_group|
+ joins("JOIN product_groups_products ON = product_groups_products.product_id").
+ where(["product_groups_products.product_group_id = ?", product_group])
+ end
# a scope that finds all products having property specified by name, object or id
- Product.scope :with_property, lambda {|property|
+ Product.add_search_scope :with_property do |property|
conditions = case property
when String then [" = ?", property]
when Property then [" = ?",]
else [" = ?", property.to_i]
- {
- :joins => :properties,
- :conditions => conditions
- }
- }
+ joins(:properties).
+ where(conditions)
+ end
# a scope that finds all products having an option_type specified by name, object or id
- Product.scope :with_option, lambda {|option|
+ Product.add_search_scope :with_option do |option|
conditions = case option
when String then [" = ?", option]
when OptionType then [" = ?",]
else [" = ?", option.to_i]
- {
- :joins => :option_types,
- :conditions => conditions
- }
- }
+ joins(:option_types).
+ where(conditions)
+ end
# a simple test for product with a certain property-value pairing
# note that it can test for properties with NULL values, but not for absent values
- Product.scope :with_property_value, lambda { |property, value|
+ Product.add_search_scope :with_property_value do |property, value|
conditions = case property
when String then [" = ?", property]
when Property then [" = ?",]
else [" = ?", property.to_i]
conditions = ["product_properties.value = ? AND #{conditions[0]}", value, conditions[1]]
- {
- :joins => :properties,
- :conditions => conditions
- }
- }
+ joins(:properties).
+ where(conditions)
+ end
# a scope that finds all products having an option value specified by name, object or id
- Product.scope :with_option_value, lambda {|option, value|
+ Product.add_search_scope :with_option_value do |option, value|
option_type_id = case option
when String
option_type = OptionType.find_by_name(option) || option.to_i
@@ -172,36 +172,32 @@ module Scopes::Product
value, option_type_id
- {
- :joins => {:variants => :option_values},
- :conditions => conditions
- }
- }
+ joins(:variants => :option_values).
+ where(conditions)
+ end
# finds product having option value OR product_property
- Product.scope :with, lambda{|value|
- {
- :conditions => [" = ? OR product_properties.value = ?", value, value],
- :joins => {:variants => :option_values, :product_properties => []}
- }
- }
+ Product.add_search_scope :with do |value|
+ joins(:product_properties, :variants => :option_values).
+ where(" = ? OR product_properties.value = ?", value, value)
+ end
- Product.scope :in_name, lambda{|words|
+ Product.add_search_scope :in_name do |words|
Product.like_any([:name], prepare_words(words))
- }
+ end
- Product.scope :in_name_or_keywords, lambda{|words|
+ Product.add_search_scope :in_name_or_keywords do |words|
Product.like_any([:name, :meta_keywords], prepare_words(words))
- }
+ end
- Product.scope :in_name_or_description, lambda{|words|
+ Product.add_search_scope :in_name_or_description do |words|
Product.like_any([:name, :description, :meta_description, :meta_keywords], prepare_words(words))
- }
+ end
- Product.scope :with_ids, lambda{|ids|
+ Product.add_search_scope :with_ids do |ids|
ids = ids.split(',') if ids.is_a?(String)
- { :conditions => {:id => ids} }
- }
+ where(:id => ids)
+ end
# Sorts products from most popular (poularity is extracted from how many
# times use has put product in cart, not completed orders)
@@ -211,7 +207,7 @@ module Scopes::Product
# :joins => "LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT line_items.variant_id as vid, COUNT(*) as cnt FROM line_items GROUP BY line_items.variant_id) AS popularity_count ON = vid",
# :order => 'COALESCE(cnt, 0) DESC'
- Product.scope :descend_by_popularity,
+ Product.add_search_scope :descend_by_popularity do
:joins => :master,
:order => <<SQL
@@ -229,10 +225,11 @@ module Scopes::Product
), 0) DESC
+ end
# Produce an array of keywords for use in scopes.
# Always return array with at least an empty string to avoid SQL errors
- def self.prepare_words(words)
+ def Product.prepare_words(words)
return [''] if words.blank?
a = words.split(/[,\s]/).map(&:strip)
a.any? ? a : ['']
@@ -244,7 +241,7 @@ SQL
- def self.get_taxons(*ids_or_records_or_names)
+ def Product.get_taxons(*ids_or_records_or_names) { |t|
case t
when Integer then Taxon.find_by_id(t)
@@ -259,8 +256,8 @@ SQL
# specifically avoid having an order for taxon search (conflicts with main order)
- def self.prepare_taxon_conditions(taxons)
+ def Product.prepare_taxon_conditions(taxons)
ids ={|taxon|}.flatten.uniq
- { :joins => :taxons, :conditions => [" IN (?)", ids] }
+ joins(:taxons).where("" => ids)
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