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Forked from khinsen/debug.clj
Created December 14, 2009 07:40
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yet another debug-repl fork
;; even more enhanced version with that allows ret val override and better prompt
;; Slightly enhanced version of Alex Osborne's debug-repl (
;; Typing () quits the debug REPL, making it possible to continue without terminating the
;; input stream by typing Ctrl-D.
;; Inspired by George Jahad's version:
(ns clojure.contrib.debug
[:require clojure.main])
(defmacro local-bindings
"Produces a map of the names of local bindings to their values."
(let [symbols (map key @clojure.lang.Compiler/LOCAL_ENV)]
(zipmap (map (fn [sym] `(quote ~sym)) symbols) symbols)))
(declare *locals*)
(defn eval-with-locals
"Evals a form with given locals. The locals should be a map of symbols to
[locals form]
(binding [*locals* locals]
`(let ~(vec (mapcat #(list % `(*locals* '~%)) (keys locals)))
(defn dr-read
[request-prompt request-exit]
(let [input (clojure.main/repl-read request-prompt request-exit)]
(if (= input '())
(def level 0)
(def counter (atom 1000))
(defn inc-counter []
(swap! counter inc))
(def element (atom nil))
(def quit-dr-exception
(proxy [Exception java.util.Enumeration] []
(nextElement [] @element)))
(defn quit-dr [ & form]
(reset! element (first form))
(throw quit-dr-exception))
(defn caught [exc]
(if (= (.getCause exc) quit-dr-exception)
(throw quit-dr-exception)
(clojure.main/repl-caught exc)))
(defmacro debug-repl
"Starts a REPL with the local bindings available."
'(debug-repl nil))
`(let [counter# (inc-counter)
eval-fn# (partial eval-with-locals (local-bindings))]
(binding [level (inc level)]
:prompt #(print (str "dr-" level "-" counter# " => "))
:eval eval-fn#
:read dr-read
:caught caught))
(catch Exception e#
(if (= e# quit-dr-exception)
(if-let [new-form# (.nextElement quit-dr-exception)]
(eval-fn# new-form#)
(eval-fn# ~form))
(throw e#)))))))
;; Some examples
(let [c 1
locals (local-bindings)
d 2]
;; => {fn__5310 #<user$eval__5309 user$eval__5309@1a65a18>, c 1}
(let [c 1
d 2]
(defn a [b c]
(a "foo" "bar")
;; dr => c
;; "bar"
;; dr => d
;; 2
;; dr => *locals*
;; {fn__20 #<user$eval__19 user$eval__19@955cd5>,
;; c "bar",
;; d 2,
;; fn__22 #<user$eval__19$a__21 user$eval__19$a__21@59fb21>,
;; b "foo"}
;; Some examples
(let [c 1
locals (local-bindings)
d 2]
;; => {fn__5310 #<user$eval__5309 user$eval__5309@1a65a18>, c 1}
(let [c 1
d 2]
(defn a [b c]
(a "foo" "bar")
;; dr => c
;; "bar"
;; dr => d
;; 2
;; dr => *locals*
;; {fn__20 #<user$eval__19 user$eval__19@955cd5>,
;; c "bar",
;; d 2,
;; fn__22 #<user$eval__19$a__21 user$eval__19$a__21@59fb21>,
;; b "foo"}
user=> (let [a 10] (debug-repl (* a a)))
dr-1-1006 => (quit-dr)
user=> (let [a 10] (debug-repl (* a a)))
dr-1-1007 => (quit-dr 99)
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