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Created September 23, 2012 15:38
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JavaScript: a state-machine-based lexer + recursive descent (LL(k)) grammar parser + abstract syntax tree (AST) + generator

Basic Compiler Technology

Lexers, Parsers, Code Generators are of all ages (old skool: lex/flex, yacc/bison (modern-ish: PCCTS/ANTLR), burg/lburg/...)

Here's an example of a JavaScript based domain-specific language being parsed and converted into HTML. It is very similar to wiki and MarkDown formats; the only purpose of this code is to showcase the parsing technology, so a minimum number of 'shortcuts' and other production code 'smartness' is applied.

The recursive descent parser works by evaluating the grammar rules in order of precedence, where each function call is a grammar rule match attempt and the first one returning success is a 'grammar rule match' which will allow the parser to continue parsing the input.

Also, the input is assumed to be size limited, i.e. a infinite lookahead grammar is fine with us. (This doesn't work in situations where you need to parse a stream, but that is a problem area that few of us have to deal with in actual reality. Mostly we like limited lookahead grammars because those will guarantee a good parsing performance; infinite look-ahead can produce a quadratic or even exponential run time.)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<title>Lexing and Parsing in JavaScript</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script>
display: block;
height: 500px;
width: 900px;
border: 2px solid black;
border: 1px solid grey;
border: 1px solid grey;
<label for="enter_text_here">Enter your text here</label>
<textarea id="enter_text_here">
[blurb [headline Astronomy Shoppe products]
[paragraph In addition to carrying the finest amateur astronomy
equipment, we also manufacture a unique and delightful telescope
accessories. These accessories enhance your observing time with
telescope and binoculars.
[menu_button [button_title Astronomy Shoppe]
[button_item [url /astro_products]ScoutScope II]
[button_item [url /astro_products]Bino-Brac I-IV]
[button_item [url /astro_products]Dob Upgrades]
[button_item [url /astro_products]Unitron Drives]
[button_item [url /astro_products]Scope-Totes]
[button_item [url /astro_products]Scope-Gripps]
[button_item [url /astro_products]Astro-Glow] ]
[blurb [headline Astronomy Shoppe [reveal catagory]]
[paragraph In addition to carrying the finest amateur astronomy
equipment, we also manufacture a unique and delightful telescope
accessories. These accessories enhance your observing time with
telescope and binoculars.
[menu_button [button_title Astronomy Shoppe]
[multiple buttons
[url /astro_products]ScoutScope II]
[url /astro_products]Bino-Brac I-IV]
[url /astro_products]Dob Upgrades]
[url /astro_products]Unitron Drives]
[url /astro_products]Scope-Totes]
[url /astro_products]Scope-Gripps]
[url /astro_products]Astro-Glow] ]
<div id="chart">
<div id="output">
<table id="events_statistics">
<th colspan='4'>Events fired</th>
<script type="text/javascript">
The approach to coding followed here is largely a Object Oriented one, where objects
are used to store data and define the actions which can be performed on that data.
"The data knows how to act."
We use a JavaScript-specific idiom where instances of a 'class' are created by calling
a function -- JavaScript functions are so-called first class citizens -- rather than the
special 'new Class()' constructor invocation known from classical languages such as C++.
We do NOT employ the fact that JavaScript is a language offering 'prototypical inheritance',
rather than class-based inheritance: the code can be transposed to a class-based OOP language
almost 1:1.
We also do NOT employ the 'closure' feature of the JavaScript language: any variables
which are not declared in the local scope are instance members, so these behave exactly
like class members in a classic class-based OOP language.
First of all, we need a way to fetch content entered by the user into the textarea, i.e.
the content we're going to lex/parse/transform/'compile' into an output format: in this case
we are going to produce HTML.
Because we need to watch the activity in the textarea, we're going to register a callback,
which in turn will fire up the compiler to produce a matching HTML output for the current input.
The compiler is required by design to NEVER FAIL, so any input will produce AN output. We
do accept that invalid input may produce gibberish output ('garbage in = garbage out') but the
compiler should at least show a token effort to recover from minor flaws and faults in the
Doesn't matter what you use for HTML DOM node selection. jQuery, mootools, D3...
I use D3 here, because I might just get fancy and construct a graphical representation
of the AST as I go -- something which would be done most easily with D3.
var events = [
var event_statistics = {};
var ready = false;
var nested_event = 1; // DOMNodeInserted etc. fire while inside d3.selection.append(), etc.
var saw_nested_event = false;
var ta ="#enter_text_here");
for (var evt = 0; evt < events.length; evt++) {
var evt_name = events[evt];
event_statistics[evt_name] = evt;
events[evt] = {
id: evt,
name: evt_name,
source: [ 0, 0, 0 ] // html, body, textarea
ta.on(evt_name, process_changed_input(2));"html").on(evt_name, process_changed_input(0));"body").on(evt_name, process_changed_input(1));
event_statistics['unknown'] = events.length;
id: -1,
name: '???',
source: [ 0, 0, 0 ] // html, body, textarea
var evt_table ="#events_statistics tbody");
.data(events, function(d, i) {
.attr("id", function(d, i) {
return "evt_stats_" + i;
.data(function(d, i) {
return [d, d, d, d];
.html(function(d, i, j) {
return i > 0 ? d.source[i - 1] ? d.source[i - 1] : "&nbsp;" :;
ready = true;
// the entire previous code section was marked:
// any events that happened while running through there were marked as 'nested'
// and will consequently force the entire event table to update on the next
// event:
var cc = compiler();
function process_changed_input(i) {
// closure for 'i'
return function() {
var evt_name = (d3.event ? d3.event.type : "unknown");
var evt_idx = event_statistics[evt_name];
// do not execute any d3 selection update logic when inside a nested event
// such as DomNodeInserted, or otherwise you'll end up with a locked-up page!
if (nested_event > 1 || (ready && /* catch MSIE DOM events */ evt_name.indexOf("DOM") >= 0)) {
saw_nested_event = true;
} else if (ready && nested_event == 1) {
var input_text = ta.text();
//console.log((input_text ? input_text : "").length, evt_name, i, evt_idx, d3.event, this);
// and update the table content:
if (saw_nested_event) {
.html(function(d, k, j) {
return k > 0 ? d.source[k - 1] ? d.source[k - 1] : "-" :;
} else {"tr#evt_stats_" + evt_idx)
.html(function(d, k, j) {
return k > 0 ? d.source[k - 1] ? d.source[k - 1] : "-" :;
var ast =;
lexer 'class'
old skool think: pccts/lex: a state-machine based scanner.
No regexes are used, as they are serve other purposes better.
function lexer() {
var state = {
input: '',
input_length: 0,
scan_pos: 0,
//expect_keyword: false,
token_stream: [],
processed_tokens: 0
// return FALSE when input didn't change
state.set_input = function(input_text) {
if (this.input === input_text)
return false;
this.input = input_text;
this.input.length = input_text.length;
return true;
state.eof = function() {
return this.scan_pos >= this.input_length;
state.lookahead = function(n) {
// fetch from cache when token was already scanned before:
if (this.processed_tokens < this.token_stream.length) {
return this.token_stream[this.processed_tokens + n - 1];
if (!this.eof()) {
while (this.processed_tokens + n > this.token_stream.length) {
if (this.processed_tokens < this.token_stream.length) {
return this.token_stream[this.processed_tokens + n - 1];
return false;
state.consume = function(n) {
this.processed_tokens += n;
//state.expect_keyword = function(state) {
// this.expect_keyword = state;
state.clone_state = function(id) {
return {
id: id,
scan_pos: this.scan_pos,
token_stream: this.token_stream
state.scan_one_token = function() {
var start = this.scan_pos;
var end;
var leading_ws;
var code_word = false;
// skip leading whitespace:
for ( ; start < this.input_length; start++) {
if (" \t\r\n".indexOf(this.input[start]) < 0)
leading_ws = this.input.substring(this.scan_pos, start);
switch (this.input[start]) {
case '[':
if ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".indexOf(this.input[start + 1]) >= 0) {
token_id: 1,
token: '[',
pos: start,
leading_ws: leading_ws
} else {
token_id: 33,
token: '[',
pos: start,
leading_ws: leading_ws
this.scan_pos = start + 1;
case ']':
token_id: 2,
token: ']',
pos: start,
leading_ws: leading_ws
this.scan_pos = start + 1;
end = start;
while ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".indexOf(this.input[end]) >= 0) {
while ("_-".indexOf(this.input[end]) >= 0
&& "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".indexOf(this.input[end + 1]) >= 0) {
code_word = true;
while ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".indexOf(this.input[end]) >= 0) {
if (start < end) {
token_id: 65,
token: this.input.substring(start, end),
pos: start,
leading_ws: leading_ws
this.scan_pos = end;
// punctuation series?
end = start;
while ("?!#$%^&*-+~=:<.>/|\\".indexOf(this.input[end]) >= 0) {
if (end == start) {
end = start + 1;
token_id: 66,
token: this.input.substring(start, end),
pos: start,
leading_ws: leading_ws
this.scan_pos = end;
state.push_token = function(token) {
return state;
parser 'class'
old skool think: pccts/antlr, NOT yacc, as this is a top-down LL(k) parser,
NOT a LALR(1) parser a la yacc/bison.
function parser() {
var state = {
lexer: 0,
ast: null,
ast_parent: null
state.register_lexer = function(lexer) {
this.lexer = lexer;
return this;
state.parse = function(input_text) {
// speed up: does the new run actually change anything?
if (!this.lexer.set_input(input_text)) {
return this.ast;
// (re)parse input
this.ast = [];
this.ast_parent = [];
// match the root grammar rule:
// input := blurb*
try {
while (!this.lexer.eof()) {
} catch(e) {
this.push_AST_error_node(this.new_error_node(e), 0);
return this.ast;
// match a single 'blurb':
state.match_blurb = function() {
A 'blurb' consists of a series of 'chunks', where the first chunk MUST be a 'headline':
blurb := headline chunk*
var s = this.clone_state('blurb');
// match one headline
if (this.match_headline()) {
// followed by an arbitrary number of chunks:
while (this.match_chunk())
} else {
throw { state: s, msg: "blurb doesn't start with a headline" };
// match a single 'headline':
state.match_headline = function() {
A 'headline' consists of a series of words and inline-markup:
headline := (word | inline_markup)+
var s = this.clone_state('headline');
// followed by an arbitrary number of words and inline-markup:
var info = {
word_count: 0
for (;;) {
if (!this.match_inline_markup(info, true)) {
if (info.word_count < 1) {
throw { state: s, msg: "headline must contain at least one word as headline text" };
// match a inline-markup sequence from start to end:
state.match_inline_markup = function(info, test) {
'inline-markup' consists of a '*' or '_' to indicate bold/italics, followed by one of more words and terminated by the same '*' or '_' marker.
inline-markup := ('*' | '_') (word | inline_markup)+ ('*' | '_')
| word*
where the alternative grammar rule indicates that, when no inline-markup tokens were found, we expect a simple series of words and punctuation.
(Yes, punctuation is considered to be a special type of 'word'.)
var s = this.clone_state('inline-markup');
var m = this.match_markup_start_token();
if (m) {
this.match_inline_markup(info, test);
if (info.word_count < 1) {
throw { state: s, msg: "headline must contain at least one word as headline text" };
} else {
this.match_words(info, test);
state.match_markup_start_token = function() {
return false;
state.match_markup_end_token = function(start_token) {
state.match_words = function(info, test) {
var t = this.lexer.lookahead(1);
while (t.token_id >= 32) {
t = this.lexer.lookahead(1);
state.match_token = function(required_token_id) {
// tell the lexer that the token in the stream must be a keyword:
var t = this.lexer.lookahead(1);
if (t.token_id != 1 /* '[' */ ) {
throw { state: this.state, msg: "unexpected word '" + t.token + "' where we expected the special keyword marker '['" };
t = this.lexer.lookahead(2);
if (t.token != required_token_id) {
throw { state: this.state, msg: "unexpected token '" + t.token + "' where we expected the token '" + required_token_id + "'." };
return this.push_AST_node(t);
state.push_AST_node = function(node) {
return this;
state.enter_AST_node = function() {
assert(this.ast.length > 0);
var node = this.ast[this.ast.length - 1];
node.ast = [];
this.ast_parent.push({ ast: this.ast, node: node });
this.ast = node.ast;
state.leave_AST_node = function() {
assert(this.ast_parent.length > 0);
var p = this.ast_parent.pop();
this.ast = p.ast;
state.clone_state = function(id) {
return {
id: id,
ast: this.ast,
ast_parent: this.ast_parent,
lexer_state: this.lexer.clone_state(id)
state.push_AST_error_node = function(err_node, parent_depth) {
while (this.ast_parent.length > parent_depth) {
state.new_error_node = function(e) {
return {
error: true,
value: e
return state;
compiler 'class'
combines the lexer and parser to produce an AST (abstract syntax tree).
The compiler also includes a 'backend' a.k.a. 'code generator', producing
augmented HTML from the scanned input.
function compiler() {
var state = {
state: 0,
lexer: null,
parser: null,
ast: []
state.compile = function(input_text) {
// create a lexer and/or parser instance when these do not exist yet:
if (!this.parser) {
this.parser = parser();
if (!this.lexer) {
this.lexer = lexer();
var ast = this.parser.parse(input_text);
return ast;
}; = function(input_text) {
return this.compile(input_text || "");
return state;
function show_ast(ast) {
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