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Created March 6, 2022 23:41
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Compute matrix multiplication `C = A * B` using the strassen algorithm.
using LinearAlgebra: mul!
strassen!(C, A, B, s0=8)
Compute matrix multiplication `C = A * B` using the strassen algorithm.
`s0` is the critical size to stop Strassen recursion, it can be slow if it recurse too deep,
then one needs to set this value larger.
I write this function because it might be useful
for some special generic element types that multiplication can be expensive.
It does not have speed up for regular element types!
function strassen!(C::AbstractMatrix{T}, A, B, s0=8) where T
# size check and determine the stop condition
m, n = size(C)
p = size(A, 2)
@assert m == size(A, 1) && n == size(B, 2) && size(B, 1) == p
if p <= s0 || m <= s0 || n <= s0
return mul!(C, A, B)
# handle odd shapes and rectangular shapes
s = min(m, n, p)
s -= s & 1
hs = s >> 1
rm = m - s # not even
rn = n - s
rp = p - s
@inbounds begin
if rm != 0 || rn !=0 || rp != 0
strassen!(view(C,1:s,1:s), view(A,1:s,1:s), view(B,1:s,1:s), s0)
rp != 0 && (view(C,1:s,1:s) .+= view(A,1:s,s+1:p) * B[s+1:p,1:s])
view(C,s+1:m,1:s) .= Ref(zero(T))
view(C,:,s+1:n) .= Ref(zero(T))
rm != 0 && (view(C,s+1:m,1:s) .+= view(A,s+1:m,:) * view(B,:,1:s))
rn != 0 && (view(C,1:s,s+1:n) .+= view(A,1:s,:) * view(B,:,s+1:n))
(rm != 0 && rn != 0) && (view(C,s+1:m,s+1:n) .+= view(A,s+1:m,:) * view(B,:,s+1:n))
return C
# main block
A11, A21, A12, A22 = devide22(A)
B11, B21, B12, B22 = devide22(B)
M = similar(C, hs, hs, 7)
strassen!(view(M, :, :, 1), A11 .+ A22, B11 .+ B22, s0)
strassen!(view(M, :, :, 2), A21 .+ A22, B11, s0)
strassen!(view(M, :, :, 3), A11, B12 .- B22, s0)
strassen!(view(M, :, :, 4), A22, B21 .- B11, s0)
strassen!(view(M, :, :, 5), A11 .+ A12, B22, s0)
strassen!(view(M, :, :, 6), A21 .- A11, B11 .+ B12, s0)
strassen!(view(M, :, :, 7), A12 .- A22, B21 .+ B22, s0)
# fill the results back
view(C,1:hs, 1:hs) .= view(M,:,:,1) .+ view(M,:,:,4) .- view(M,:,:,5) .+ view(M,:,:,7)
view(C,1:hs, hs+1:s) .= view(M,:,:,3) .+ view(M,:,:,5)
view(C,hs+1:s, 1:hs) .= view(M,:,:,2) .+ view(M,:,:,4)
view(C,hs+1:s, hs+1:s) .= view(M,:,:,1) .- view(M,:,:,2) .+ view(M,:,:,3) .+ view(M,:,:,6)
return C
# devide a matrix to four blocks
function devide22(A)
s = size(A, 1)
hs = s >> 1
view(A, 1:hs, 1:hs), view(A, hs+1:s, 1:hs), view(A, 1:hs, hs+1:s), view(A, hs+1:s, hs+1:s)
using Test
@testset "strassen" begin
for (m, p, n) in [(13, 15, 9), (13, 15, 10), (13,16,9), (14,15,9),
(13, 16, 10), (14, 15, 10), (13, 15, 9), (14, 16, 10), (128, 128, 128)
A, B = randn(m, p), randn(p, n)
C = similar(A, m, n)
r, q = strassen!(C, A, B, 1), A * B
@test isapprox(r, q, atol=1e-6)
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