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Last active November 25, 2019 05:56
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// XPath Helper
function $x() {
var x = '';
var node = document;
var type = 0;
var fix = true;
var i = 0;
var cur;
function toArray(xp) {
var final = [], next;
while (next = xp.iterateNext()) {
return final;
while (cur = arguments[i++]) {
switch (typeof cur) {
case "string": x += (x == '') ? cur : " | " + cur; continue;
case "number": type = cur; continue;
case "object": node = cur; continue;
case "boolean": fix = cur; continue;
if (fix) {
if (type == 6) type = 4;
if (type == 7) type = 5;
// selection mistake helper
if (!/^\//.test(x)) x = "//" + x;
// context mistake helper
if (node != document && !/^\./.test(x)) x = "." + x;
var doc = node instanceof HTMLDocument ? node : document;
var result = doc.evaluate(x, node, null, type, null);
if (fix) {
// automatically return special type
switch (type) {
case 1: return result.numberValue;
case 2: return result.stringValue;
case 3: return result.booleanValue;
case 8:
case 9: return result.singleNodeValue;
return fix ? toArray(result) : result;
function observe(startNode, query) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let observer, timeoutID
const callback = () => {
const elements = query()
if (elements != null && ('length' in elements && elements.length || !('length' in elements) && elements)) {
if (observer) observer.disconnect()
if (timeoutID) clearTimeout(timeoutID)
observer = new MutationObserver(callback)
observer.observe(startNode, { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true })
if (window.ASYNC$_TIMEOUT) {
timeoutID = setTimeout(() => {
if (observer) observer.disconnect()
if (timeoutID) clearTimeout(timeoutID)
reject('Could not find elements.')
}, window.ASYNC$_TIMEOUT)
// const title = await async$('title')
// console.log(title.textContent)
async function async$(selector, startNode = document) {
return observe(startNode, () => startNode['querySelector'](selector))
// const links = await async$$('a')
// console.log(links)
async function async$$(selector, startNode = document) {
return observe(startNode, () => [...startNode['querySelectorAll'](selector)])
// const links = await async$x('//a')
// console.log(links)
// const h1 = await async$x('//h1', undefined, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE)
// console.log(h1.textContent)
async function async$x(xpath, startNode = document, ...args) {
return observe(startNode, () => $x(xpath, startNode, ...args))
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