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Last active September 1, 2015 02:50
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The DK chess project is discontinued atm, but if someone is interested and is a fan of DK, contact me and I would apprecite your help.
//This is subject to change. Take note that this is just a backbone of the DK chess game; may be subjected to change some codes and stuff.
//DK Chess game Omega testing 0.0.1
//Feel free to add some suggestions; planning to transfer the codes to header and notepad.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// in this example pieces aer described as integer values
// we will make them constants, so that if at any time we want to change their values we can do so here
// but will still need to recompile
const int pawn = 100;
const int bishop = 305;
const int knight = 300;
const int rook = 500;
const int queen = 900;
const int king = 2000;
// an alternative would be to use string constants or another data type
//now we need a board to put the pieces on and move around on
//the board data type should match the pieces data type
// the board in regular chess is always 8x8, but for speedy legal move generator
//other programs use larger than 8x8 where an 8x8 real board exists in a larger array ie 12x14
// but for simplicity of understanding we will use the simple 8x8
int board[8][8];
// board [rank] [file];
// where rank = 0 - 7 (1 to 8 on a real chess board) and file = 0 - 7 (a - h)
const int startup[8][8] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// the startup constant contains the standard starting position of all chess games (not variants)
//each side has 8 pieces and 8 pawns / all pawns are on the colours respective ranks
// for black pieces we use -piecetype. (negative)
void setup (void) {
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++){
board[i][j] = startup[i][j]; //setup starting position
//the two for loops run through all the iteratins of the 8x8 array and copy the starting position to the real board.
// next we need a function that will display the board some way either graphics or text
// in this case we will print to the screen a text version of the boards contents
//it is standard in FEN notations and other text of a chess board to express each piece by it's first letter
// except the knight which uses 'N'
// the black pieces are lower case while the white pieces are upper case
// otherwise it is impossible to distinguish black pieces from white pieces
void printb (void){
using namespace std; // this must be here in order to begin using strings.
int a, b;
string piece;
for (a = 7; a > -1; a--){ // we must iterate the ranks down from 7 to 0 otherwise the board will be upside down
cout << endl;
for (b = 0; b < 8; b++){
switch (board[a][b]){
case 0:
piece = "__";
case pawn:
piece = "WP";
case knight:
piece = "WN";
case bishop:
piece = "WB";
case rook:
piece = "WR";
case queen:
piece = "WQ";
case king:
piece = "WK";
case -pawn:
piece = "BP";
case -knight:
piece = "BN";
case -bishop:
piece = "BB";
case -rook:
piece = "BR";
case -queen:
piece = "BQ";
case -king:
piece = "BK";
cout << " " << piece << " ";
cout << endl << endl;
// every program in win32 console must have a main
int main (void) {
using namespace std;
//we need to tell the user about the program .. and how to use it
cout << "Welcome to DK chess 0.0.1!" << endl << "This is just temporary" << endl << endl;
cout << "Please enter your moves in 4 letter algebraic" << endl << "ie e2e4 in lower case only" << endl;
cout << "commands: exit = quit, abort = quit, print = displays the board," << endl << "new = new game" << endl << endl;
string passd; // this will be the string that contains info from the user
setup(); //we must set up the initial position
while (1){ // a while loop that always loops; except when a break; statement occurs
getline (cin, passd ); //ask the user to input what he wants the app to do
if (passd.substr(0, 4) == "exit" || passd.substr(0, 5) == "abort" || passd.substr(0, 4) == "quit") { //test //for quit or exit statements
if (passd.substr(0, 5) == "print") { // display the board
if (passd.substr(0, 3) == "new") { // ask for a new game
if (passd.substr(0, 1) >= "a" && passd.substr(0, 1) <= "h" && passd.substr(1, 1) >= "1" && passd.substr(1, 1) <= "8" && passd.substr(2, 1) >= "a" && passd.substr(2, 1) <= "h" && passd.substr(3, 1) >= "1" && passd.substr(3, 1) <= "8") { // this statement makes sure both squares are on the chess board when executing //a move
// execute move
// then display new board position
int a, b, c, d;
a = passd[0] - 'a';
b = passd[1] - '1';
c = passd[2] - 'a';
d = passd[3] - '1';
//executes the move if its on the board!
board[d][c] = board[b][a];
board[b][a] = 0;
printb(); //prints out to the screen the updated position after moving the pieces
//Reference for the codes used in this one:
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