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Created April 15, 2022 15:44
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A>B>C>D: 00.00%
A>B>D>C: 05.60%
A>C>B>D: 06.80%
A>C>D>B: 07.00%
A>D>B>C: 01.50%
A>D>C>B: 06.30%
B>A>C>D: 04.40%
B>A>D>C: 06.70%
B>C>A>D: 02.30%
B>C>D>A: 06.60%
B>D>A>C: 00.00%
B>D>C>A: 05.50%
C>A>B>D: 01.10%
C>A>D>B: 00.00%
C>B>A>D: 07.10%
C>B>D>A: 04.30%
C>D>A>B: 03.90%
C>D>B>A: 05.00%
D>A>B>C: 05.00%
D>A>C>B: 00.00%
D>B>A>C: 06.30%
D>B>C>A: 04.10%
D>C>A>B: 03.70%
D>C>B>A: 06.80%
A>B>C>D: 00.00%
A>B>D>C: 07.70%
A>C>B>D: 03.70%
A>C>D>B: 04.60%
A>D>B>C: 04.00%
A>D>C>B: 08.70%
B>A>C>D: 01.50%
B>A>D>C: 03.50%
B>C>A>D: 05.90%
B>C>D>A: 01.70%
B>D>A>C: 03.30%
B>D>C>A: 06.70%
C>A>B>D: 03.50%
C>A>D>B: 00.00%
C>B>A>D: 09.00%
C>B>D>A: 01.30%
C>D>A>B: 07.00%
C>D>B>A: 06.00%
D>A>B>C: 03.50%
D>A>C>B: 03.10%
D>B>A>C: 04.20%
D>B>C>A: 06.00%
D>C>A>B: 01.50%
D>C>B>A: 03.60%
#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w
## See <URL: >
## and <URL: >
## This script draws a random distribution of orders of preferences
## among N candidates, and then elects a candidate using the voting
## schemes defined above for various runoff depths k from 0 (which is
## just fptp voting) to 7.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
## Options are:
## -c <list>: use this comma-separated list of candidate names (mandatory)
## -r <file>: read votes from this file (format the same as produced by -w)
## (otherwise, will be randomly-generated)
## -w <file>: write votes to this file
my %opts;
getopts("c:r:w:", \%opts);
unless ( defined($opts{c}) ) {
die "please pass -c option with comma-separated list of candidate names";
my @candnames = split /\,/, $opts{c};
my $nbcandidates = scalar(@candnames);
## Generate a table of all permutations of 0..$nbcandidates-1:
my @permtab;
my @ordernames;
my %revorderhash;
sub genperms {
my @t = ();
my $i = 0;
while ( 1 ) {
if ( $i >= $nbcandidates ) {
if ( scalar(@t) == 0 ) {
last genloop;
$i = pop @t;
next genloop;
for ( my $j=0 ; $j<scalar(@t) ; $j++ ) {
if ( $i == $t[$j] ) {
next genloop;
push @t, $i;
if ( scalar(@t) >= $nbcandidates ) {
my $order = join(">",map {$candnames[$_]} @t);
$ordernames[scalar(@permtab)] = $order;
die "the universe has collapsed" if defined($revorderhash{$order});
$revorderhash{$order} = scalar(@permtab);
push @permtab, [ @t ]; # Copy!
pop @t;
} else {
$i = 0;
my @votetab; # Shared global variable with voting results
## Generate random distribution of preferences and store it in @votetab.
sub randomvote {
@votetab = ();
my $sum = 0;
for ( my $p=0 ; $p<scalar(@permtab) ; $p++ ) {
my $val = rand();
push @votetab, $val;
$sum += $val;
# Normalize:
for ( my $p=0 ; $p<scalar(@permtab) ; $p++ ) {
$votetab[$p] /= $sum;
## Read distribution from a file.
sub readvote {
my $inf = shift;
@votetab = ();
my $sum = 0;
while (<$inf>) {
die "bad input format" unless m/^([^\s\:]+)\:\s*([0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]+)?|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)\%?/;
my $order = $1;
my $val = $2 + 0;
die "bad permutation $order" unless defined($revorderhash{$order});
my $p = $revorderhash{$order};
die "duplicate line $order" if defined($votetab[$p]);
$votetab[$p] = $val;
$sum += $val;
die "no votes" if $sum <= 0;
# Normalize:
for ( my $p=0 ; $p<scalar(@permtab) ; $p++ ) {
$votetab[$p] = 0 unless defined($votetab[$p]);
$votetab[$p] /= $sum;
## Write distribution to a file.
sub writevote {
my $outf = shift;
for ( my $p=0 ; $p<scalar(@permtab) ; $p++ ) {
printf $outf "%s: %05.2f%%\n", $ordernames[$p], $votetab[$p]*100;
my $warned_equality;
## The lowest recursion step (perform a simple fptp vote), possibly
## excluding some candidates, and possibly inverted in one or two ways:
## - simplevote(0,0) returns the candidate having the MOST TOP votes,
## i.e., the "best" (most liked) candidate
## - simplevote(1,0) returns the candidate having the LEAST BOTTOM votes
## i.e., the "dual best" (least disliked) candidate
## - simplevote(0,1) returns the candidate having the LEAST TOP votes,
## i.e., the "worst" (least liked) candidate
## - simplevote(1,1) returns the candidate having the MOST BOTTOM votes
## i.e., the "dual worst" (most disliked) candidate
sub simplevote {
my $revorder = !!shift; # Whether to reverse individual preferences
my $worst = !!shift; # Whether to find worst candidate
my $minimize = $revorder^$worst; # Whether to minimize votes
my $excl = shift || {}; # Ignore these candidates when sorting
# First, tally the number of (top or bottom) votes for each candidate:
my @stats = ();
for ( my $p=0 ; $p<scalar(@permtab) ; $p++ ) {
for ( my $j=0 ; $j<$nbcandidates ; $j++ ) {
# Loop through candidates in appropriate order
my $i = $revorder ? $permtab[$p][$nbcandidates-1-$j] : $permtab[$p][$j];
# Stop at first non-excluded
if ( ! $excl->{$i} ) {
$stats[$i] += $votetab[$p];
last candloop;
# Now find the candidate with the best (or worst) tally:
my $besti = -1;
my $also_besti = -1;
my $bests = $minimize ? 2 : -1;
for ( my $i=0 ; $i<$nbcandidates ; $i++ ) {
if ( ( ! $excl->{$i} ) && ( $minimize ? $stats[$i] <= $bests : $stats[$i] >= $bests ) ) {
$besti = $i unless $stats[$i] == $bests;
$also_besti = $i;
$bests = $stats[$i];
if ( $besti != $also_besti && ! $warned_equality ) {
my $excllist = join(",",map {$candnames[$_]} (keys(%{$excl})));
$excllist = "<nobody>" if $excllist eq "";
printf STDERR "warning: exact equality between candidates %s and %s at %05.2f%% when excluding %s\n", $candnames[$besti], $candnames[$also_besti], $bests*100, $excllist;
$warned_equality = 1;
return $worst ? $also_besti : $besti;
## The general recursive voting scheme: at level 0 this simply calls
## simplevote above (with the same parameters). At higher level k,
## this excludes candidates using the same function at level k-1 but
## with the "worst" parameter flipped, eliminating them one by one
## until only one is left standing, and return that one.
sub recursive_vote {
my $level = shift;
my $revorder = !!shift; # Whether to reverse individual preferences
my $worst = !!shift; # Whether to find worst candidate
my $excl = shift || {}; # Ignore these candidates when sorting
if ( $level <= 0 ) {
return simplevote($revorder, $worst, $excl);
my $lastexcl = -1;
my @excltab;
while ( 1 ) {
my $newexcl = recursive_vote($level-1, $revorder, !$worst, $excl);
if ( $newexcl == -1 ) {
foreach my $i ( @excltab ) {
$excl->{$i} = undef;
return $lastexcl;
} else {
die "this is impossible" if $excl->{$newexcl};
push @excltab, $newexcl;
$lastexcl = $newexcl;
$excl->{$newexcl} = 1;
# mainloop:
# while ( 1 ) {
if ( defined($opts{"r"}) ) {
my $fname = $opts{"r"} // "-";
if ( $fname eq "-" ) {
readvote \*STDIN;
} else {
open my $inf, "<", $fname or die "can't open $fname for reading: $!";
readvote $inf;
close $inf;
} else {
if ( defined($opts{"w"}) ) {
my $fname = $opts{"w"} // "-";
if ( $fname eq "-" ) {
writevote \*STDOUT;
} else {
open my $outf, ">", $fname or die "can't open $fname for writing: $!";
writevote $outf;
close $outf;
for ( my $level=0 ; $level<8 ; $level++ ) {
printf "best level %d candidate: %s; dual: %s\n", $level, $candnames[recursive_vote($level,0,0)], $candnames[recursive_vote($level,1,0)];
# my %elected = ();
# my @elected = ();
# for ( my $level=0 ; $level<6 ; $level++ ) {
# my $elected = recursive_vote($level,0,0);
# push @elected, $elected;
# $elected{$elected} = $level;
# }
# if ( scalar(%elected) >= 4 && $elected[5]==$elected[4] ) {
# for ( my $level=0 ; $level<6 ; $level++ ) {
# printf "best level %d candidate: %d; dual: %d\n", $level, $elected[$level], recursive_vote($level,1,0);
# }
# last mainloop;
# }
# }
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