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Last active August 14, 2022 18:25
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cat > /tmp/script.gnuplot <<'__EOF__'
set terminal pngcairo size 800,600
wholetitle=sprintf("Graphe de %s (%s) en France moyennes janv–juil par année", maintitle, unit)
# A hack to extract last value of dataset:
set output "/dev/null"
plot fname using (lastyear=$3):(lastval=$2)
# Now compute stats:
stats fname using ($3-2000):($2) name "stat"
regrtitle=stat_slope<0?sprintf("%.2f−%.2f×(Y−2000)/100", stat_intercept, -stat_slope*100):sprintf("%.2f+%.2f×(Y−2000)/100", stat_intercept, stat_slope*100)
set output ofname
set key bmargin
set title wholetitle
plot [x=1950:lastyear] w(x-2000)+lastval-w(lastyear-2000) lt rgb "dark-grey" dashtype 3 notitle, fname using ($3):($2) with lines lt rgb "brown" title maintitle, [x=1950:lastyear] w(x-2000) lt rgb "blue" dashtype 2 title regrtitle, [x=1950:lastyear] w(x-2000)+residual_stddev lt rgb "blue" dashtype 3 notitle, [x=1950:lastyear] w(x-2000)-residual_stddev lt rgb "blue" dashtype 3 notitle, fname using ($3):($3==lastyear?$2:NaN) lt rgb "brown" pt 7 ps 2 title lastvaltitle, fname using ($3):($3==lastyear?w(lastyear-2000):NaN) lt rgb "blue" pt 7 ps 2 title predvaltitle
print "slope in standard devs: ", stat_slope/stat_slope_err
print "last residual in standard devs: ", (lastval-w(lastyear-2000))/residual_stddev
(echo 'var="t2m"' ; echo 'maintitle="température"' ; echo 'unit="°C"' ; cat /tmp/script.gnuplot) | gnuplot
(echo 'var="tp"' ; echo 'maintitle="précipitation"' ; echo 'unit="mm/j"' ; cat /tmp/script.gnuplot) | gnuplot
(echo 'var="pme"' ; echo 'maintitle="différence P−E"' ; echo 'unit="mm/j"' ; cat /tmp/script.gnuplot) | gnuplot
(echo 'var="ssr"' ; echo 'maintitle="rayonnement solaire"' ; echo 'unit="W/m²"' ; cat /tmp/script.gnuplot) | gnuplot
(echo 'var="msl"' ; echo 'maintitle="pression atmosphérique"' ; echo 'unit="hPa"' ; cat /tmp/script.gnuplot) | gnuplot
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