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Last active May 13, 2021 17:32
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[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $acrAccountName,
$takeLastImages = 5,
$likeRepositories = '',
$selectTagPattern = '^([0-9]+(\.)?){3,4}$'
#Get all repository where the name like with parameter $likeRepositories
$repositories = az acr repository list --name $acrAccountName --query ("[?contains(@, '" + $likeRepositories + "')]") | ConvertFrom-Json ;
#Get all image tags for repositories
$allTagsObjects = ( $repositories |% { az acr repository show-tags -n $acrAccountName --repository $_ --orderby time_desc --output 'json' --detail --query "map(&{ID: @.digest, Tag:, repository: '$_' },@)" | Join-String | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Skip $takeLastImages } )
# Filtering the images ID with only one tag
$uniqueTags = $allTagsObjects | Where -FilterScript { $id=$_.ID;($allTagsObjects | Where-Object ID -EQ $id).Count -EQ 1 } | Where-Object Tag -Match $selectTagPattern
$uniqueTags | %{ $imageToRemove = ($_.repository + ":" + $_.Tag); write-host $imageToRemove; az acr repository delete -n $acrAccountName --image $imageToRemove -y }
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