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Created January 5, 2021 17:40
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Here's my ER schema:

          owns                       is in
user   1 <----> N   real_estate   N <-----> 1   region

What I want:

  • for each user,
  • count the unique number of regions
  • where the user owns any real estate

The equivalent SQL query:

SELECT AS user_id,
       COUNT(DISTINCT real_estate.region_id) AS region_count
FROM user
LEFT JOIN real_estate
ON real_estate.owner_id =

The tricky part is getting the COUNT DISTINCT work with Core Data and NSExpression.

I was able to perform a non-distinct COUNT using:

let ctx: NSManagedObjectContext = …

let expr = NSExpression(format: "ownedRealEstates.region.regionID.@count")
let desc = NSExpressionDescription()
desc.expression = expr = "count"
desc.expressionResultType = .integer64AttributeType

let fr = NSFetchRequest<NSDictionary>(entityName: "User")

fr.resultType = .dictionaryResultType
fr.propertiesToFetch = [

let rows = try ctx.fetch(fr)

But how would I go about counting only the unique region IDs?

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