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HacksGalore / #HacksGalore
Last active September 17, 2018 17:07
time cheat live mathletics
when answer 2+2=4 change score to 100000 and var time clock"120" function CoolHack (){
var btn = document.createElement("BUTTON");
btn.useAttribute("CoolHack (){")
var t = document.createTextNode("cool hack");
HacksGalore / hack live mathletics level one only!
Last active March 22, 2018 05:27
LOL only LEVEL ONE WILL NOT WORK FOR SUBTRACTION I AM WORKIN ON subtraction Hack level one only enjoy! step one right click on your web browser go on console then copy paste code into it in the press enter then you will have the hack
var time = 60; var clock = 300; function TimeHack(){
setInterval(function Applytime() {
document.getElementsByClassName('timerLabel whiteTextWithShadow font-60 ng-binding')["0"].innerText = time; document.getElementsByClassName('timerLabel whiteTextWithShadow font-60 ng-binding')["0"].innerHtml = time;
document.getElementsByClassName('clockHand').rotate = clock;
}, 1);}; function TimeHackm() {
setInterval(function Addtime() {
time = time + 1;
clock = clock + 6;
}, 1000);}
var score = 1;