I hereby claim:
- I am Haegin on github.
- I am haegin (https://keybase.io/haegin) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 61BE 3FD4 7DAE BED3 F394 0D6E A911 D5A2 1DC4 3EDC
To claim this, I am signing this object:
class Plugin: | |
.... | |
PLUGIN_DEPENDS = [...] | |
# not sure what this decorator does yet so I'll just leave it here | |
#@Plugin.integrate_with('mongodb') | |
def _get_db(self, mongodb): | |
if 'mongodb' in PLUGIN_DEPENDS | |
self.db = mongodb.get_db(self.plugin_name()) |
I'm trying to test a code path that is hit when a function I'm calling raises an OAuth2::Error exception. | |
https://github.com/intridea/oauth2/blob/master/lib/oauth2/error.rb | |
OAuth2::Error takes in a response as a parameter but I really don't care about this and just want to mock this all out. | |
Currently I have the following: | |
setup do | |
@thing = flexmock(Thing.new(c)) | |
@thing.should_receive('client').and_raise(OAuth2::Error) | |
end | |
should "handle an oAuth error correctly" do |
No pig should go sky diving during monsoon | |
For this isn't really the norm. | |
But should a fat swine try to soar like a loon, | |
So what? Any pork in a storm. | |
No pig should go sky diving during monsoon, | |
It's risky enough when the weather is fine. | |
But to have a pig soar when the monsoon doth roar | |
Cast even more perils before swine. |
javascript:(function(e,a,g,h,f,c,b,d)%7Bif(!(f%3De.jQuery)%7C%7Cg>f.fn.jquery%7C%7Ch(f))%7Bc%3Da.createElement("script")%3Bc.type%3D"text/javascript"%3Bc.src%3D"http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/"%2Bg%2B"/jquery.min.js"%3Bc.onload%3Dc.onreadystatechange%3Dfunction()%7Bif(!b%26%26(!(d%3Dthis.readyState)%7C%7Cd%3D%3D"loaded"%7C%7Cd%3D%3D"complete"))%7Bh((f%3De.jQuery).noConflict(1),b%3D1)%3Bf(c).remove()%7D%7D%3Ba.documentElement.childNodes%5B0%5D.appendChild(c)%7D%7D)(window,document,"1.3.2",function(%24,L)%7B%24(%27.check-item.task.complete .checkbox.enabled%27).click()%7D)%3B |
#!/bin/bash | |
function revert_to { | |
SHA=$1 | |
echo "Reverting to ${SHA}" | |
git diff -R --binary $SHA | git apply | |
echo "Reverted" | |
echo "Diff against ${SHA}" | |
git diff $SHA | |
} |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Based on 'HMRC-MTR-2014-v1-0-20130927' RIM artefacts. Version 1.0 - Changes since 2012-13
ASE1 - Xpath change
ASE2 - Box removed not used for 2013/14.
ASE15 - New box on 2013/14 Return UKpatentRoyaltyPaymentsMade
AOR9 - Now BonusSecurityRedemptionDistributionRelief
. Was AOR10 in 2012/13 - box EmployersWidowsOrphansEtcBenefitScheme
removed for 2013/14.
-oooo:- | |
omhsoosho` | |
Ndo:``:oh- | |
dms+--+ym: | |
-ymhohdh+` | |
`N/`.s. | |
+: + | |
-- : | |
This vim function turns Ruby arrays of symbols into new-style Ruby hashes where the symbol is the key and the value is the symbol converted to a MixedCase string.
This vim function switches Ruby hashes from the old hash-rocket style to the newer JSONesque style and back. It'll try and guess what the current style is and switch to the other one.