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Created June 21, 2022 16:48
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import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:dartz/dartz.dart';
import 'package:fast_immutable_collections/fast_immutable_collections.dart';
import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart';
/// A timeline of values of a variable of type [T].
/// It can be viewed as a list of elements of type [T], with element at index 0 being the oldest.
/// You can call [current] to get the element at the current index, or [next] to get the element
/// at the next index, or [previous] to get the element at the previous index.
/// If there is no next (resp. previous) element available (i.e. the current index in the timeline list is at
/// the end (resp. beginning)), then the same current element at the end (resp. beginning) of the list will be
/// returned.
abstract class Timeline<T> {
factory Timeline({int? maxSize}) =>
TimelineDefaultImpl(maxSize: maxSize ?? 30);
/// Returns an [UnmodifiableListView] of elements saved in the timeline, element at index 0 being the oldest.
UnmodifiableListView<T> get elements;
/// The max size of the timeline.
int get maxSize;
/// The current number of elements in the timeline.
int get length;
/// Checks if the timeline is empty.
bool get isEmpty;
/// Checks if the timeline is not empty.
bool get isNotEmpty;
/// Checks if there is an element after the current position in the timeline list.
bool get hasNext;
/// Checks if there is an element before the current position in the timeline list.
bool get hasPrevious;
/// Pushes an element on the top of the timeline. This will also reset the current
/// position to the position of the last added element to the timeline.
/// If the timeline is full, the oldest element will be removed to make place.
void push(T t);
/// Clears the timeline.
void clear();
/// Returns the element after the current position in the timeline,
/// and moves the current position in the timeline to that element's position.
/// If there is no next element available, current position stays where it is and the element at that position
/// is returned (which will be in this case the last available position - i.e. newest element - in the timeline).
Option<T> get next;
/// Returns the element at the current position in the timeline.
Option<T> get current;
/// Returns the element before the current position in the timeline,
/// and moves the current position in the timeline to that element.
/// If there is no previous element available, current position stays where it is and the element at that position
/// is returned (which will be in this case the first available position - i.e. oldest element - in the timeline).
Option<T> get previous;
/// Returns the top (newest element) in the timeline, regardless of where the current position currently is.
/// Does not change the current position in the timeline though.
Option<T> get top;
/// Moves the current position in the timeline to the first element of the timeline.
/// Does nothing if the timeline is empty.
void toTheBeginning();
/// Moves the current position in the timeline to the last element of the timeline.
/// Does nothing if the timeline is empty.
void toTheEnd();
/// The default implementation of the timeline which uses a list and a variable to store the current index, to implement the contract.
class TimelineDefaultImpl<T> implements Timeline<T> {
final List<T> _elements = [];
int _currentIndex = 0;
final int maxSize;
TimelineDefaultImpl({required this.maxSize});
UnmodifiableListView<T> get elements => UnmodifiableListView(_elements);
int get length => _elements.length;
bool get isEmpty => _elements.isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty => _elements.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasNext => _currentIndex < _elements.length - 1;
bool get hasPrevious => _currentIndex > 0;
void push(T t) {
if (_elements.length == maxSize) {
_currentIndex = _elements.length - 1;
void clear() {
Option<T> get current {
return optionOf(_elements.getOrNull(_currentIndex));
Option<T> get next {
if (_currentIndex >= _elements.length) {
return optionOf(_elements.getOrNull(_currentIndex));
Option<T> get previous {
if (_currentIndex < 0) {
return optionOf(_elements.getOrNull(_currentIndex));
Option<T> get top {
return optionOf(_elements.lastOrNull);
void toTheBeginning() {
if (_elements.isNotEmpty) {
_currentIndex = 0;
void toTheEnd() {
if (_elements.isNotEmpty) {
_currentIndex = _elements.length - 1;
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