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Last active November 14, 2023 13:20
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// Go Playground:
package main
import (
type Attr = map[string]string
func Comment(data string) *html.Node {
return &html.Node{Type: html.CommentNode, Data: data}
func TextNode(data string) *html.Node {
return &html.Node{Type: html.TextNode, Data: data}
func makeNode(nt html.NodeType, tag string, attributes Attr, children ...*html.Node) *html.Node {
node := &html.Node{Type: nt, Data: tag}
for k, v := range attributes {
if ns, key, found := strings.Cut(k, ":"); found {
node.Attr = append(node.Attr, html.Attribute{Namespace: ns, Key: key, Val: v})
} else {
node.Attr = append(node.Attr, html.Attribute{Key: k, Val: v})
for _, c := range children {
if c != nil {
return node
func Element(tag string, attributes Attr, children ...*html.Node) *html.Node {
return makeNode(html.ElementNode, tag, attributes, children...)
func Elem(tag string, children ...*html.Node) *html.Node {
return Element(tag, nil, children...)
func HtmlDocument(children ...*html.Node) *html.Node {
return makeNode(html.DocumentNode, "", nil, children...)
func NL() *html.Node { return TextNode("\n") } // Makes reading the output easier.
func main() {
&html.Node{Type: html.DoctypeNode, Data: "html"}, NL(),
Attr{"lang": "en"}, NL(),
Elem("head", NL(),
Element("meta", Attr{"charset": "utf-8"}), NL(),
Comment(" HELLO WORLD "), NL(),
Element("meta", Attr{"name": "viewport", "content": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"}), NL(),
Elem("title", TextNode("HELLO WORLD")), NL(),
Elem("style", TextNode("\nbody{max-width:35em;margin:22px auto 64px auto;padding:0 8px;}\n")), NL(),
), NL(),
Elem("body", NL(),
Elem("h1", TextNode("HELLO,")), NL(),
Elem("p", TextNode("world!")), NL(),
), NL(),
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