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HarlanH / polygontest.R
Created February 27, 2014 03:08
rMaps/leaflet example that doesn't work (see Javascript console for weird error)
venues <- structure(list(name = c("pivotal", "aol", "columbia"), lat = c(40.7403372,
40.7308948, 40.8074358), lon = c(-73.9951462, -73.9917096, -73.9625858 )),
.Names = c("name", "lat", "lon"), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = "data.frame")
times_square <- c(40.7577, -73.9857)
map <- Leaflet$new()
HarlanH / randy_venn.jl
Created August 31, 2014 00:12
VennEuler code for 3 statistical programming languages, per Randy Zwitch
using VennEuler
# 1 364 23.30% SAS only
# 10 350 22.41% Python only
# 11 70 4.48% Python and SAS
# 100 490 31.37% R only
# 101 68 4.35% R and SAS
# 110 200 12.80% R and Python
# 111 20 1.28% R, Python and SAS
HarlanH /
Created March 2, 2010 20:01
a simplified version of aaply() from the R plyr package, much faster for simple cases <- function(df, fn, agg.type=numeric, .progress=NULL)
# A simplified and more-efficient version of aaply for data frames. Iterates over rows of the df, applies the
# fn to each single-row slice, and aggregates the **scalar** results.
# Args:
# df - data frame to split
# fn - function to apply to each row
# agg.type - a constructor, one of numeric, character
# .progress - set to "text" to get a progress bar
HarlanH / ggplotanimations.R
Created March 11, 2010 18:58
demonstration of animating R/ggplot2 graphs with ImageMagick
# NOTE: requires ImageMagick to be installed and in the PATH! Should work on most Linux and Mac systems.
d <- data.frame(x=rep(1:10,10), y=rnorm(100, 1:10))
files <- character()
for (i in 1:10)
HarlanH / monotonic_smoothing.R
Created June 2, 2010 20:53
demonstration of monotonic smoothing with 2-D integral IVs
# demonstration of monotonic smoothing with 2-D integral IVs
# Harlan Harris
df <-
structure(list(counts = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
HarlanH / Notes.txt
Created June 3, 2010 02:05
Code for the NYC R Meetup on debugging R
If you see the bug, keep your damn mouth shut!
Example #1
Show data.
I've written pointless code.
traceback() shows where the problem lies, but not when or why
Explain "call stack" made of "frames", noting that many things that don't
syntactically look like function calls in R actually are.
Error doesn't seem to happen all the time, so adding browser() calls
might not be very helpful.
# solution via Hadley Wickham and others at:
qq <- list(data.frame(c1=c('a', 'b', 'c')), data.frame(c1=c('a','d','e')), data.frame(c1=c('a','f','g')))
fold <- function(x, fun) {
if (length(x) == 1) return(fun(x))
accumulator <- fun(x[[1]], x[[2]])
if (length(x) == 2) return(accumulator)
HarlanH / visualizing-categorizations.R
Created April 22, 2011 22:23
Visualizing Categorizations blog post code
# Demo of techniques to visualize the predictions made by a categorization model.
pred.df$actual.bin <- ifelse(pred.df$actual == 'yes', 1, 0)
pred.df <- pred.df[order(pred.df$predicted, decreasing=TRUE), ]
HarlanH / DSDC-Titles.R
Created September 26, 2011 12:44
Data Science DC Titles Visualization
# Data Science DC Titles Visualization
# Here's how this will work. In a main loop, a parameterized visualization function
# is called every N seconds. Each function gets the source spreadsheet fresh, and
# generates a visual.
# aspects of this code borrowed from Drew Conway:
HarlanH / ISBNdb.R
Created January 27, 2012 14:39
R wrapper around the ISBNdb web service
# USAGE: ldply(c('9780387962406', '9780387961406', '0387981403'), function(x) ISBNdb(x, 'apikey'))
ISBNdb <- function(isbn, access_key,
isbn.api='') {
isbn <- as.character(isbn)