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Last active July 6, 2023 13:35
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Grab all music metadata and output it in bbcode
. './metadata.ps1'
Function Bbcode-Row {
Param ([switch]$Heading, $From)
Begin {
Process {
if ($From) {
$_ = $From."$_"
'' + $_
End {
Function ConvertTo-Bbcode {
Param ($Fields)
Begin {
$first = $True
Process {
if ($first) {
if (!$Fields) {
$Fields = $_ `
| Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty `
| %{ $_.Name }
($Fields | Bbcode-Row -Heading) -join ''
$first = $False
($Fields | Bbcode-Row -From $_) -join ''
End {
$meta = 'Year','Album','#','Title','Length','Bit rate'
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Include *.flac,*.mp3 `
| MetaData -Filter "^($($meta -join '|'))`$" `
| ConvertTo-Bbcode -Fields $meta `
| Out-File -Encoding utf8 info.txt
$shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$namespaces = @{}
Function MetaData {
Param (
$Filter = ''
Process {
$namespace = $namespaces[$_.Directory.FullName]
if (!$namespace) {
$namespace = $namespaces[$_.Directory.FullName] = @{
folder = $shell.namespace($_.Directory.FullName)
$namespace['properties'] = 0..266 `
| ?{
$name = $namespace['folder'].getDetailsOf($namespace['folder'].items, $_)
if ($name -match $Filter) {
$namespace[$_] = $name
else {
$name = $_.Name
$file = $namespace['folder'].items() | ?{ $ -eq $name }
$output = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$namespace['properties'] | %{
$detail = $namespace['folder'].getDetailsOf($file, $_)
if ($detail) {
$output `
| Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name $namespace[$_] `
-Value ($detail -replace '^\u200E','')
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