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Created October 10, 2022 00:39
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from datetime import datetime
import time
import pathlib
import sys
import base64
import json
import os
import numpy as np
import requests
import cv2
#import globals_v
#reference_picture = cv2.imread(picture_path)
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
def inference_container(img):
result_container = container_predict(img, 'image_key', port_number=8501)
#result_container_2 = result_container['predictions'][0]['scores']
#result_container_2 = np.expand_dims(result_container_2,axis=0)
#result_container_2 = np.expand_dims(result_container_2,axis=0)
#print('Result', '= ',result_container)
return result_container
def preprocess_image(image_file_path, max_width, max_height):
encode_param = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 85]
im = image_file_path
[height, width, _] = im.shape
if height > max_height or width > max_width:
ratio = max(height / float(max_width), width / float(max_height))
new_height = int(height / ratio + 0.5)
new_width = int(width / ratio + 0.5)
resized_im = cv2.resize(
im, (new_width, new_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
_, processed_image = cv2.imencode('.jpg', resized_im, encode_param)
_, processed_image = cv2.imencode('.jpg', im, encode_param)
return base64.b64encode(processed_image).decode('utf-8')
def container_predict(image_file_path, image_key, port_number=8501):
#print('container_predict_file: ',image_file_path)
encoded_image = preprocess_image(
image_file_path=image_file_path, max_width=1920, max_height=1080)
instances = {
'instances': [
{'image_bytes': {'b64': str(encoded_image)},
'key': image_key}
url = 'http://localhost:{}/v1/models/default:predict'.format(port_number)
response =, data=json.dumps(instances))
return response.json()
if __name__ == '__main__':
ret, img =
reference_picture = img
results = inference_container(reference_picture)
boxes = results['predictions'][0]['detection_boxes']
classes = results['predictions'][0]['detection_classes']
scores = results['predictions'][0]['detection_scores']
label_name = results['predictions'][0]['detection_classes_as_text']
for (box,classx,scorex,labelx) in zip(boxes,classes,scores,label_name):
xmin = int(box[0]*reference_picture.shape[0])
ymin = int(box[1]*reference_picture.shape[1])
xmax = int(box[2]*reference_picture.shape[0])
ymax = int(box[3]*reference_picture.shape[1])
label_object_det = labelx + '_' f"{scorex:.3f}"
if classx == 3:
color = (255, 0, 0)
elif classx == 2:
color = (0, 255, 0)
color = (0, 0, 255)
# if scorex < 0.02:
# color = (255, 255, 255)
# reference_picture = cv2.rectangle(reference_picture, (ymin, xmin), (ymax, xmax), color, 2)
if scorex > 0.7:
reference_picture = cv2.putText(reference_picture, label_object_det, (ymin-2, xmin-2), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, color, 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
reference_picture = cv2.rectangle(reference_picture, (ymin, xmin), (ymax, xmax), color, 2)
#reference_picture = cv2.rectangle(reference_picture, (5, 5), (220, 220), (255, 0, 0), 2)
scale_percent = 200 # percent of original size
width = int(reference_picture.shape[1] * scale_percent / 100)
height = int(reference_picture.shape[0] * scale_percent / 100)
dim = (width, height)
resize_picture = cv2.resize(reference_picture, dim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
cv2.imshow('Image', resize_picture)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
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