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Created November 14, 2020 22:29
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module Weld where
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Bifunctor as B
import Text.PrettyPrint as PP hiding ((<>))
infix 1 \/
type (\/) = Either
data Prog a b where
ID :: Prog a a
(:#) :: Prog a b -> Prog b c -> Prog a c
(:&) :: Prog a b -> Prog a c -> Prog a (b, c)
FST :: Prog (a, b) a
SND :: Prog (a, b) b
IT :: Prog a ()
APPLY :: Prog (Prog a b, a) b
CURRY :: Prog (a, b) c -> Prog a (Prog b c)
UNCURRY :: Prog a (Prog b c) -> Prog (a, b) c
CONST :: a -> Prog () a
(:|) :: Prog a c -> Prog b c -> Prog (a \/ b) c
LEFT :: Prog a (a \/ b)
RIGHT :: Prog b (a \/ b)
CAST :: Same a b => Prog a b
EXT :: String -> (a -> b) -> Prog a b
FIX :: Prog (Prog a b, a) b -> Prog a b
DUP :: Prog a (a, a)
ALWAYS :: Prog a (Prog () a)
CONS :: Prog (Prog a b, Prog b c) (Prog a c)
DISTR :: Prog (a, b \/ c) ((a, b) \/ (a, c))
GATHER :: Prog (a \/ c, b \/ c) ((a, b) \/ c)
deriving Show via PP (Prog a b)
class Same a b | a -> b, b -> a where
forth :: a -> b
instance Same [a] ((a, [a]) \/ ()) where
forth [] = Right ()
forth (x : xs) = Left (x, xs)
instance Same ((a, [a]) \/ ()) [a] where
forth = either (uncurry (:)) (const [])
class Pretty a where
pp :: a -> Doc
newtype PP a = PP { unPP :: a }
instance Pretty a => Show (PP a) where
show = show . pp . unPP
instance Pretty (Prog a b) where
pp t = case t of
CONST _ -> "<smth>"
EXT n _ -> text n
UNCURRY f -> "UNCURRY" `indent` parens (pp f)
ID -> "."
FIX p -> "FIX" `indent` parens (pp p)
DUP -> "DUP"
FST -> "FST"
SND -> "SND"
_ :# _ -> collectHash t
_ :| _ -> collectOr t
_ :& _ -> collectAnd t
IT -> "IT"
CURRY f -> "CURRY" `indent` parens (pp f)
collectHash :: Prog a b -> Doc
collectHash = \case
a :# b -> collectHash a PP.<+> "#" PP.<+> collectHash b
x -> pp x
collectOr :: Prog a b -> Doc
collectOr t = case t of
a :# b -> parens (pp a) PP.<+> "|" PP.<+> parens (pp b)
a :| b -> parens (pp a) PP.<+> "|" PP.<+> parens (pp b)
_ -> pp t
collectAnd :: Prog a b -> Doc
collectAnd t = case t of
a :# b -> parens (pp a) PP.<+> "&" PP.<+> parens (pp b)
a :| b -> parens (pp a) PP.<+> "&" PP.<+> parens (pp b)
a :& b -> parens (pp a) PP.<+> "&" PP.<+> parens (pp b)
_ -> pp t
indent, above :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
indent a b = hang a 2 b
above a b = hang a 0 b
aSSOC :: Prog (a, (b, c)) ((a, b), c)
aSSOC = (FST :& (SND :# FST)) :& (SND :# SND)
uNASSOC :: Prog ((a, b), c) (a, (b, c))
uNASSOC = (FST :# FST) :& ((FST :# SND) :& SND)
sWAP :: Prog (a, b) (b, a)
(%&) :: Prog a b -> Prog c d -> Prog (a, c) (b, d)
f %& g = (FST :# f) :& (SND :# g)
(%|) :: Prog a b -> Prog c d -> Prog (a \/ c) (b \/ d)
f %| g = (f :# LEFT) :| (g :# RIGHT)
distribute :: Bifunctor d => a -> d b c -> d (a, b) (a, c)
distribute a = bimap (a,) (a,)
class Swap d where swap :: d a b -> d b a
instance Swap (,) where swap (a, b) = (b, a)
instance Swap (\/) where swap = either Right Left
class Gather d where gather :: d (a \/ c) (b \/ c) -> d a b \/ c
instance Gather (,) where gather (ma, mb) = either (\a -> B.first (a,) mb) Right ma
instance Gather (\/) where gather = either (either (Left . Left) Right) (either (Left . Right) Right)
class Assoc d where
assoc :: d a (d b c) -> d (d a b) c
unassoc :: d (d a b) c -> d a (d b c)
instance Assoc (,) where
assoc (a, (b, c)) = ((a, b), c)
unassoc ((a, b), c) = (a, (b, c))
instance Assoc (\/) where
assoc = either (Left . Left) (either (Left . Right) Right)
unassoc = either (either Left (Right . Left)) (Right . Right)
rIGHT :: Prog (a, b \/ c) (b \/ (a, c))
rIGHT = DISTR :# (SND %| ID)
lEFT :: Prog (a, b \/ c) ((a, b) \/ c)
lEFT = DISTR :# (ID %| SND)
aNY :: Prog (a \/ a) a
aNY = ID :| ID
run :: Prog a b -> a -> b
run = \case
CONST a -> const a
CAST -> forth
EXT _ f -> f
ID -> id
FIX f -> \a -> run f (FIX f, a)
APPLY -> uncurry run
UNCURRY f -> \(a, b) -> run (run f a) b
CURRY f -> \a -> _
DUP -> \a -> (a, a)
FST -> fst
SND -> snd
LEFT -> Left
RIGHT -> Right
f :# g -> run f >>> run g
f :& g -> run f &&& run g
f :| g -> run f ||| run g
CONS -> uncurry (:#)
DISTR -> uncurry distribute
GATHER -> gather
-- fix :: (a -> a) -> a
-- fix f = x where x = f x
-- -- foldList :: forall a b. Prog (Prog (a, b) b, (b, [a])) b
-- -- foldList =
-- -- LET \f ->
-- -- LET \b ->
-- -- FIX do
-- -- LET \self ->
-- -- CAST @[a]
-- -- :# (ID :% self :# f) :% CONST b
-- -- :# aNY
-- -- mapList :: forall a b. Prog (Prog a b, [a]) [b]
-- -- mapList =
-- -- LET \f -> DUP :# (DUP :# (_ :% ID) :# (CONST [] :% ID)) :# _ :# foldList
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