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Last active July 15, 2024 19:01
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Mercury Setup Deployer version 3, I dare you to find a faster setup deployer
// Mercury Setup Deployer 3, now in Go
// goroutines make it run fast as FUCK
package main
import (
c ""
fileversion ""
func Assert(err error, txt string) {
// so that I don't have to write this every time
// if this was Luau it would probably be worse for performance
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(c.InRed("Error: ") + txt)
type Task struct {
name string
endMillis int64
// For epic logging
var (
list = []Task{}
timeStart = time.Now()
startMillis = timeStart.UnixMilli()
// To wait for all main goroutines to finish
wg sync.WaitGroup
var tasks = []string{
func UpdateTasks() {
// Clear last printed tasks
toPrint := fmt.Sprintf("\033[%dA", len(list))
// Print all tasks, with "Done! ({x}ms)" at the end if they are completed
for _, task := range list {
spaces := 30 - len(
toPrint += c.InBlue("Creating " + c.InUnderline(
if task.endMillis > 0 {
toPrint += strings.Repeat(" ", spaces) + c.InBlackOverGreen(fmt.Sprintf(" Done! (%dms) ", task.endMillis-startMillis))
toPrint += "\n"
func CompleteTask(completedTask string) {
for i, task := range list {
if == completedTask {
list[i].endMillis = time.Now().UnixMilli()
func WriteFile(writer *zip.Writer, pathName string, entryName string) {
file, err := os.Open(pathName)
Assert(err, "Could not read file "+pathName)
defer file.Close()
entry, err := writer.Create(entryName)
Assert(err, "Could not create zip entry "+entryName)
_, err = io.Copy(entry, file)
Assert(err, "Could not copy file "+pathName+" to zip entry "+entryName)
func WriteFolder(writer *zip.Writer, pathName string, entryName string) {
files, err := os.ReadDir(pathName)
Assert(err, "Could not read directory "+pathName)
var newEntry string
if len(entryName) > 0 {
newEntry = entryName + "/"
// Write files to zip entry
for _, file := range files {
if file.IsDir() {
WriteFolder(writer, path.Join(pathName, file.Name()), newEntry+file.Name())
} else {
WriteFile(writer, path.Join(pathName, file.Name()), newEntry+file.Name())
func ZipFromArray(destination string, sources []string, baseDirectory string, isFolder bool) {
defer CompleteTask(destination)
destination = filepath.Join("PrepForUpload", destination)
zipFile, err := os.Create(destination)
Assert(err, "Could not create zip file "+destination)
defer zipFile.Close()
archive := zip.NewWriter(zipFile)
defer archive.Close()
var entryName string
for _, file := range sources {
if len(baseDirectory) > 0 {
entryName = strings.TrimPrefix(file, baseDirectory)
} else {
entryParts := strings.Split(file, "/")
entryName = entryParts[len(entryParts)-1]
pathName := path.Join("staging", baseDirectory, file)
if entryName == "ui" {
WriteFolder(archive, pathName, "ui")
} else if isFolder {
WriteFolder(archive, pathName, baseDirectory+file)
} else {
WriteFile(archive, pathName, file)
func ZipFromFolder(destination string, source string) {
defer CompleteTask(destination)
destination = filepath.Join("PrepForUpload", destination)
zipFile, err := os.Create(destination)
Assert(err, "Could not create zip file "+destination)
defer zipFile.Close()
archive := zip.NewWriter(zipFile)
defer archive.Close()
WriteFolder(archive, filepath.Join("staging", source), "")
func UpdateVersion(task string, newVersion string) {
defer CompleteTask(task)
// Update version.txt with the new version
versionFile, err := os.Create(filepath.Join("setup", "version.txt"))
Assert(err, "Could not create version.txt")
defer versionFile.Close()
fmt.Fprint(versionFile, newVersion)
func CopyLauncher(task string) {
defer CompleteTask(task)
// Copy MercuryPlayerLauncher.exe to setup
launcher, err := os.Open(filepath.Join("staging", task))
Assert(err, "Could not read MercuryPlayerLauncher.exe")
defer launcher.Close()
destination1, err := os.Create(filepath.Join("setup", task))
Assert(err, "Could not create MercuryPlayerLauncher.exe (1)")
destination2, err := os.Create(filepath.Join("PrepForUpload", task))
Assert(err, "Could not create MercuryPlayerLauncher.exe (2)")
defer destination1.Close()
defer destination2.Close()
fv, err := fileversion.New(filepath.Join("staging", "MercuryPlayerLauncher.exe"))
Assert(err, "Could not get file version of MercuryPlayerLauncher.exe")
fileVersion := fv.FileVersion()
// Write version to MercuryVersion.txt
versionFile, err := os.Create(filepath.Join("PrepForUpload", "MercuryVersion.txt"))
Assert(err, "Could not create MercuryVersion.txt")
fmt.Fprint(versionFile, fileVersion)
_, err = io.Copy(destination1, launcher)
Assert(err, "Could not copy MercuryPlayerLauncher.exe to setup")
_, err = io.Copy(destination2, launcher)
Assert(err, "Could not copy MercuryPlayerLauncher.exe to PrepForUpload")
func TexturesHalf(half uint8) []string {
files, err := os.ReadDir("staging/content/textures")
Assert(err, "Could not read directory staging/content/textures")
var filenames []string
for _, file := range files {
if !file.IsDir() {
filenames = append(filenames, file.Name())
if half == 2 {
return filenames[len(filenames)/2:]
return append(filenames[:len(filenames)/2], "ui")
func main() {
fmt.Println(c.InBold("\n -- Mercury Setup Deployer 3: Now with more EVERYTHING! -- \n"))
currentVersion := "none"
// what a great coincidence that the timestamp exactly 16 characters long (or rather will be, for a very very long time)
// also makes it way easier to order the versions in a file explorer than a random string
newVersion := fmt.Sprintf("version-%x", time.Now().UnixNano())
// Get version from setup directory/version.txt
versionFile, err := os.Open(filepath.Join("setup", "version.txt"))
if err == nil {
fmt.Fscanf(versionFile, "%s", &currentVersion)
fmt.Println("Current version is", c.InBlue(currentVersion))
fmt.Println("New version to be deployed will have a version hash of", c.InBlue(newVersion))
fmt.Println(c.InGreen("Now commencing deployment\n"))
// Find if there are any files in the staging directory
stagingFiles, err := os.ReadDir("staging")
Assert(err, "Could not read staging directory. Please create the staging directory if it doesn't exist and place your files in it, or run this script from a different directory.")
if len(stagingFiles) == 0 {
fmt.Println(c.InRed("Error:"), "Staging directory is empty. Please place your files in the staging directory, or run this script from a different directory.")
// Create directories
os.Mkdir("PrepForUpload", os.ModePerm)
// Deferring means we likely don't need to deal with file handles
defer os.RemoveAll("PrepForUpload")
os.Mkdir("setup", os.ModePerm)
// Get all files in the staging directory that end with .dll
dllFiles := []string{}
for _, file := range stagingFiles {
if strings.HasSuffix(file.Name(), ".dll") {
dllFiles = append(dllFiles, file.Name())
for _, task := range tasks {
list = append(list, Task{name: task})
go UpdateVersion(tasks[0], newVersion)
go CopyLauncher(tasks[1])
go ZipFromArray(tasks[2], []string{"Microsoft.VC90.CRT", "Microsoft.VC90.MFC", "Microsoft.VC90.OPENMP"}, "", true)
go ZipFromArray(tasks[3], []string{"MercuryPlayerBeta.exe", "MercuryStudioBeta.exe", "ReflectionMetadata.xml", "RobloxStudioRibbon.xml"}, "", false)
go ZipFromArray(tasks[4], dllFiles, "", false)
go ZipFromArray(tasks[5], TexturesHalf(1), "content/textures", false)
go ZipFromArray(tasks[6], TexturesHalf(2), "content/textures", false)
go ZipFromFolder(tasks[7], "PlatformContent/pc/textures")
go ZipFromFolder(tasks[8], "content/sky")
go ZipFromFolder(tasks[9], "content/fonts")
go ZipFromFolder(tasks[10], "content/music")
go ZipFromFolder(tasks[11], "content/sounds")
go ZipFromFolder(tasks[12], "content/particles")
go ZipFromFolder(tasks[13], "BuiltInPlugins")
go ZipFromFolder(tasks[14], "imageformats")
go ZipFromFolder(tasks[15], "shaders")
// Wait for goroutines to finish
finalPath := path.Join("setup", newVersion)
fmt.Println(c.InYellow("Copying contents of "+c.InUnderline("PrepForUpload")) + c.InYellow(" to "+c.InUnderline(finalPath)))
// Copy all files in PrepForUpload to setup/newVersion
// the slow way, because copying the entire directory at once causes access denied errors
files, err := os.ReadDir("PrepForUpload")
Assert(err, "Could not read temporary PrepForUpload directory")
for _, file := range files {
filename := file.Name()
file, err := os.Open(filepath.Join("PrepForUpload", filename))
Assert(err, "Could not read file "+filename)
defer file.Close()
// Create directories
err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(finalPath, filepath.Dir(filename)), os.ModePerm)
Assert(err, "Could not create directory "+filepath.Join(finalPath, filepath.Dir(filename)))
destination, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(finalPath, filename))
Assert(err, "Could not create file "+filepath.Join(finalPath, filename))
_, err = io.Copy(destination, file)
Assert(err, "Could not copy file "+filename)
fmt.Println(c.InGreen(" ~~~~ Deployment complete!! ~~~~"))
fmt.Println("Took", c.InBold(fmt.Sprint(time.Since(timeStart))), "to deploy")
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