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Created April 25, 2023 20:47
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Lehman factoring Algol implementation from 1974 research paper
comment v0.1, only factors sometimes as of now
comment runs with this compiler:
$ jff-algol Lehman_factor.alg
$ ./Lehman_factor
32639 3
comment Lehman factoring algorithm, Algol code from:;
integer procedure Mod (a, b); value a, b; integer a, b; Mod := a - (a / b) * b;
integer procedure gcd(a, b); value a, b; integer a, b;
begin integer i;
if a < b then begin i := a; a := b; b := i end;
l: i := Mod(a, b); a := b; b := i;
if i != 0 then goto l; gcd := a
end gcd;
integer procedure isqrt(n, u); value n; integer n, u;
begin integer j,j1,j2;
j := if n = 0 then 1 else entier (sqrt(n))+1;
j1 :=j*j - n;
f: if j1 < 0 then
begin j1 := j1+2*j+1; j:=j+1; goto f end;
l: j2:= j1-2*j+1;
if j2 >= 0 then
begin j1 := j2; j:= j-1; goto l end;
isqrt := j; u:= j1
end isqrt;
procedure factor(n, r, f); value n, r; integer n, r, f;
begin integer i, j, p;
integer array c[1 : 8];
boolean array qr[0 : 728];
procedure large(m, mO); value m, mO; integer m, mO;
begin integer i, i1, j, jump, k, s, t, u, x, y; boolean odd;
s := 1; k := mO;
k := k+c[s]; s := if s=m then 1 else s+1;
if k<=r then
x:= isqrt(4*k*n, u); j := (isqrt(n/k,t) - 1) / (4*(r+1));
if Mod(x+k, 2) = 0 then
begin i1 := 1; u := u+2*x+1; x := x+1 end else i1 :=0;
odd := Mod(k, 2) = 1; jump := if odd then 4 else 2;
if odd then
if Mod(k+n, 4) = Mod(x, 4) then
begin i1 := i1+2; u := u+4*(x+1); x := x+2 end
for i := i1 step jump until j+1 do
if qr[Mod (u, 729)] then
y := isqrt(u, t);
if t = 0 then
p := gcd(n, x-y); if p > n/p then p := n/p;
goto exit
comment When a factor p is found, we leave the
procedure by going to exit;
if odd then begin u := u+8*(x+2); x := x+4 end
begin u := u+4*(x+1); x := x + 2 end
goto start
end large;
for i := 0 step 1 until 728 do qr[i] := false;
for i := 0 step 1 until 364 do
begin j := Mod(i*i, 729); qr[j] := true end;
c[1]:= 30;large(1,0);
c[1]:= 48;c[2]:= c[3]:= c[4]:= 24;large(4, -24);
c[1]:= c[2]:= c[4]:= 24;c[3]:= 48;large(4,-12);
c[1]:= c[2]:= c[4]:= 36;c[3]:= 72;large(4, -18);
c[1]:= c[4] := c[6] := 12; c[2] := c[8] := 36;
c[3]:= c[5] := c[7] := 24; large(8, -6);
c[1]:= 4;c[2]:= 2;large(2, -2);
c[1]:= 2;large(1,-1);
comment No factor has been found;
p := 1;
exit: f := p
end factor;
comment transformed;
real procedure nthRoot(A, n, precision);
value A, n, precision; real A; integer n; real precision;
real xk, xd;
integer n1, dummy;
n1 := n - 1;
xk := A / n;
xd := precision + 0.1;
for dummy := 0 while abs( xd ) > precision do
xd := ( ( A / ( xk ** n1 ) ) - xk ) / n;
xk := xk + xd;
nthRoot := xk
end nthRoot ;
integer n, r, f;
n := 257 * 127;
r := entier(0.1 * nthRoot(n, 3, 1e-5));
outinteger(1, n); outinteger(1, r); newline (1);
factor(n, r, f);
outinteger(1, f); newline (1);
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