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Last active February 23, 2024 07:24
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# Thank you for purchasing PINPrompt and I hope you enjoy the plugin!
# If you have any suggestions or need any help please comment in the discussions page!
# Check for plugin updates on startup and every 24 hours?
Update Notify: true
# Enable debug mode for the plugin to see special things.
# WARNING: This can print out alot of debugging info.
Debug Mode: false
# Change how data is saved/managed.
# Valid settings are SQLITE (Local) or MYSQL (Remote)
# If you're unsure what this is or don't have multiple servers, just leave these alone.
# MySQL Settings
Port: 3306
# --- Make sure to create this database manually if not there ---
Database: pinprompt
# Account that has access to read/write to the above database
Username: admin
Password: dbpass123
# Highly recommend keeping this SSL (HTTPS) to true but your host may not allow it yet.
SSL: true
# Don't change unless you know exactly what this is, this is the maxmium amount of connections in the pool that there can be.
Maximum Pool Size: 4
# Timeout for each connection in seconds. I recommend no higher than 15 seconds but no lower than 3 seconds.
Connection Timeout: 5.0
# Change how the PIN inventory works.
PIN Inventory:
# Choose your style.
# This changes the look of the heads in the PIN menu.
# Available styles are: Quartz, Pumpkin, Bloody, Advent, Oak, Plush, Rainbow,
# Stone, White, Golden, Lime, Pink, Purple, Ice, Redstone, Geode, Sculk, Chat & Clean (no visual numbers)
Head Style: Quartz
# Should the PIN heads have 2/3/4 etc. as their amount to display their number value?
Display Number As Amount: false
# Should we show the current PIN input as the inventory title or hide it as '*'
Hide Entered PIN Numbers: false
# Ticks to delay when the inventory opens.
Open Delay: 0
# Change the PIN settings.
PIN Settings:
# The length to use, can be 4-8.
# You CANNOT change this without resetting your player's
# current PINs or they will be locked out forever!
# ^^^^^^^^^ MAKE SURE TO READ THE ABOVE ^^^^^^^^^
PIN Length: 4
# Time in seconds players have to enter the correct PIN or get kicked.
Entry Time: 22.5
# The max attempts a player can have before getting kicked.
Max Attempts: 3
# The length of the ban in seconds when a player entered an incorrect PIN.
# Set to 0 to disable.
Ban Length: 900.0
# Players won't be allowed to make a PIN that is in the blacklist.
- "1111"
- "1234"
# Section for when players get their access to the PIN system revoked.
# What should PINPrompt do to player's PIN data when they have a PIN but no longer have access to the PIN system.
# When players no longer have "pinprompt.force", "pinprompt.command.create" or "pinprompt.command.change" permissions.
Revoked Access:
# If PINPrompt should still ask the players for their PIN.
Ask: true
# If PINPrompt should just remove their PIN data and no longer ask them.
Delete: false
# Should we remember players or always make them enter their PIN on login?
# Should this system enabled?
Enabled: true
# The time in hours to remember the player.
# If the time is 3 then the user only has to login using their PIN every 3 hours.
Time: 24
# If true then the Session Time above only works if their IP is the same as their last time they entered their PIN.
# If the players IP is different then they have to enter their PIN otherwise let them in.
Remember IP: true
# Change the gamemode of a player that is in spectator mode when they login.
# Players cannot click on items when in spectator mode so we are forced to switch them.
Spectator Mode Handler:
# What gamemode to switch the player to when they login and need to enter their PIN.
# What gamemode to switch back to after entering their PIN.
Switch Back: SPECTATOR
# Should PINPrompt send the player to a different server?
# Should this system be enabled?
Enabled: false
# Should we transfer everyone (Players without a PIN) as well?
Everyone: true
# The server to send the player to (Name is same from BungeeCord's config.yml)
Server: "Hub"
# Should PINPrompt teleport the player to a location when they need to enter their PIN?
# Should this system be enabled?
Enabled: false
# The reasons to trigger the teleport, can be:
- CREATION # When the player does the creation command
- CREATION_FORCE # When the player logs in and is forced to create a PIN
- CREATION_CHANGE # When the player wants to change their PIN
- ENTER # When the player needs to enter their PIN from just logging in
- LOCK # When the player locks their account and must enter their PIN before playing again
# Location to teleport the player
# The world and coordinates
World: world
X: 0
Y: 256
Z: 0
Yaw: 0
Pitch: 0
# Events that will be blocked/denied until the player enters their PIN.
# Some of these events may look silly to even block since you can't do them but many hacked
# clients and programs can actually do these, especially move and chat/commands using packets.
PIN Block:
# Moving around.
Move: true
# Interact with buttons, doors, entities etc.
Interact: true
# Teleport.
Teleport: true
# Placing blocks.
Block Place: true
# Destroying blocks.
Block Destory: true
# Take damage.
Take Damage: true
# Deal damage.
Deal Damage: true
# Send chat messages.
Chat: true
# Send commands.
Commands: true
# Entities Targetting the player.
Entity Targetting: true
# Picking up any items.
Picking Up Items: true
# Dropping any items.
Dropping Items: true
# Trying to move/click on any items.
Modify Inventories: true
# The language used in the plugin.
# All messages can be disabled by setting to ""
# Prefix for player chat messages. Set to "" to disable.
Prefix: "&c[PINPrompt] "
# Player chat messages
Set New PIN: "&aYou have set a new PIN."
Correct PIN: "&aYou entered the correct PIN."
PIN Already Created: "&cYou already have created a PIN!"
No PIN Created: "&cYou don't have a PIN, create one!"
Cancelled PIN: "&cCancelled PIN creation/change!"
Removed PIN: "&aRemoved your PIN."
# Player & console chat messages
Getting Player Information: "&aGetting player information..."
Set New PIN Other: "&aSet %player%'s PIN to %newpin%."
Invalid Numbers: "&cYou didn't enter %amount% vaild numbers."
Removed PIN Other: "&aRemoved %player%'s PIN."
Not Banned: "&c%player% is not banned!"
Unbanned Player: "&aUnbanned %player%."
Command Usage:
- "&a/PINPrompt &7- &fShow plugin version and licensed user."
- "&a/PINPrompt Create &7- &fCreate a PIN for your self."
- "&a/PINPrompt Change [player] [PIN] &7- &fChange your own or another player's PIN."
- "&a/PINPrompt Reload &7- &fReload the plugin."
- "&a/PINPrompt Lock &7- &fLock your account so you have to enter the PIN."
- "&a/PINPrompt Remove [player] &7- &fRemoved your own or another player's PIN."
- "&a/PINPrompt Unban [player] &7- &fUnban a player that is banned."
- "&a/PINPrompt Help &7- &fShow this help menu."
# Console chat messages
Player Only Command: "&cThis command is for players only!"
# Player disconnect messages
Incorrect PIN: "&cToo many PIN failures!"
Timeout: "&cToo slow entering your PIN!"
Banned: "&cTemporally banned for too many PIN failures!"
# Inventory titles
PIN Name: "&cEnter your PIN..."
New PIN Name: "&aEnter your &a&lNEW &aPIN..."
PIN Progress Name: "&a&n%number%&r "
# Inventory items
PIN Head Name: "&f&l%number%"
# Player title messages
Set New PIN Title: "&a&lNice!"
Set New PIN Subtitle: "&aNew PIN saved!"
Correct PIN Title: "&a&lCorrect!"
Correct PIN Subtitle: "&aYou may now play! Enjoy!"
# The sounds used in the plugin.
# All sounds can be disabled by setting to "NONE"
Blacklisted PIN: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO:1:0.75
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