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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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-- Prelude 
5 + 2                  == 8
5 * 2                  == 10
5 - 2                  == 3
5 / 2                  == 2.5
( True || False )      == True
( True && False )      == False
not True               == False
succ 'c'               == 'd'
min 4 5                == 4
max 'a' 'z'            == 'z'
div 92 3               == 30
mod 14 5               == 4
[1,2,3] ++ [4,5]       == [1,2,3,4,5]
'a':" long time"       == "a long time"  
"abcdef" !! 2          == 'c'
( [1,2,3] < [1,2,4] )  == True
( "bbc" > "abc" )      == True
( [1,2,3] <= [1,2,4] ) == True
( "bbc" >= "abc" )     == True
( "abc" == "abc" )     == True
(1.0 /= 1.5)           == True 
head [1..]             == 1
tail [1,2,3]           == [2,3]
init [1,2,3,4]         == [1,2,3]
length ['a'..'z']      == 26
null []                == True
reverse [1,2,3]        == [3,2,1]
take 3 [1..]           == [1,2,3]
drop 7 [1..10]         == [8,9,10]
maximum [1,10,2]       == 10
minimum [3,2,4]        == 2
sum [1,10,100]         == 10
product [2,3,4]        == 24
elem 4 [1,2,3,4,5]     == True
take 10 ( cycle "abc") == "abcabcabca"
take 5 ( repeat 'x')   == "xxxxx"
replicate 5 'x'        == "xxxxx"
odd 5                  == True
even 8                 == True
fst (1,'A')            == 1
snd (1,'A')            == 'A'
zip [1..] "ABC"        == [(1,'A'),(2,'B'),(3,'C')]
show 4.25              == "4.25"
(read "4" :: Int)      == 4 
(reads "4kg" :: [(Int,String)])  == [(4,"kg")]
(minBound :: (Bool, Int, Char))  == (False,-9223372036854775808,'\NUL') 
(maxBound :: (Bool, Int, Char))  == (True,9223372036854775807,'\1114111')
fromIntegral (div 5 3) + 1.5     == 2.5 
compare 1 2                      == LT
zipWith (*) [1..3] [10,20,30]    == [10,40,90]
flip (++) "DEF" "ABC"            == "ABCDEF"
map (10-) [1..3]           == [9,8,7]
filter (<3) [1..10]        == [1,2]
takeWhile (/= 'd') "abracadabra" == "abraca"
foldl (-) 10 [1,2]         == 7
foldr (-) 10 [1,2]         == 9
foldl1 (-) [10,1,2]        == 7
foldr1 (-) [1,2,10]        == 9
and [True, False, True]    == False
or  [True, False, True]    == True
scanl (+) 0 [1,2,3]        == [0,1,3,6]
scanr (+) 0 [1,2,3]        == [6,5,3,0]
scanl1 (+) [1,2,3]         == [1,3,6]
scanr1 (+) [1,2,3]         == [6,5,3]
abs (-9)                   == 9
sqrt 9                     == 3.0
negate 3.0                 == -3.0
negate $ sqrt $ abs (-9)   == -3.0
(negate . sqrt . abs) (-9) == -3.0
id "itself"                == "itself"
fmap (+1) [1,2,3]          == [2,3,4]
fmap (+1) (Just 100)       == Just 101
words "I don't like it!"   == ["I","don't","like","it!"]
unwords ["A","big","dog"]  == "A big dog"
lines "\naa\nbb\n"         == ["","aa","bb"]
unlines unlines ["x","y"]  == "x\ny\n"

-- import qualified Data.List as List
List.nub "abracadabra"          == "abrcd"
List.sort [9,8..0]              == [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] "aaabbcca"           == ["aaa","bb","cc","a"]
List.tails [1,2,3]              == [[1,2,3],[2,3],[3],[]]
List.isPrefixOf "Hi" "Hiroshi!" == True
List.any (== 'c') "abcdef"      == True
List.isInfixOf "abc" "xxabcyy"  == True 
List.foldl'                     -- foldl の正格(Strict evaluation)版
List.foldr'                     -- foldr の正格(Strict evaluation)版
List.find (== 0) [1,2,3]        == Nothing
List.delete 'c' "abcabc"        == "ababc"

-- import qualified Data.Char as Char
Char.ord 'A'                    == 65
Char.chr 97                     == 'a'
Char.digitToInt '2'             == 2
Char.toUpper 'a'                == 'A'

-- import qualified Data.Map as Map
Map.fromList [(1,"One"), (2,"Two")]    == fromList [(1,"One"),(2,"Two")]
Map.lookup 2 $ Map.fromList [(1,"A"), (2,"B")] == Just "B"
Map.fromListWith (+) [("A",1),("B",2),("A",3)] == fromList [("A",4),("B",2)]

-- import qualified Data.List as List
Directory.removeFile ファイル名
Directory.renameFile 元の名前 新しい名前

-- import qualified System.Random as Rand
Rand.random 乱数ジェネレーター
Rand.mkStdGen 乱数の種となるInt型の数
Rand.randoms 乱数ジェネレータ
Rand.randomR (下限値,上限値) 乱数ジェネレータ
Rand.randomRs (下限値,上限値) 乱数ジェネレータ
stdGen <- Rand.getStdGen
stdGen' <- Rand.newStdGen

-- データ型
data Bool = True | Flase
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
data Either a b = Left a | Right a

-- IO
-- import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
-- import qualified System.IO as IO
-- import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
-- import qualified System.Environment as Env
putStrLn 文字列            文字列出力+改行
putStr 文字列              文字列出力
putChar 文字               一文字出力
s <- getLine               一行読み込み改行は削除
print 値                   値を文字列化(show)して出力
sequence IOアクションリスト   IOアクションのリストを順に実行結果のリストを返す
mapM IOを返す関数 リスト      mapIO を返す関数版
mapM_ IOを返す関数 リスト     mapM の結果を廃棄する版
Monad.forever IOアクション   IOアクションを永遠に繰り返す
Monad.forM リスト IOアクション  mapM と同じだが引数が逆順
s <- getContents            全部読み込み(遅延評価)
interact 文字列変換関数
fh <- IO.openFile ファイルパス IOモード
IO.hGetContents fh
         ファイルに含まれる内容を結果として返す IO String を返す
IO.hClose fh
         ファイルを閉じる IOアクションを返す
IO.withFile ファイルパス IOモード ファイルをハンドルを受け取って何かする関数
IO.hPutStr fh 文字列
IO.hPutChar fh 文字
IO.hGetChar fh
IO.hGetLine fh 
Io.readFile ファイル名
IO.writeFile ファイル名 文字列
IO.appendFile ファイル名 文字列
IO.openTempFile ディレクトリパス テンポラリファイルの基準名
Ex.bracket リソースの確保を行う リソースを開放する リソースを受け取り何かする
Ex.bracketOnError リソースの確保を行う リソースを開放する リソースを受け取り何かする
progName <- Env.getProgName
args <- Env.getArgs
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