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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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-- Prelude 
5 + 2                  == 8
5 * 2                  == 10
5 - 2                  == 3
5 / 2                  == 2.5
( True || False )      == True
( True && False )      == False
not True               == False
succ 'c'               == 'd'
min 4 5                == 4
max 'a' 'z'            == 'z'
div 92 3               == 30
mod 14 5               == 4
[1,2,3] ++ [4,5]       == [1,2,3,4,5]
'a':" long time"       == "a long time"  
"abcdef" !! 2          == 'c'
( [1,2,3] < [1,2,4] )  == True
( "bbc" > "abc" )      == True
( [1,2,3] <= [1,2,4] ) == True
( "bbc" >= "abc" )     == True
( "abc" == "abc" )     == True
(1.0 /= 1.5)           == True 
head [1..]             == 1
tail [1,2,3]           == [2,3]
init [1,2,3,4]         == [1,2,3]
length ['a'..'z']      == 26
null []                == True
reverse [1,2,3]        == [3,2,1]
take 3 [1..]           == [1,2,3]
drop 7 [1..10]         == [8,9,10]
maximum [1,10,2]       == 10
minimum [3,2,4]        == 2
sum [1,10,100]         == 10
product [2,3,4]        == 24
elem 4 [1,2,3,4,5]     == True
take 10 ( cycle "abc") == "abcabcabca"
take 5 ( repeat 'x')   == "xxxxx"
replicate 5 'x'        == "xxxxx"
odd 5                  == True
even 8                 == True
fst (1,'A')            == 1
snd (1,'A')            == 'A'
zip [1..] "ABC"        == [(1,'A'),(2,'B'),(3,'C')]
show 4.25              == "4.25"
(read "4" :: Int)      == 4 
(minBound :: (Bool, Int, Char))  == (False,-9223372036854775808,'\NUL') 
(maxBound :: (Bool, Int, Char))  == (True,9223372036854775807,'\1114111')
fromIntegral (div 5 3) + 1.5     == 2.5 
compare 1 2                      == LT
zipWith (*) [1..3] [10,20,30]    == [10,40,90]
flip (++) "DEF" "ABC"            == "ABCDEF"
map (10-) [1..3]           == [9,8,7]
filter (<3) [1..10]        == [1,2]
takeWhile (/= 'd') "abracadabra" == "abraca"
foldl (-) 10 [1,2]         == 7
foldr (-) 10 [1,2]         == 9
foldl1 (-) [10,1,2]        == 7
foldr1 (-) [1,2,10]        == 9
and [True, False, True]    == False
or  [True, False, True]    == True
scanl (+) 0 [1,2,3]        == [0,1,3,6]
scanr (+) 0 [1,2,3]        == [6,5,3,0]
scanl1 (+) [1,2,3]         == [1,3,6]
scanr1 (+) [1,2,3]         == [6,5,3]
abs (-9)                   == 9
sqrt 9                     == 3.0
negate 3.0                 == -3.0
negate $ sqrt $ abs (-9)   == -3.0
(negate . sqrt . abs) (-9) == -3.0
id "itself"                == "itself"
fmap (+1) [1,2,3]          == [2,3,4]
fmap (+1) (Just 100)       == Just 101

-- IO
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
getLine :: IO String

-- データ型
data Bool = True | Flase
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
data Either a b = Left a | Right a
:type print                -- print :: Show a => a -> IO ()

-- import qualified Data.List as List
List.nub "abracadabra"          == "abrcd"
List.sort [9,8..0]              == [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
List.words "I don't like it!"   == ["I","don't","like","it!"] "aaabbcca"           == ["aaa","bb","cc","a"]
List.tails [1,2,3]              == [[1,2,3],[2,3],[3],[]]
List.isPrefixOf "Hi" "Hiroshi!" == True
List.any (== 'c') "abcdef"      == True
List.isInfixOf "abc" "xxabcyy"  == True 
List.foldl'                     -- foldl の正格(Strict evaluation)版
List.foldr'                     -- foldr の正格(Strict evaluation)版
List.find (== 0) [1,2,3]        == Nothing

-- import qualified Data.Char as Char
Char.ord 'A'                    == 65
Char.chr 97                     == 'a'
Char.digitToInt '2'             == 2
Char.toUpper 'a'                == 'A'

-- import qualified Data.Map as Map
Map.fromList [(1,"One"), (2,"Two")]    == fromList [(1,"One"),(2,"Two")]
Map.lookup 2 $ Map.fromList [(1,"A"), (2,"B")] == Just "B"
Map.fromListWith (+) [("A",1),("B",2),("A",3)] == fromList [("A",4),("B",2)]
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