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Created November 10, 2021 16:42
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syntax = "proto3";
package pizzatribes;
option go_package = "";
import "education.proto";
import "building.proto";
import "research.proto";
message ClientMessage {
message Tap {
string lotId = 1;
message ConstructBuilding {
string lotId = 1;
Building building = 2;
message UpgradeBuilding {
string lotId = 1;
message RazeBuilding {
string lotId = 1;
message CancelRazeBuilding {
string lotId = 1;
message Train {
Education education = 1;
int32 amount = 2;
message Expand {
message Steal {
int32 amount = 1;
int32 x = 2;
int32 y = 3;
message ReadReport {
string id = 1;
message StartResearch {
ResearchDiscovery discovery = 1;
string id = 1;
oneof type {
Tap tap = 2;
ConstructBuilding constructBuilding = 3;
UpgradeBuilding upgradeBuilding = 4;
Train train = 5;
Expand expand = 6;
Steal steal = 7;
ReadReport readReport = 8;
RazeBuilding razeBuilding = 9;
StartResearch startResearch = 10;
CancelRazeBuilding cancelRazeBuilding = 11;
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