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Hlynsson / gist:a05cbeb670bdb6b31f730f7ed04123d2
Last active February 28, 2018 22:42
Virtual Box compile on Windows 7
Used standard machine: 8GB RAM, 4 x CPU, 512 MB GPU, 50GB SSD. Windows 7. Running as Windows Server 2008 in desktop mode
Installed all Windows updates and restarted
Visit for VC++ 2010 via login to live.
Downloaded Visual Studio Test Professional 2010 web installer (exe)
Custom install for Visual C++, Visual C# and Graphics Libraries only
Started Visual Studio to make sure it launches okay
Restart. Windows pulls some extra patches -> Restart again.
Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 - Web installer complains about .NET 4 RTM version and that it will skip installs so went with offline DVD -> GRMSDKX_EN_DVD.iso
Uninstall .NET
> rm(list=ls())
> someFunction <- function(x) { return(x*someVariable) }
> invisible(compiler::cmpfun(someFunction))
Note: no visible binding for global variable 'someVariable'
# Scoping can be an issue:
> someVariable <- 1
> invisible(compiler::cmpfun(someFunction))
# No more error because of lexical scope, to solve:
> poorMansLibrary <- new.env()
> poorMansLibrary$someFunction <- someFunction
hansi@Hansi:~$ echo "something <- 1:5;save(something,file=\"something.RData\",compress=\"xz\");rm(something);load(‌​\"something.RData\");print(something)" > script.r
hansi@Hansi:~$ Rscript "script.r" > out
hansi@Hansi:~$ cat out
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