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Last active June 24, 2020 08:00
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Custom processor for AutoPkg
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# PatchManager v2.0
# Tony Williams 2020-03-10
# ARW 2020-06-22 Major code clean and refactor
"""See docstring for PatchManager class"""
from os import path
import subprocess
import plistlib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import datetime
import logging.handlers
from time import sleep
import requests
from autopkglib import Processor, ProcessorError
APPNAME = "PatchManager"
__all__ = [APPNAME]
class Package:
"""A package. This exists merely to carry the variables"""
title = "" # the application title matching the test policy
patch = "" # name of the patch definition
name = "" # full name of the package '<title>-<version>.pkg'
version = "" # the version of our package
idn = "" # id of the package in our JP server
class PatchManager(Processor):
"""Custom processor for autopkg that updates a patch policy
and test policy for a package"""
description = __doc__
input_variables = {
"title": {"required": True, "description": "Application title"},
"patch": {"required": True, "description": "Patch name"},
output_variables = {
"patch_manager_summary_result": {"description": "Summary of action"}
pkg = Package()
def setup_logging(self):
"""Defines a nicely formatted logger"""
LOGFILE = "/usr/local/var/log/%s.log" % APPNAME
self.logger = logging.getLogger(APPNAME)
# we may be the second and subsequent iterations of JPCImporter
# and already have a handler.
if len(self.logger.handlers):
ch = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(
LOGFILE, when="D", interval=1, backupCount=7
"%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
def policy(self):
"""Download the TEST policy for the app and return the version string"""
self.logger.warning("******** Starting policy %s *******" % self.pkg.title)
# Which pref format to use, autopkg or jss_importer
autopkg = False
if autopkg:
plist = path.expanduser("~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist")
fp = open(plist, "rb")
prefs = plistlib.load(fp)
self.base = prefs["JSS_URL"] + "/JSSResource/"
self.auth = (prefs["API_USERNAME"], prefs["API_PASSWORD"])
plist = path.expanduser("~/Library/Preferences/JPCImporter.plist")
fp = open(plist, "rb")
prefs = plistlib.load(fp)
self.base = prefs["url"] + "/JSSResource/"
self.auth = (prefs["user"], prefs["password"])
policy_name = "TEST-{}".format(self.pkg.title)
url = self.base + "policies/name/{}".format(policy_name)
self.logger.debug("About to make request URL %s, auth %s" % (url, self.auth))
ret = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth)
if ret.status_code != 200:
"TEST Policy %s not found error: %s" % (policy_name, ret.status_code)
raise ProcessorError(
"Policy get for: %s failed with code: %s" % (url, ret.status_code)
self.logger.debug("TEST policy found")
root = ET.fromstring(ret.text)
self.pkg.idn = root.find("package_configuration/packages/package/id").text = root.find("package_configuration/packages/package/name").text
"Version in TEST Policy %s " %"-", 1)[1][:-4]
# return the version number
return"-", 1)[1][:-4]
def patch(self):
"""Now we check for, then update the patch definition"""
# download the list of titles
url = self.base + "patchsoftwaretitles"
self.logger.debug("About to request PST list %s", url)
ret = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth)
if ret.status_code != 200:
raise ProcessorError(
"Patch list download failed: {} : {}".format(ret.status_code, url)
self.logger.debug("Got PST list")
root = ET.fromstring(ret.text)
# loop through 'patchsoftwaretitles' list to find our title
ident = 0
for ps_title in root.findall("patch_software_title"):
if ps_title.findtext("name") == self.pkg.patch:
ident = ps_title.findtext("id")
self.logger.debug("PST ID found")
if ident == 0:
raise ProcessorError(
"Patch list did not contain title: {}".format(self.pkg.patch)
# get the patch list for our title
url = self.base + "patchsoftwaretitles/id/" + str(ident)
self.logger.debug("About to request PST by ID: %s" % url)
ret = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth)
if ret.status_code != 200:
raise ProcessorError(
"Patch software download failed: {} : {}".format(
self.logger.debug("Got our PST")
root = ET.fromstring(ret.text)
# find the patch version that matches our version
done = False
for record in root.findall("versions/version"):
if self.pkg.version in record.findtext("software_version"):
self.logger.debug("Found our version")
if record.findtext("package/name"):
self.logger.debug("Definition already points to package")
return 0
package = record.find("package")
add = ET.SubElement(package, "id")
add.text = self.pkg.idn
add = ET.SubElement(package, "name")
add.text =
done = True
if not done:
# this isn't really an error but we want to know anyway
# and we need to exit so raising an error is the easiest way to
# do that feeding info to Teams
raise ProcessorError(
"Patch definition version not found: {} : {} : {}".format(
str(ident),, self.pkg.version
# update the patch def
data = ET.tostring(root)
self.logger.debug("About to put PST: %s" % url)
ret = requests.put(url, auth=self.auth, data=data)
if ret.status_code != 201:
raise ProcessorError(
"Patch definition update failed with code: %s" % ret.status_code
self.logger.debug("patch def updated")
# now the patch policy - this will be a journey as well
# first get the list of patch policies for our software title
url = self.base + "patchpolicies/softwaretitleconfig/id/" + str(ident)
self.logger.debug("About to request patch list: %s" % url)
ret = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth)
if ret.status_code != 200:
raise ProcessorError(
"Patch policy list download failed: {} : {}".format(
root = ET.fromstring(ret.text)
# loop through policies for the Test one
pol_list = root.findall("patch_policy")
self.logger.debug("Got the PP list and name is: %s" %
for pol in pol_list:
# now grab policy
self.logger.debug("examining patch policy %s" % pol.findtext("name"))
if "Test" in pol.findtext("name"):
pol_id = pol.findtext("id")
url = self.base + "patchpolicies/id/" + str(pol_id)
self.logger.debug("About to request PP by ID: %s" % url)
ret = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth)
if ret.status_code != 200:
raise ProcessorError(
"Patch policy download failed: {} : {}".format(
# now edit the patch policy
root = ET.fromstring(ret.text)
"Got patch policy with version : %s : and we are : %s :"
% (root.findtext("general/target_version"), self.pkg.version)
if root.findtext("general/target_version") == self.pkg.version:
# we have already done this version
self.logger.debug("Version %s already done" % self.pkg.version)
return 0
root.find("general/target_version").text = self.pkg.version
root.find("general/release_date").text = ""
root.find("general/enabled").text = "true"
# create a description with date
now =" (%Y-%m-%d)")
desc = "Update " + self.pkg.title + now
root.find("user_interaction/self_service_description").text = desc
data = ET.tostring(root)
self.logger.debug("About to change PP: %s" % url)
ret = requests.put(url, auth=self.auth, data=data)
if ret.status_code != 201:
raise ProcessorError(
"Patch policy update failed with code: %s" % ret.status_code
pol_id = ET.fromstring(ret.text).findtext("id")
self.logger.debug("patch() returning pol_id %s", pol_id)
return pol_id
raise ProcessorError("Test patch policy missing")
def main(self):
"""Do it!"""
self.logger.debug("Starting Main")
# clear any pre-exising summary result
if "patch_manager_summary_result" in self.env:
del self.env["patch_manager_summary_result"]
self.logger.debug("About to update package")
self.pkg.patch = self.env.get("patch")
self.pkg.title = self.env.get("title")
self.pkg.version = self.policy()
pol_id = self.patch()
if pol_id != 0:
self.env["patch_manager_summary_result"] = {
"summary_text": "The following packages were sent to test:",
"report_fields": ["patch_id", "title", "version"],
"data": {
"patch_id": pol_id,
"title": self.pkg.title,
"version": self.pkg.version,
print("%s version %s sent to test" % (self.pkg.title, self.pkg.version))
self.logger.debug("Zero policy id %s" % self.pkg.patch)
if __name__ == "__main__":
PROCESSOR = PatchManager()
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