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Created May 24, 2019 05:23
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Demo of a simple custom virtual machine. Presentation available at
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// stack will have fixed size
#define STACK_SIZE 1024
#define DBG if(DEBUG_ENABLED) printf
#define PUSH(vm, v) vm->stack[++vm->sp] = v // push value on top of the stack
#define POP(vm) vm->stack[vm->sp--] // pop value from top of the stack
#define NEXT(vm) vm->code[vm->pc++] // get next bytecode
enum {
Constant = 0, // push constant integer
Add = 1, // int add
Sub = 2, // int sub
Mul = 3, // int mul
LessThan = 4, // int less than
Equal = 5, // int equal
Jump = 6, // branch
JumpIfTrue = 7, // branch if true
JumpIfFalse = 8, // branch if false
LoadArgument = 9, // load function argument at position given in next opcode
Print = 10, // print value on top of the stack
Call = 11, // call procedure
Return = 12, // return from procedure
Halt = 13 // stop program
typedef struct {
int* code; // array od byte codes to be executed
int* stack; // virtual stack
int pc; // program counter (aka. IP - instruction pointer)
int sp; // stack pointer
int fp; // frame pointer (for local scope)
} VM;
VM* vm_new(int* code, // pointer to table containing a bytecode to be executed
int pc) { // address of instruction to be invoked as first one - entrypoint/main func
VM* vm = (VM*)malloc(sizeof(VM));
vm->code = code;
vm->pc = pc;
vm->fp = 0;
vm->sp = -1;
vm->stack = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * STACK_SIZE);
return vm;
void vm_delete(VM* vm){
void op_constant(VM* vm) {
int v = NEXT(vm);
PUSH(vm, v);
DBG("Constant %d\n", v);
void op_add(VM* vm) {
int b = POP(vm);
int a = POP(vm);
int rval = a + b;
PUSH(vm, rval);
DBG("Add %d + %d => %d\n", a, b, rval);
void op_lt(VM* vm) {
int b = POP(vm);
int a = POP(vm);
int rval = (a < b) ? 1 : 0;
PUSH(vm, rval);
DBG("LessThan %d < %d => %d\n", a, b, rval);
void op_sub(VM* vm) {
int b = POP(vm);
int a = POP(vm);
int rval = a - b;
PUSH(vm, rval);
DBG("Sub %d - %d => %d\n", a, b, rval);
void op_mul(VM* vm) {
int b = POP(vm);
int a = POP(vm);
int rval = a * b;
PUSH(vm, rval);
DBG("Mul %d * %d => %d\n", a, b, rval);
void op_eq(VM* vm) {
int b = POP(vm);
int a = POP(vm);
int rval = (a<b) ? 1 : 0;
PUSH(vm, rval);
DBG("Equal %d == %d => %d\n", a, b, rval);
void op_jmp(VM* vm) {
int addr = NEXT(vm);
DBG("%d:\tJump %d\n", addr);
vm->pc = addr;
void op_jmp_eq(VM* vm) {
int addr = NEXT(vm);
int v = POP(vm);
if(v) {
vm->pc = addr;
DBG("JumpIfTrue %d => %d\n", v, addr);
void op_jmp_ne(VM* vm) {
int addr = NEXT(vm);
int v = POP(vm);
if(!v) {
vm->pc = addr;
DBG("JumpIfFalse %d => %d\n", v, addr);
void op_call(VM* vm) {
// we expect all args to be on the stack
int addr = NEXT(vm);
int argc = NEXT(vm);
PUSH(vm, argc);
PUSH(vm, vm->fp);
PUSH(vm, vm->pc);
DBG("Call (addr:%d, argc:%d, fp:%d)\n", addr, argc, vm->fp);
vm->fp = vm->sp;
vm->pc = addr;
void op_lda(VM* vm) {
int offset = NEXT(vm) + 3;
int v = vm->stack[vm->fp-offset];
PUSH(vm, v);
printf("LoadArgument %d => %d\n", offset-3, v);
void op_ret(VM* vm) {
int rval = POP(vm);
vm->pc = POP(vm);
vm->fp = POP(vm);
int argc = POP(vm);
vm->sp -= argc;
PUSH(vm, rval);
void op_print(VM* vm) {
printf("PRINTED: %d\n", POP(vm));
void (*op_handle[])(VM*) = {
op_constant, // Constant = 0,
op_add, // Add = 1,
op_sub, // Sub = 2,
op_mul, // Mul = 3,
op_lt, // LessThan = 4,
op_eq, // Equal = 5,
op_jmp, // Jump = 6,
op_jmp_eq, // JumpIfTrue = 7,
op_jmp_ne, // JumpIfFalse = 8,
op_lda, // LoadArgument = 9,
op_print, // Print = 10,
op_call, // Call = 11,
op_ret // Return = 14,
void vm_run(VM* vm){
int opcode = NEXT(vm); // fetch next instruction
if (opcode == Halt) {
int main() {
const int fib = 0; // address of the fibonacci procedure
int program[] = {
// int fib(n) {
// if(n == 0) return 0;
LoadArgument, 0, // 0 - load first function argument N
Constant, 0, // 2 - put 0
Equal, // 4 - check equality: N == 0
JumpIfFalse, 10, // 5 - if they are NOT equal, goto 10
Constant, 0, // 7 - otherwise put 0
Return, // 9 - and return it
// if(n < 3) return 1;
LoadArgument, 0, // 10 - load last function argument N
Constant, 3, // 12 - put 3
LessThan, // 14 - check if 3 is less than N
JumpIfFalse, 20, // 15 - if 3 is NOT less than N, goto 20
Constant, 1, // 17 - otherwise put 1
Return, // 19 - and return it
// else return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
LoadArgument, 0, // 20 - load last function argument N
Constant, 1, // 22 - put 1
Sub, // 24 - calculate: N-1, result is on the stack
Call, fib, 1, // 25 - call fib function with 1 arg. from the stack
LoadArgument, 0, // 28 - load N again
Constant, 2, // 30 - put 2
Sub, // 32 - calculate: N-2, result is on the stack
Call, fib, 1, // 33 - call fib function with 1 arg. from the stack
Add, // 36 - since 2 fibs pushed their ret values on the stack, just add them
Return, // 37 - return from procedure
// entrypoint - main function
Constant, 6, // 38 - put 6
Call, fib, 1, // 40 - call function: fib(arg) where arg = 6;
Print, // 43 - print result
Halt // 44 - stop program
// initialize virtual machine
VM* vm = vm_new(program, // program to execute
38); // start address of main function
return 0;
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