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Created June 24, 2017 08:40
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Rimworld output log published using HugsLib
Log uploaded on Saturday, June 24, 2017, 10:40:16 AM
Loaded mods:
Core: (no assemblies)
HugsLib[3.1.0]: 0Harmony(, HugsLib(
JecsTools: 0Harmony(, AbilityUser(, CompActivatableEffect(, CompDeflector(, CompExtraSounds(, CompInstalledPart(, CompLumbering(, CompOversizedWeapon(, CompSlotLoadable(, CompToggleDef(, CompVehicle(
EdB Prepare Carefully: EdBPrepareCarefully(
Star Wars - Factions: SWFactions(
Star Wars - Fully Functional Lightsabers: 0Harmony(, SWSaber(
Star Wars - The Force: 0Harmony(, ProjectJedi(
Bone Mod: (no assemblies)
[RF] Fertile Fields [a17]: 0Harmony(, Rainbeau's Fertile Fields(1.0.6377.29822)
Set-Up Camp: Nandonalt_SetUpCamp(
Medical Tab: 0Harmony(, _harmonycheck(, MedicalInfo(
Miscellaneous 'CORE': ColonistKeys(, CommonMisc(
Misc. Incidents: Incidents(, TacticalComputer(
Misc. Weapon Repair: WeaponRepair(
Misc. Objects: Miscellaneous(, WeaponBase(
Wildlife Tab: OmniLocator(
Stack Merger: 0Harmony(, _harmonycheck(, StackMerger(
Feed The Colonists: (no assemblies)
Hand Me That Brick: HandMeThatBrick(
[A17] Trading Spot: TradingSpot(
Allow Tool: $HugsLibChecker(, AllowTool(
Rimsenal: (no assemblies)
Rimsenal - Federation: (no assemblies)
Rimsenal - Feral: (no assemblies)
Rimsenal - Security pack: (no assemblies)
Rimsenal - Storyteller pack: (no assemblies)
Rimsenal - Enhanced Vanilla Pack: (no assemblies)
[A17] RimWorld Minions V4.1: MinionJobs(, MinionsMod(
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering 2.0: (no assemblies)
ExtendedStorageFluffyHarmonised: 0Harmony(, ExtendedStorage(
Humanoid Alien Races 2.0: 0Harmony(, AlienRace(, _harmonycheck(
Orassans: CustomFactionBase(1.0.6329.2500), Orassan(
Orassans (EPOE Patch): (no assemblies)
CK -Tropical Animal and Plant Pack: (no assemblies)
Vegetable Garden : CuprosDrinks(, VGDrinks(
Hospitality: $HugsLibChecker(, Hospitality(
ResearchPal: 0Harmony(, ResearchPal(
Cooks Can Refuel: CooksCanRefuel(
Diesel Generator: (no assemblies)
Storage Search A17: StorageSearch(
RimFridge - A17: RimFridge(
Active Harmony patches:
<GetVerbsCommands>c__Iterator259.MoveNext: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.GetVerbsCommandsTranspiler
AddictionUtility.CanBingeOnNow: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.AddictionUtility_Patch+CanBingeOnNow.Prefix post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CanBingeNowPostfix
AgeInjuryUtility.GenerateRandomOldAgeInjuries: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerateRandomOldAgeInjuriesPrefix
AgeInjuryUtility.RandomHediffsToGainOnBirthday: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.RandomHediffsToGainOnBirthdayPostfix
AttackTargetsCache.Notify_FactionHostilityChanged: post: ProjectJedi.HarmonyPatches.Notify_FactionHostilityChanged_PostFix
Bill.PawnAllowedToStartAnew: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.PawnAllowedToStartAnewPostfix
Building_Bed.GetGizmos: post: Hospitality.Harmony.Building_Bed_Patch+GetGizmos.Postfix
Building_Bed.get_AssigningCandidates: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.AssigningCandidatesPostfix
Building_Bed.set_ForPrisoners: post: Hospitality.Harmony.Building_Bed_Patch+ForPrisoners.Postfix
Building_CrashedShipPart.<TrySpawnMechanoids>m__4A2: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.MechanoidsFixer
CaravanExitMapUtility.CanExitMapAndJoinOrCreateCaravanNow: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CanExit_PostFix
CaravanUIUtility.AddPawnsSections: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.AddPawnsSections_PostFix
CaravanUtility.IsOwner: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.IsOwner_PostFix
Command.GizmoOnGUI: TRANS: AllowTool.Patches.Command_GizmoOnGUI_Patch.DrawRightClickIcon
CompDrug.PostIngested: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.PostIngestedPostfix
Corpse.ButcherProducts: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ButcherProductsPrefix
DamageWorker_AddInjury.FinalizeAndAddInjury: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.FinalizeAndAddInjury_PostFix
DebugWindowsOpener.DrawButtons: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.DebugWindowsOpener_Patch.DrawAdditonalButtons
DefGenerator.GenerateImpliedDefs_PreResolve: post: Fluffy.DefGenerator_GenerateImpliedDefs_PreResolve.Postfix
DefOfHelper.RebindAllDefOfs: post: AllowTool.Patches.DefOfHelper_RebindAll_Patch.HookBeforeImpliedDefsGeneration
Designator.ProcessInput: PRE: AllowTool.Patches.Designator_ProcessInput_Patch.InterceptRightClicksOnSupportedDesignators
Dialog_FormCaravan.CheckForErrors: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CheckForErrors_PreFix
Dialog_Options.DoWindowContents: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.Dialog_Options_Patch.ReplaceModOptionsButton
DrugPolicy.get_Item: post: Hospitality.Harmony.DrugPolicy_Patch+Item.Postfix
EditWindow_Log.DoMessagesListing: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.EditWindow_Log_Patch.ExtraLogWindowButtons
Faction.TryMakeInitialRelationsWith: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.TryMakeInitialRelationsWithPostfix
FactionDialogMaker.OfferGiftOption: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.FactionDialogMaker_Patch+OfferGiftOption.Replacement
FloatMenuMakerMap.AddHumanlikeOrders: post: CompInstalledPart.HarmonyCompInstalledPart.AddHumanlikeOrders_PostFix, CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.AddHumanlikeOrders_PostFix, AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.AddHumanlikeOrdersPostfix
FloatMenuUtility.GetMeleeAttackAction: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.FightActionTranspiler
FloatMenuUtility.GetRangedAttackAction: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.FightActionTranspiler
FoodUtility.ThoughtsFromIngesting: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ThoughtsFromIngestingPostfix
ForbidUtility.CaresAboutForbidden: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.ForbidUtility_Patch+CaresAboutForbidden.Replacement
Game.DeinitAndRemoveMap: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_DeinitAndRemoveMap_Patch.MapRemovalHook
Game.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_FinalizeInit_Patch.WorldLoadedHook
GameInitData.PrepForMapGen: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.PrepForMapGenPrefix
GameRules.DesignatorAllowed: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.DesignatorAllowedPostfix
GenConstruct.CanConstruct: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CanConstructPostfix
GenLeaving.DoLeavingsFor: PRE: RFF_Code.RFF_GenLeaving.DoLeavingsForPrefix
GenStep_Terrain.Generate: post: RFF_Code.RFF_GenStep_Terrain.GeneratePostfix
GenText.AdjustedFor: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenTextAdjustedForPostfix
HealthCardUtility.DrawOverviewTab: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.DrawOverviewTab_PreFix
HealthUtility.GetGeneralConditionLabel: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.GetGeneralConditionLabel_PreFix
ITab_Pawn_Gear.DrawThingRow: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.DrawThingRow_PostFix
ITab_Pawn_Gear.InterfaceDrop: PRE: CompInstalledPart.HarmonyCompInstalledPart.InterfaceDrop_PreFix, Hospitality.Harmony.ITab_Pawn_Gear_Patch+InterfaceDrop.Prefix
ITab_Pawn_Gear.TryDrawAverageArmor: TRANS: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.TryDrawAverageArmorTranspiler
ITab_Pawn_Guest.get_IsVisible: post: Hospitality.Harmony.ITab_Pawn_Guest_Patch+IsVisible.Postfix
IncidentWorker_RefugeeChased.TryExecute: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.IncidentWorker_RefugeeChased_Patch+TryExecute.Replacement
IncidentWorker_WandererJoin.TryExecute: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.IncidentWorker_WandererJoin_Patch+TryExecute.Replacement
InspectGizmoGrid.DrawInspectGizmoGridFor: TRANS: AllowTool.Patches.InspectGizmoGrid_DrawInspectGizmoGridFor_Patch.RegisterRevereseDesignatorCommandPair
JobDriver.get_Posture: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.PosturePostfix
JobDriver_Ingest.ReserveFoodIfWillIngestWholeStack: post: Hospitality.Harmony.JobDriver_Ingest_Patch+ReserveFoodIfWillIngestWholeStack.Postfix
JobDriver_Skygaze.get_Posture: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.PosturePostfix
JobDriver_Wait.CheckForAutoAttack: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CheckForAutoAttackTranspiler
JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.ApparelScoreGain: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ApparelScoreGainPostFix
JobGiver_SatisfyChemicalNeed.DrugValidator: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.DrugValidatorPostfix
JoyGiver_Ingest.CanIngestForJoy: post: Hospitality.Harmony.JoyGiver_Ingest_Patch+CanIngestForJoy.Postfix
LanguageDatabase.SelectLanguage: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.LanguageDatabase_Patch.ForceRestartAfterLangChange
ListerBuildings.Add: post: ResearchPal.ListerBuildingsPatch_Add.Postfix
ListerBuildings.Remove: post: ResearchPal.ListerBuildingsPatch_Remove.Postfix
ListerHaulables.Notify_DeSpawned: post: StackMerger.Notify_DeSpawned.Postfix
ListerHaulables.Notify_Forbidden: post: StackMerger.Notify_Forbidden.Postfix
ListerHaulables.Notify_SlotGroupChanged: post: StackMerger.Notify_SlotGroupChanged.Postfix
ListerHaulables.Notify_Spawned: post: StackMerger.Notify_Spawned.Postfix
ListerHaulables.Notify_Unforbidden: post: StackMerger.Notify_Unforbidden.Postfix
LordToil_PrepareCaravan_GatherAnimals.UpdateAllDuties: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.UpdateAllDutiesTwo_Prefix
LordToil_PrepareCaravan_GatherItems.UpdateAllDuties: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.UpdateAllDuties_PreFix
LordToil_PrepareCaravan_GatherSlaves.LordToilTick: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.LordToilTick_PreFix
MainTabWindow_Research.PreOpen: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ResearchPreOpenPostfix
Map.ConstructComponents: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_ConstructComponents_Patch.MapComponentsInitHook
Map.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_FinalizeInit_Patch.MapLoadedHook
MemoryThoughtHandler.TryGainMemory: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.TryGainMemoryThoughtPrefix
ModContentPack.ToString: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.ModContentPack_Patch+_ToString.Replacement
Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.CanDoNext: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CanDoNextStartPawnPostfix
Page_ModsConfig.PostClose: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.ModsConfig_PostClose_Patch.QuickRestartInDevMode
Pawn.CurrentlyUsable: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CurrentlyUsable_PostFix
Pawn.ExitMap: PRE: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.ExitMap_PreFix
Pawn.GetGizmos: post: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.GetGizmosPrefix, CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.GetGizmos_PostFix, ProjectJedi.HarmonyPatches.GetGizmos_PostFix
Pawn.PostApplyDamage: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.PostApplyDamage_PostFix
Pawn.SetFaction: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetFactionPostfix
Pawn.get_IsColonistPlayerControlled: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.IsColonistPlayerControlled_PostFix
PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GeneratePawnName: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GeneratePawnNamePrefix
PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameToPostfix
PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix
PawnBioAndNameGenerator.TryGiveSolidBioTo: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.TryGiveSolidBioToPrefix
PawnDownedWiggler.WigglerTick: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.WigglerTick_PreFix
PawnGenerator.GenerateBodyType: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerateBodyTypePostfix
PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GeneratePawnPrefix
PawnGenerator.GeneratePawnRelations: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GeneratePawnRelationsPrefix
PawnGenerator.GenerateRandomAge: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerateRandomAgePrefix
PawnGenerator.GenerateTraits: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerateTraitsPrefix TRANS: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerateTraitsTranspiler
PawnGraphicSet.ResolveAllGraphics: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ResolveAllGraphicsPrefix
PawnHairChooser.RandomHairDefFor: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.RandomHairDefForPrefix
PawnInventoryGenerator.GenerateInventoryFor: post: SWSaber.HarmonyPatches.GenerateInventoryFor_PostFix
PawnRelationDef.GetGenderSpecificLabel: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GetGenderSpecificLabelPrefix
PawnRelationWorker_Child.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceChildPostfix
PawnRelationWorker_ExLover.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceExLoverPostfix
PawnRelationWorker_ExSpouse.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceExSpousePostfix
PawnRelationWorker_Fiance.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceFiancePostfix
PawnRelationWorker_Lover.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceLoverPostfix
PawnRelationWorker_Parent.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceParentPostfix
PawnRelationWorker_Sibling.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceSiblingPostfix
PawnRelationWorker_Spouse.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceSpousePostfix
PawnRenderer.DrawEquipment: post: ProjectJedi.HarmonyPatches.DrawEquipment_PostFix
PawnRenderer.DrawEquipmentAiming: PRE: CompInstalledPart.HarmonyCompInstalledPart.DrawEquipmentAiming_PreFix, CompOversizedWeapon.HarmonyCompOversizedWeapon.DrawEquipmentAimingPreFix post: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.DrawEquipmentAimingPostFix, CompDeflector.HarmonyCompDeflector.DrawEquipmentAimingPostFix
PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.RenderPawnInternalPrefix
PawnUtility.ShouldSendNotificationAbout: post: Hospitality.Harmony.PawnUtility_Patch+ShouldSendNotificationAbout.Postfix
Pawn_AgeTracker.BirthdayBiological: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.BirthdayBiologicalPrefix
Pawn_ApparelTracker.Notify_ApparelAdded: post: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.Notify_ApparelAdded_PostFix
Pawn_ApparelTracker.Notify_ApparelRemoved: post: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.Notify_ApparelRemoved_PostFix
Pawn_DraftController.set_Drafted: (no patches)
Pawn_EquipmentTracker.AddEquipment: post: SWSaber.HarmonyPatches.AddEquipment_PostFix
Pawn_EquipmentTracker.Notify_EquipmentAdded: post: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.Notify_EquipmentAdded_PostFix
Pawn_EquipmentTracker.Notify_EquipmentRemoved: post: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.Notify_EquipmentRemoved_PostFix
Pawn_EquipmentTracker.TryDropEquipment: PRE: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.TryDropEquipment_PreFix, CompInstalledPart.HarmonyCompInstalledPart.TryDropEquipment_PreFix
Pawn_GuestTracker.Notify_PawnUndowned: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_GuestTracker_Patch+Notify_PawnUndowned.Replacement
Pawn_GuestTracker.SetGuestStatus: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_GuestTracker_Patch+SetGuestStatus.Prefix
Pawn_HealthTracker.PreApplyDamage: PRE: ProjectJedi.HarmonyPatches.PreApplyDamage_PreFix
Pawn_HealthTracker.ShouldBeDowned: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.ShouldBeDowned_PreFix
Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractRandomly: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_InteractionsTracker_Patch+TryInteractRandomly.Replacement
Pawn_NeedsTracker.ShouldHaveNeed: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_NeedsTracker_Patch+ShouldHaveNeed.Prefix
Pawn_PathFollower.StartPath: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.StartPath_PreFix
Pawn_PlayerSettings.get_RespectsAllowedArea: post: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_PlayerSettings_Patch+RespectsAllowedArea.Postfix
Pawn_RelationsTracker.CompatibilityWith: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CompatibilityWith
Pawn_RelationsTracker.Notify_RescuedBy: post: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_RelationsTracker_Patch+Notify_RescuedBy.Postfix
Pawn_RelationsTracker.SecondaryRomanceChanceFactor: TRANS: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SecondaryRomanceChanceFactorTranspiler
Pawn_StoryTracker.get_SkinColor: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SkinColorPostfix
Pawn_WorkSettings.ExposeData: post: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_WorkSettings_Patch+ExposeData.Postfix
PlayDataLoader.DoPlayLoad: post: HugsLib.Patches.PlayDataLoader_Patch.InitModsHook
RaceProperties.CanEverEat: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CanEverEat
ResearchManager.DoCompletionDialog: PRE: ResearchPal.ResearchManagerPatch_DoCompletionDialog.Prefix
ResearchManager.ResearchPerformed: PRE: ResearchPal.ResearchManagerPatch_ResearchPerformed.Prefix post: ResearchPal.ResearchManagerPatch_ResearchPerformed.Postfix
RestUtility.CanUseBedEver: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CanUseBedEverPostfix, Hospitality.Harmony.RestUtility_Patch+CanUseBedEver.Postfix
ReverseDesignatorDatabase.InitDesignators: post: AllowTool.Patches.ReverseDesignatorDatabase_Init_Patch.InjectReverseDesignators
Root.Update: post: HugsLib.Patches.Root_Patch.UpdateHook
Root_Play.SetupForQuickTestPlay: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.RootPlay_TestPlay_Patch.InjectCustomQuickstartSettings
SituationalThoughtHandler.TryCreateThought: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.TryCreateSituationalThoughtPrefix
SkillRecord.Learn: post: ProjectJedi.HarmonyPatches.Learn_PostFix
SocialCardUtility.GetPawnSituationLabel: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.SocialCardUtility_Patch+GetPawnSituationLabel.Replacement
StartingPawnUtility.NewGeneratedStartingPawn: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.NewGeneratedStartingPawnPrefix
StatExtension.GetStatValue: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.GetStatValue_PostFix
StatWorker.StatOffsetFromGear: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.StatOffsetFromGear_PostFix
StorytellerUtility.DefaultParmsNow: post: ProjectJedi.HarmonyPatches.DefaultParmsNow_PostFix
SymbolResolver_FactionBase.Resolve: PRE: CustomFactionBase.CustomBaseUtility.FactionBasePrefix
SymbolResolver_RandomMechanoidGroup.<Resolve>m__271: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.MechanoidsFixerAncient
Targeter.ProcessInputEvents: PRE: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.ProcessInputEvents_PreFix
Targeter.TargeterUpdate: PRE: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.TargeterUpdate_PostFix
Thing.SetFactionDirect: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetFactionDirectPostfix
Thing.SpawnSetup: TRANS: ExtendedStorage.Patches.Transpiler
Thing.TakeDamage: PRE: CompDeflector.HarmonyCompDeflector.TakeDamage_PreFix, ProjectJedi.HarmonyPatches.TakeDamage_PreFix
Thing.get_DefaultGraphic: (no patches)
ThingWithComps.GetFloatMenuOptions: post: AllowTool.Patches.Thing_GetFloatMenuOptions_Patch.FinishOffWhenDrafted
ThingWithComps.InitializeComps: post: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.InitializeComps_PostFix
ThinkNode_ConditionalColonist.Satisfied: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.Satisfied_PostFix
ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CanGetThoughtPostfix
ThoughtWorker_PrisonBarracksImpressiveness.CurrentStateInternal: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.ThoughtWorker_Patch+PrisonBarracksImpressiveness.CurrentStateInternal
ThoughtWorker_PrisonCellImpressiveness.CurrentStateInternal: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.ThoughtWorker_Patch+PrisonCellImpressiveness.CurrentStateInternal
Toils_LayDown.ApplyBedThoughts: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.Toils_LayDown_Patch+ApplyBedThoughts.Replacement
TraderCaravanUtility.GetTraderCaravanRole: TRANS: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GetTraderCaravanRoleTranspiler
TraitSet.GainTrait: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GainTraitPrefix
UIRoot.UIRootOnGUI: post: HugsLib.Patches.UIRoot_Patch.OnGUIHook
Verb.TryStartCastOn: PRE: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.TryStartCastOnPrefix
Verb_MeleeAttack.DamageInfosToApply: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.DamageInfosToApply_PostFix
Verb_MeleeAttack.GetNonMissChance: post: ProjectJedi.HarmonyPatches.GetNonMissChance_PostFix
Verb_MeleeAttack.SoundHitBuilding: post: CompExtraSounds.HarmonyCompExtraSounds.SoundHitBuildingPrefix
Verb_MeleeAttack.SoundHitPawn: post: CompExtraSounds.HarmonyCompExtraSounds.SoundHitPawnPrefix
Verb_MeleeAttack.SoundMiss: post: CompExtraSounds.HarmonyCompExtraSounds.SoundMissPrefix
Verb_Shoot.TryCastShot: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.TryCastShot_PreFix
WorkGiver_GrowerHarvest.HasJobOnCell: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.HasJobOnCellHarvestPostfix
WorkGiver_GrowerSow.ExtraRequirements: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ExtraRequirementsGrowerSowPostfix
WorkGiver_Researcher.ShouldSkip: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ShouldSkipResearchPostfix
Harmony versions present: com.extendedstorage.patches:, rimworld.erdelf.customBaseUtility:, UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib:, fluffy.medicaltab:, HugsLib.AllowTool:, rimworld.research_engine:, rimworld.jecrell.abilityuser:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.activator:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.slotloadable:, rimworld.jecrell.jedi:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.installedpart:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.oversized:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.deflector:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.sounds:, rimworld.erdelf.alien_race.main:, HugsLib.Hospitality:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.pilotable:, rimworld.jecrell.starwars.lightsaber:, net.rainbeau.rimworld.mod.fertilefields:, rimworld.fluffy.stackmerger:
Platform information: (hidden, hold Shift while publishing to include)
Log file contents:
Initialize engine version: 5.4.1f1 (649f48bbbf0f)
GfxDevice: [Renderer information redacted]
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorld1557Win_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorld1557Win_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorld1557Win_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorld1557Win_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorld1557Win_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorld1557Win_Data\Managed\System.Xml.Linq.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorld1557Win_Data\Managed\NAudio.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorld1557Win_Data\Managed\NVorbis.dll into Unity Child Domain
desktop: 1920x1080 60Hz; virtual: 1920x1080 at 0,0
RimWorld 0.17.1557 rev1146
Extended Storage :: Harmony patch successful (Void SpawnSetup(Verse.Map, Boolean)) Transpiler (gets rid of the unnecessary stack count truncation)
Duplicate code-linked translation key: DeactivatedWarning in language English
Config error in SWFactions_ATATHull: no parts vulnerable to frostbite
Config error in PJ_ATST_Blaster: has a recipeMaker but no costList or costStuffCount.
Config error in PJ_ATAT_Blaster: has a recipeMaker but no costList or costStuffCount.
Config error in PJ_ATST_Blaster: has a recipeMaker but no costList or costStuffCount.
Config error in PJ_ATAT_Blaster: has a recipeMaker but no costList or costStuffCount.
d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=4385 w=127 h=32 mips=8 d3dfmt=21 [invalid call]
ResearchPal :: redundant prerequisites for Orassan exoskeleton the following research: Multi-analyzer
ResearchPal :: redundant prerequisites for Orassan weaponry the following research: Multi-analyzer
switched Powered armor(24) and Multibarrel weapons(22)
switched Charged shot(26) and Multibarrel weapons(24)
switched Multi-analyzer(20) and Gun turrets(14)
switched Gun turrets(20) and Multi-analyzer(14)
switched Multi-analyzer(20) and Gun turrets(14)
switched Gun turrets(20) and Multi-analyzer(14)
switched Multi-analyzer(20) and Gun turrets(14)
switched Gun turrets(20) and Multi-analyzer(14)
switched Multi-analyzer(20) and Gun turrets(14)
switched Gun turrets(20) and Multi-analyzer(14)
switched Multi-analyzer(20) and Gun turrets(14)
switched Gun turrets(20) and Multi-analyzer(14)
[HugsLib] HugsLib.HugsLibController
Hospitality injected.
[HugsLib] v3.1.0 initialized AllowTool, Hospitality
Initiating Rainbeau's Fertile Fields (RFF) detours....
RFF detour of CompRottable.CompTickRare succeeded.
Injector_StorageSearch : Injected
StorageSearch injected.
Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 58 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 10528.
Total: 39.984776 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.428038 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.700015 ms MarkObjects: 38.749863 ms DeleteObjects: 0.106254 ms)
Loading game from file Cat Pot 3 with mods Core, HugsLib, JecsTools, EdB Prepare Carefully, Star Wars - Factions, Star Wars - Fully Functional Lightsabers, Star Wars - The Force, Bone Mod, [RF] Fertile Fields [a17], Set-Up Camp, Medical Tab, Miscellaneous 'CORE', Misc. Incidents, Misc. Weapon Repair, Misc. Objects, Wildlife Tab, Stack Merger, Feed The Colonists, Hand Me That Brick, [A17] Trading Spot, Allow Tool, Rimsenal, Rimsenal - Federation, Rimsenal - Feral, Rimsenal - Security pack, Rimsenal - Storyteller pack, Rimsenal - Enhanced Vanilla Pack, [A17] RimWorld Minions V4.1, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering 2.0, ExtendedStorageFluffyHarmonised, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, Orassans, Orassans (EPOE Patch), CK -Tropical Animal and Plant Pack, Vegetable Garden , Hospitality, ResearchPal, Cooks Can Refuel, Diesel Generator, Storage Search A17, and RimFridge - A17
[AllowTool] Injected 6 designators
Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 18669.
Total: 159.214340 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.734125 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.788524 ms MarkObjects: 156.640045 ms DeleteObjects: 0.051014 ms)
Got ThingsListAt out of bounds: (104, 0, -1)
Spawn group
Mod Check Called
Lightsabers :: Star Wars - Factions Detected.
Lightsabers :: Star Wars - The Force Detected.
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Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
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Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
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Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
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Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Could not reserve Thing_MealFine571281/ for Bobtail doing job Ingest A=Thing_MealFine571281(curToil=0) for maxPawns 1 and stackCount -1. Existing reserver: Minion328909 doing job HaulToCell A=Thing_MealFine571281 B=(128, 0, 54)(curToil=2)
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
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Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
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Slot Loaded
color crystal (blue)
Exception ticking PJ_ForceGhostR572538: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at SWSaber.SaberGlow.PostDestroy (DestroyMode mode, Verse.Map previousMap) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.ThingWithComps.Destroy (DestroyMode mode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Pawn.Destroy (DestroyMode mode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ProjectJedi.PawnGhost.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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Heterochrome started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan537253 jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_Work jobList=(GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan537253) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan537253) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan537253) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan537253) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan537253) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan537253) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan537253) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan537253) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan537253) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan537253) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan537253) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_Work
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Heterochrome started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan570524 jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_Work jobList=(GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan570524) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan570524) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan570524) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan570524) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan570524) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan570524) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan570524) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan570524) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan570524) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan570524) (GuestImproveRelationship A=Thing_Alien_Orassan570524) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_Work
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Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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Tried to add Apparel_ScorcherHelmet570546 to ThingOwner but this thing is already in another container. owner=RimWorld.Pawn_ApparelTracker, other container owner=Verse.Pawn_InventoryTracker
Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Spawn group
Exception in RimWorld.ThinkNode_ConditionalTrainableCompleted TryIssueJobPackage: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
at Verse.EdificeGrid.get_Item (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.GridsUtility.GetEdifice (IntVec3 c, Verse.Map map) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.JobGiver_Mine.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_JobGiver.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority.TryIssueJobPackage (Verse.Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Could not reserve Thing_bowlstew576535/ for Heterochrome doing job Ingest A=Thing_bowlstew576535 B=(129, 0, 55)(curToil=0) for maxPawns 1 and stackCount -1. Existing reserver: Minion12106 doing job HaulToCell A=Thing_bowlstew576535 B=(128, 0, 52)(curToil=2)