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Created August 3, 2018 01:39
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Crouton Card Webcomponent from:
<link rel="import" href=".x./static/common/bower/paper-listbox/paper-listbox.html" onerror="corsLinkOnError(this.href)" />
<link rel="import" href=".x./static/common/bower/polymer/polymer.html" onerror="corsLinkOnError(this.href)" />
<link rel="import" href="crouton-card.htmxl" onerror="corsLinkOnError(this.href)" />
<link rel="import" href=".x./static/common/bower/paper-item/paper-item.html" onerror="corsLinkOnError(this.href)" />
<dom-module id="assim-weekview">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assim-weekview.css" />
<crouton-card color="{{endPointJson.color}}">
<div class="dragger">
<div class="listbox_header">MON</div>
<div class="listbox_header">TUE</div>
<div class="listbox_header">WED</div>
<div class="listbox_header">THU</div>
<div class="listbox_header">FRI</div>
<div class="listbox_header">SAT</div>
<div class="listbox_header">SUN</div>
<template is="dom-if" if="{{info}}">
<i class="info_button fa fa-info-circle" title="info" on-click="_makeToast"></i>
<template is="dom-if" if="{{isDeviceCardLoaded}}">
<i class="close_button fa fa-window-close" title="hide" on-click="_hideCard"></i>
<div class="expand">
<!--ToDo: create wwebcomponents for reused controls - id, selected-values, on-selected-values-changed, items -->
<div class="listbox_container">
<paper-listbox slot="dropdown-content" id="timesMon" multi selected-values="{{selectedValuesMon}}" on-selected-values-changed="checkIfCurrentUpdateDevice">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[itemsDay]]">
<paper-item>[[item.start]] - [[item.end]]</paper-item>
<div class="listbox_container">
<paper-listbox slot="dropdown-content" id="timesTue" multi selected-values="{{selectedValuesTue}}" on-selected-values-changed="checkIfCurrentUpdateDevice">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[itemsDay]]">
<paper-item>[[item.start]] - [[item.end]]</paper-item>
<div class="listbox_container">
<paper-listbox slot="dropdown-content" id="timesWed" multi selected-values="{{selectedValuesWed}}" on-selected-values-changed="checkIfCurrentUpdateDevice">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[itemsDay]]">
<paper-item>[[item.start]] - [[item.end]]</paper-item>
<div class="listbox_container">
<paper-listbox slot="dropdown-content" id="timesThu" multi selected-values="{{selectedValuesThu}}" on-selected-values-changed="checkIfCurrentUpdateDevice">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[itemsDay]]">
<paper-item>[[item.start]] - [[item.end]]</paper-item>
<div class="listbox_container">
<paper-listbox slot="dropdown-content" id="timesFri" multi selected-values="{{selectedValuesFri}}" on-selected-values-changed="checkIfCurrentUpdateDevice">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[itemsDay]]">
<paper-item>[[item.start]] - [[item.end]]</paper-item>
<div class="listbox_container">
<paper-listbox slot="dropdown-content" id="timesSat" multi selected-values="{{selectedValuesSat}}" on-selected-values-changed="checkIfCurrentUpdateDevice">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[itemsDay]]">
<paper-item>[[item.start]] - [[item.end]]</paper-item>
<div class="listbox_container">
<paper-listbox slot="dropdown-content" id="timesSun" multi selected-values="{{selectedValuesSun}}" on-selected-values-changed="checkIfCurrentUpdateDevice">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[itemsDay]]">
<paper-item>[[item.start]] - [[item.end]]</paper-item>
<div class="titleDisplay">{{endPointJson.title}}</div>
(function () {
is: "assim-weekview",
properties: {
endPointJson: {
type: Object,
notify: true
deviceName: {
type: String,
notify: true
endPointName: {
type: String
itemsDay: {
notify: true,
type: Array
// names of arrays so they can be indexed by getDay()
weekdayValues: {
type: Array,
value: [
// ids of listboxes so they can be indexed by getDay()
weekdayListboxes: {
type: Array,
value: [
// selected value arrays used on listboxes
selectedValuesMon: { notify: true, type: Array, value: () => [] },
selectedValuesTue: { notify: true, type: Array, value: () => [] },
selectedValuesWed: { notify: true, type: Array, value: () => [] },
selectedValuesThu: { notify: true, type: Array, value: () => [] },
selectedValuesFri: { notify: true, type: Array, value: () => [] },
selectedValuesSat: { notify: true, type: Array, value: () => [] },
selectedValuesSun: { notify: true, type: Array, value: () => [] },
// used for building listbox arrays
intervalHourIncrement: Number,
intervalHourDivisions: Number,
info: String,
isInternalUpdate: Boolean,
isDeviceCardLoaded: Boolean
observers: [
ready: function () {
var that = this;
// delay state selection because embedded libraries may need to be loaded twice (one with a 404)
setTimeout(function () { that.getSelectionsFromStorage() }, 500);
attached: function () {
this.endPointName = this.endPointJson.endPointName;
if ( { =;
this.mqtt = document.getElementById("crouton-mqtt");
var deviceSelector = "assim-device[id^=crouton-" + this.deviceName + "]";
this.isDeviceCardLoaded = document.querySelector(deviceSelector);
// MQTT values changed event
newValues: function (changeRecord) {//{"value": true}
if (!this.itemsDay) {
return; // initial needs to bypass
var now = new Date();
var nowDayIndex = now.getDay();
var nowDeviceOn = this.endPointJson.values.value;
var nowTimeIndex = this.getIndexForTime(now);
var todaysSelectedStr = this.weekdayValues[nowDayIndex];
var todaysSelectedTimes = this[todaysSelectedStr];
var nowCardOn = todaysSelectedTimes.indexOf(nowTimeIndex) != -1;
if (nowCardOn != nowDeviceOn) {
var todaysListboxStr = this.weekdayListboxes[nowDayIndex];
var todaysListbox = this.$[todaysListboxStr];
this.isInternalUpdate = true;
// get the selection arrays from storage
getSelectionsFromStorage: function () {
var that = this;
["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"].forEach(function (day) {
var dayKey = that.endPointJson.endPointName + "_" + day;
var daySelectedArray = that.getSelectionFromStorage(dayKey);
if (daySelectedArray) {
var dayListbox = that.$["times" + day];
daySelectedArray.forEach(function (index) {
}, this);
// get index of item in list based on passed time
getIndexForTime: function (date) {
var that = this;
var foundIndex = -1;
this.itemsDay.forEach((item, index) => {
var startTime = that.setNewTodayTime(item.start);
var endTime = that.setNewTodayTime(item.end);
if (startTime <= date && date <= endTime) {
foundIndex = index;
return foundIndex;
// derive values used in building arrays from interval_mins in deviceInfo
setIntervals: function () {
var intervalMins = this.endPointJson.interval_mins;
var hoursDecimal = intervalMins / 60;
this.intervalHourIncrement = hoursDecimal < 1 ? 1 : Math.floor(hoursDecimal);
if (hoursDecimal >= 1) {
this.intervalHourDivisions = 1;
} else {
var intervalMod = intervalMins % 60;
var divs5min = intervalMod / 5;
this.intervalHourDivisions = 12 / divs5min;
// build the listbox items array based on the values derived from interval_mins in deviceInfo
buildTimeArray: function (timeArrayString) {
this[timeArrayString] = [];
var mins = 60 / this.intervalHourDivisions;
for (var i = 0; i < 24; i = i + this.intervalHourIncrement) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.intervalHourDivisions; j++) {
var startVal = this.pad(i, 2) + ":" + this.pad((j * mins), 2);
var endVal = "";
var endMins = ((j + 1) * mins);
if (endMins == 60) {
endVal = this.pad(i + this.intervalHourIncrement, 2) + ":00";
} else {
endVal = this.pad(i, 2) + ":" + this.pad(endMins, 2);
var item = { start: startVal, end: endVal };
this.push(timeArrayString, item);
// starts the inteval timer and sends to MQTT status of current time setting every minute
startWatcherLoop: function () { //
var that = this;
setInterval(function () {
var todaysSelectedStr = that.weekdayValues[new Date().getDay()];
var todaysSelectedTimes = that[todaysSelectedStr];
var nowTime = new Date();
var nowIndex = that.getIndexForTime(nowTime);
var isUiOn = todaysSelectedTimes.indexOf(nowIndex) > -1;
that.mqtt.publishMessage("/inbox/" + that.deviceName + "/" + that.endPointName, JSON.stringify({ "value": isUiOn }));
}, 60000); // every minute 60000
// uses todays date but updates time segments from the HH:mm format used
setNewTodayTime: function (timeStr) {
var newParts = timeStr.split(":");
var newHrs = parseInt(newParts[0]);
var newMins = parseInt(newParts[1]);
var newTime = new Date();
return newTime;
// leading zeros fo times
pad: function (n, width, z) {
z = z || '0';
n = n + '';
return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(z) + n;
// change event that checks if the timeslot changed is now, if so send to MQTT; persist to storage
checkIfCurrentUpdateDevice: function (event) {
if (!event.detail.value.indexSplices) return;
var day =, 3);
var daySelectedStr = "selectedValues" + day;
var daySelectedArray = this[daySelectedStr];
var dayKey = this.endPointName + "_" + day;
this.setSelectionToStorage(dayKey, daySelectedArray);
if (this.isInternalUpdate) {
this.isInternalUpdate = false;
// check if selection was today
var now = new Date();
var nowDayIndex = now.getDay();
var nowSelectedStr = this.weekdayValues[nowDayIndex];
if (nowSelectedStr !== daySelectedStr) return; // not today
var isUiOn = event.detail.value.indexSplices["0"].addedCount > 0;
var currentItemIdx = -1;
if (isUiOn) {
currentItemIdx = event.detail.value.indexSplices["0"].object["0"];
} else {
currentItemIdx = event.detail.value.indexSplices["0"].removed["0"];
var nowTime = new Date();
var nowIndex = this.getIndexForTime(nowTime);
if (currentItemIdx == nowIndex) {
this.mqtt.publishMessage("/inbox/" + this.deviceName + "/" + this.endPointName, JSON.stringify({ "value": isUiOn }));
// send notification to device card to hide this card
_hideCard: function (e, detail) {'iron-signal', { name: 'hidecardsignal', data: });
// send notification to crouton-frame.html to show toast
_makeToast: function () {'makeToast', {
duration: 3000,
status: "info-circle"
// set the day selections in storage
setSelectionToStorage: function (dayKey, array) {
var key = this.deviceName + "_" + dayKey;
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(array));
// get the day selections from storage
getSelectionFromStorage: function (dayKey) {
var key = this.deviceName + "_" + dayKey;
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key));
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