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Created April 11, 2020 15:54
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"@ISSOtm what's the hardest part about the lexer [of RGBDS]?"
#define keepOnGetc(var, handle) \
do { \
(var) = fgetc(handle); \
} while ((var) == EOF && ferror(handle) && errno == EINTR)
/* Pointer to chars to inject in lexer input */
static char const *insertPtr = NULL;
/* TODO: this doesn't handle interactive buffers; should it try to? */
* This is responsible for expanding macro args (\1 through \9) and \@.
* This could in theory be done anywhere we read them, *however* `SHIFT` is a
* thing, so we only expand them when there is no other choice.
* TODO: This is probably a large performance penalty and should be removed...
#define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size) \
do { \
assert(max_size > 0); \
int byte; \
if (!insertPtr) { \
keepOnGetc(byte, yyin); \
/* Maybe process macro arg */ \
if (byte == '\\') { \
/* Check which char this is escaping */ \
keepOnGetc(byte, yyin); \
if (byte == '@') { \
insertPtr = macro_GetUniqueIDStr(); \
if (!insertPtr) \
yyerror("Unique label string not defined"); \
} else if (byte >= '1' && byte <= '9') { \
insertPtr = macro_GetArg(byte - '0'); \
if (!insertPtr) \
yyerror("Macro argument '\\%c' not defined", \
byte); \
/* If the escape isn't our job, push it back */ \
} else if (byte != EOF) { \
/* We ever only do one pushback, guaranteeing it */ \
ungetc(byte, yyin); \
byte = '\\'; \
} /* If there is an error or EOF, handle it below */ \
} \
} \
if (insertPtr) { /* Inject chars from the input buf if any */ \
result = musl__strlcpynul(buf, insertPtr, max_size); \
if (result > max_size) { \
result = max_size; \
insertPtr += result; \
} else { /* If the copy finished... */ \
insertPtr = NULL; \
} \
if (result == max_size) \
break; /* Exit now if buffer is full */ \
keepOnGetc(byte, yyin); /* Get a char for below */ \
} else { \
result = YY_NULL; \
} \
if (!insertPtr) { /* If chars remain to be injected, they have priority */ \
if (byte != EOF) { /* Write chars into the buffer */ \
/* YY_NULL is generally 0, but let's be safe */ \
if (YY_NULL != 0 && result == YY_NULL) \
result = 0; \
buf[result++] = byte; \
while (result < max_size) { \
keepOnGetc(byte, yyin); \
if (byte == EOF) \
break; \
if (byte == '\\') { \
ungetc(byte, yyin); \
break; \
} \
if (byte == '\r') \
byte = ' '; \
buf[result++] = byte; \
} \
} \
if (byte == EOF && ferror(yyin)) \
yyerror("Error reading file: %s", \
strerror(errno)); \
} \
} while (0)
// Okay I lied, actually the hardest part is not implemented yet.
// It's to read macro etc. blocks without expanding anything, with the problem of buffer flushes and everything.
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