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Last active July 9, 2024 21:49
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Zero-cost overriding
{-# Language DerivingVia #-}
{-# Language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
-- Some imports and pragmas missing.
import GHC.Generics
import Control.Applicative
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Kind
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Monoid
-- |
-- | Examples
-- |
data Progress = Progress
{ waiting :: Int
, submitted :: Int
, started :: Int
, finished :: Int
, retried :: Int
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic)
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)
via Overriding Progress '[ '[Sum Int, Sum Int, Sum Int, Sum Int, Sum Int] ]
data Misc a = Misc
{ one :: Int
, two :: Bool -> Bool
, three :: a
deriving stock Generic
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)
via Overriding (Misc a)
'[ '[Sum Int, Endo Bool, Sum a] ]
-- |
-- | Over-riding the Generic Rep, with SOP-style Code.
-- |
type Override :: Type -> Code -> Type
newtype Override a code = Override { getOverride :: a }
instance (Generic a, forall x. CoercibleRep code a x) => Generic (Override a code) where
type Rep (Override a code) = Apply code (Rep a)
from :: forall x. Override a code -> Apply code (Rep a) x
from = go . from . getOverride where
go :: CoercibleRep code a x => Rep a x -> Apply code (Rep a) x
go = coerce
to :: forall x. Apply code (Rep a) x -> Override a code
to = Override . to . go where
go :: CoercibleRep code a x => Apply code (Rep a) x -> Rep a x
go = coerce
type Overriding :: Type -> Code -> Type
type Overriding a code = Generically (Override a code)
type Code :: Type
type Code = [[Type]]
Count :: (k -> Type) -> Nat
type family
Count rep where
Count U1 = 0
Count (S1 meta rep) = 1
Count (rep :*: rep1) = Count rep + Count rep1
Take :: Nat -> [k] -> [k]
type family
Take n as where
Take 0 _ = '[]
Take n '[] = '[]
Take n (a:as) = a : Take (n - 1) as
Drop :: Nat -> [k] -> [k]
type family
Drop n as where
Drop 0 as = as
Drop n '[] = '[]
Drop n (_:as) = Drop (n - 1) as
Apply :: Code -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
type family
Apply code rep where
Apply code (D1 meta rep) = D1 meta (Apply code rep)
-- | The interesting cases are the binary constructors. The
-- structure of a Generic Rep is not necessarily linear, it can
-- nest.
-- data X a = X -- U1
-- data X a = X a -- a
-- data X a = X a a -- a :*: a
-- data X a = X a a a -- a :*: (a :*: a)
-- data X a = X a a a a -- (a :*: a) :*: (a :*: a)
-- data X a = X a a a a a -- (a :*: a) :*: (a :*: (a :*: a))
-- Passing the constructor code '[x,y,z,j,i] doesn't know how many
-- fields the LHS takes versus the RHS, so we Count the number of
-- fields and split the Code the gets passed to the first and second argument.
-- code
-- = [x, y, z, j, i ]
-- take n code drop n code
-- = [x, y] = [z, j, i ]
-- ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-- (a :+: a) :*: (a :+: (a :+: a))
Apply code (rep :+: rep1) = Apply (Take (Count rep) code) rep :+: Apply (Drop (Count rep) code) rep1
Apply '[] V1 = V1
Apply '[constr] (C1 meta rep) = C1 meta (ApplyConstr constr rep)
ApplyConstr :: [Type] -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
type family
ApplyConstr constr rep where
ApplyConstr constr (rep :*: rep1) =
ApplyConstr (Take (Count rep) constr) rep :*: ApplyConstr (Drop (Count rep) constr) rep1
ApplyConstr '[] U1 = U1
ApplyConstr '[val] (S1 meta rep) = S1 meta (ApplyValue val rep)
ApplyValue :: Type -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
type family
ApplyValue val rep where
ApplyValue val (Rec0 _) = Rec0 val
class Coercible (Rep a x) (Apply code (Rep a) x) => CoercibleRep code a x
instance Coercible (Rep a x) (Apply code (Rep a) x) => CoercibleRep code a x
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